By hsmartin - 10/12/2022
Thanks so much for your help with earlier questions. I noticed our Inquisit pages with radio buttons have the bottom of the text (before the buttons) getting cut off. I've attached an example here. It's a super minor detail, but as you can see, the bottom of the p, y, and g got cut off in the line "probably got them sick." Any ideas how we can fix this? I've tried making changes to the sizing, position, and font style, but I might be doing it incorrectly. Any help would be super appreciated! We've noticed this small issue on all of our slides with radio buttons.
Here are the relevant parts of the script for the example above:
<radiobuttons Responrating1B> / caption = "The following afternoon when you talk to your friend you feel badly because you think you probably got them sick." / options=("Very Different in Meaning"; "Different in Meaning"; "Similar in Meaning"; "Very Similar in Meaning") / optionvalues=("1", "2", "3", "4") / required = true </radiobuttons>
<surveypage Responratings1B> / caption = "THE COLD" / questions = [1-4=random(Responrating1B)] / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false / itemspacing = 1px </surveypage>
Thanks so much!
By Dave - 10/12/2022
+xHi! Thanks so much for your help with earlier questions. I noticed our Inquisit pages with radio buttons have the bottom of the text (before the buttons) getting cut off. I've attached an example here. It's a super minor detail, but as you can see, the bottom of the p, y, and g got cut off in the line "probably got them sick." Any ideas how we can fix this? I've tried making changes to the sizing, position, and font style, but I might be doing it incorrectly. Any help would be super appreciated! We've noticed this small issue on all of our slides with radio buttons. Here are the relevant parts of the script for the example above: <radiobuttons Responrating1B> / caption = "The following afternoon when you talk to your friend you feel badly because you think you probably got them sick." / options=("Very Different in Meaning"; "Different in Meaning"; "Similar in Meaning"; "Very Similar in Meaning") / optionvalues=("1", "2", "3", "4") / required = true </radiobuttons> <surveypage Responratings1B> / caption = "THE COLD" / questions = [1-4=random(Responrating1B)] / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false / itemspacing = 1px </surveypage> Thanks so much! That code snippet isn't really useful without the other relevant parts that affect available screen estate (e.g. what are the /canvassize, settings in <defaults>, what are the <survey>-level settings, etc.). When I run just the code you've given me, nothing is cut off, but that's obviously because relevant information is missing.
One easy fix you can try is to insert a blank /subcaption as a spacer:
<radiobuttons Responrating1B> / caption = "The following afternoon when you talk to your friend you feel badly because you think you probably got them sick." / subcaption = " " / subcaptionfontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 1%) / options=("Very Different in Meaning"; "Different in Meaning"; "Similar in Meaning"; "Very Similar in Meaning") / optionvalues=("1", "2", "3", "4") / required = true </radiobuttons>
By hsmartin - 10/13/2022
+x+xHi! Thanks so much for your help with earlier questions. I noticed our Inquisit pages with radio buttons have the bottom of the text (before the buttons) getting cut off. I've attached an example here. It's a super minor detail, but as you can see, the bottom of the p, y, and g got cut off in the line "probably got them sick." Any ideas how we can fix this? I've tried making changes to the sizing, position, and font style, but I might be doing it incorrectly. Any help would be super appreciated! We've noticed this small issue on all of our slides with radio buttons. Here are the relevant parts of the script for the example above: <radiobuttons Responrating1B> / caption = "The following afternoon when you talk to your friend you feel badly because you think you probably got them sick." / options=("Very Different in Meaning"; "Different in Meaning"; "Similar in Meaning"; "Very Similar in Meaning") / optionvalues=("1", "2", "3", "4") / required = true </radiobuttons> <surveypage Responratings1B> / caption = "THE COLD" / questions = [1-4=random(Responrating1B)] / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false / itemspacing = 1px </surveypage> Thanks so much! That code snippet isn't really useful without the other relevant parts that affect available screen estate (e.g. what are the /canvassize, settings in <defaults>, what are the <survey>-level settings, etc.). When I run just the code you've given me, nothing is cut off, but that's obviously because relevant information is missing. One easy fix you can try is to insert a blank /subcaption as a spacer: <radiobuttons Responrating1B> / caption = "The following afternoon when you talk to your friend you feel badly because you think you probably got them sick." / subcaption = " " / subcaptionfontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 1%)/ options=("Very Different in Meaning"; "Different in Meaning"; "Similar in Meaning"; "Very Similar in Meaning") / optionvalues=("1", "2", "3", "4") / required = true </radiobuttons> Hi Dave,
Thanks so much for your response. Unfortunately, adding the line in the subcaption didn't seem to fix it. Any other ideas? I've attached more of my code here in case it helps! Thank you so much again.
<defaults> / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, false, false, false) / txcolor = (white) / screencolor = black / canvassize = (100%, 100%) </defaults> **********************************DATA SPECIFICATIONS************************** <text error> / items = ("X") / color = (255, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 20%) numitems = 1 / </text> <data> / columns = (subject date time build blocknum blockcode trialcode trialnum stimulus response latency correct response correct script.elapsedtime) </data> ***************************************************************************** <text reminder1> / numitems = 1 / items = ("Please type the missing letter.") / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7.5%, false, true, false, false, 5, 0) / size = (95%, 50%) / position = (50%, 80%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white </text>
<text reminder2> / numitems = 1 / items = ("Please answer based on the previous scenario. ") / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, true, false, false, 5, 0) / size = (80%, 12%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white </text>
<page pretraining1> PRACTICE SESSION INSTRUCTIONS: There will be word fragments to complete; you will need to type the correct missing letter. </page> … ************************************************************************* <block practice> / preinstructions = (pretraining1, pretraining2) / trials = [1-3 = random(practicescenarios1, practicescenarios2, practicescenarios3)] </block> ************************************************************************* SUDS ************************************************************************* <slider sliderSUDS> / caption = "How anxious do you feel right now on a scale from: 0 (Not at all anxious) to 100 (Most Anxious)? Please move the slider to respond." / range = (0,100) / position = (0, 25) / slidersize = (80%, 10%) / required = true / labels=("0","25","50","75","100") / defaultresponse = "0" </slider>
<surveypage surveySUDS> / questions = [1=sliderSUDS] / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false </surveypage>
<block SUDS> / trials = [1=surveySUDS] </block>
************************************************************************* IMAGES ************************************************************************* <page IAPSinstruct> ^^ In this next task, you will rate a series of images on how pleasant they are from 1 to 5. </page>
<trial IAPS> / stimulusframes = [1=IAPS, likertlabel] / inputdevice=keyboard / correctresponse = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5") / validresponse = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5") / response = correct </trial>
<item likertlabel> /1 = "(Very Unpleasant) 1 2 3 4 5 (Very Pleasant)" </item>
<text likertlabel> / items = likertlabel / halign = center / position = (50%, 5%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) </text>
<picture IAPS> /numitems = 60 / items = NeutralIAPS / size = (80%, 80%) </picture>
*********************************************************************** PRACTICE SCENARIOS *********************************************************************** <text practicescenarios1> / items = ("PRACTICE SESSION: You decide to go to the movies with your friends. You get to the theater and there is a long line. Because of the line, you are l_te. ") / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white / size = (94%, 1%) / position = (50%, 0%) / hjustify = left / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / numitems = 1 </text>
<text compquestionpracticescenarios1> / items = ("Did you make it to the movie on time?") / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / numitems=1 </text>
<openended practicescenarios1> / stimulusframes = [1=practicescenarios1, reminder1] / beginresponsetime = 7000 / mask = alphabetic / charlimit = 1 / correctresponse = ("a") / responsetrial = ("a", compquestionpracticescenarios1) / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct / size = (1%, 1%) / position = (50%, 75%) </openended>
<trial compquestionpracticescenarios1> / stimulusframes = [1=compquestionpracticescenarios1, reminder2] / correctresponse = ("n") / validresponse = ("y", "n") / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct </trial> … *********************************************************************** RECOGNITION RATINGS *********************************************************************** <text ImportRecogscenario1> / items = ("THE TABOO THOUGHT: Unexpectedly, a taboo thought about your friend pops into your mind. You wonder whether it says anything about who you are as a per_on. ") / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = (white) / size = (94%, 0%) / position = (50%, 0%) / hjustify = left / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%) / numitems = 1 </text>
<text compquestionImportRecogscenario1> / items = ("Are you talking with your mom on the phone?") / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = (white) / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%) / hjustify = center / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / numitems = 1 </text>
<openended ImportRecogscenario1> / stimulusframes = [1=ImportRecogscenario1] / beginresponsetime = 7000 / mask = alphabetic / charlimit = 1 / size = (12%, 12%) / position = (50%, 75%) / correctresponse = ("s") / responsetrial = ("s", compquestionImportRecogscenario1) / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct </openended>
<trial compquestionImportRecogscenario1> / stimulusframes = [1=compquestionImportRecogscenario1, reminder2] / correctresponse = ("n") / validresponse = ("y", "n") / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct </trial> …. ************************************************************************************** RECOGNITION RATINGS RADIOBUTTONS ************************************************************************************** <radiobuttons Controlrating1A> / caption = "As thoughts about the interview pop into your mind, you realize that controlling all of them won’t matter for whether or not you get the job." / options=("Very Different in Meaning"; "Different in Meaning"; "Similar in Meaning"; "Very Similar in Meaning") / optionvalues=("1", "2", "3", "4") / required = true </radiobuttons> … ************************************************************************************** Recognition Ratings Survey Pages ************************************************************************************** <surveypage Responratings1A> / caption = "THE COLD" / questions = [1-4=random(Responrating1A)] / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false / itemspacing = 1px </surveypage> … ************************************************************************* <block Recogscenarios> / preinstructions = (recognitionscenarios1) / trials = [1-12 = random (ImportRecogscenario1, UncertRecogscenario1, ControlRecogscenario1, PerfRecogscenario1, ThreatRecogscenario1, ResponRecogscenario1 ImportRecogscenario2, UncertRecogscenario2, ControlRecogscenario2, PerfRecogscenario2, ThreatRecogscenario2, ResponRecogscenario2)] / branch = [block.IAPS] </block>
<text info> / items = ("word <%block.Recogscenarios%> of <%block.Recogscenarios.totalcount%>") / position = (50%, 10%) / size = (20%, 10%) / erase = false </text> ************************************************************************* <block IAPS> / preinstructions = (IAPSinstruct) / bgstim = (likertlabel) / trials = [1-60 = noreplace(IAPS)] / branch = [block.Recogratings] </block> ******************************************************************************** <block Recogratings> / preinstructions = (recognitionscenarios2, recognitionscenarios3) /trials = [1-48 = random(Importratings1A, Importratings1B, Importratings1C, Importratings1D, Uncertratings1A, Uncertratings1B, Uncertratings1C, Uncertratings1D, Controlratings1A, Controlratings1B, Controlratings1C, Controlratings1D, Perfratings1A, Perfratings1B, Perfratings1C, Perfratings1D, Threatratings1A, Threatratings1B, Threatratings1C, Threatratings1C, Threatratings1D, Responratings1A, Responratings1B, Responratings1C, Responratings1D, Importratings2A, Importratings2B, Importratings2C, Importratings2D,Uncertratings2A, Uncertratings2B, Uncertratings2C, Uncertratings2D, Controlratings2A, Controlratings2B, Controlratings2C, Controlratings2D, Perfratings2A, Perfratings2B, Perfratings2C, Perfratings2D, Threatratings2A, Threatratings2B, Threatratings2C, Threatratings2D, Responratings2A, Responratings2B, Responratings2C, Responratings2D)] </block> ******************************************************************************** <instruct> / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7.0%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / txcolor = (white) / screencolor = black / lastlabel = "Continue" </instruct> ****************************************************************************** <expt> / blocks = [1=practice; 2, 4=SUDS; 3=noreplace(RecogScenarios)] / postinstructions = (end) </expt>
By Dave - 10/13/2022
+x+x+xHi! Thanks so much for your help with earlier questions. I noticed our Inquisit pages with radio buttons have the bottom of the text (before the buttons) getting cut off. I've attached an example here. It's a super minor detail, but as you can see, the bottom of the p, y, and g got cut off in the line "probably got them sick." Any ideas how we can fix this? I've tried making changes to the sizing, position, and font style, but I might be doing it incorrectly. Any help would be super appreciated! We've noticed this small issue on all of our slides with radio buttons. Here are the relevant parts of the script for the example above: <radiobuttons Responrating1B> / caption = "The following afternoon when you talk to your friend you feel badly because you think you probably got them sick." / options=("Very Different in Meaning"; "Different in Meaning"; "Similar in Meaning"; "Very Similar in Meaning") / optionvalues=("1", "2", "3", "4") / required = true </radiobuttons> <surveypage Responratings1B> / caption = "THE COLD" / questions = [1-4=random(Responrating1B)] / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false / itemspacing = 1px </surveypage> Thanks so much! That code snippet isn't really useful without the other relevant parts that affect available screen estate (e.g. what are the /canvassize, settings in <defaults>, what are the <survey>-level settings, etc.). When I run just the code you've given me, nothing is cut off, but that's obviously because relevant information is missing. One easy fix you can try is to insert a blank /subcaption as a spacer: <radiobuttons Responrating1B> / caption = "The following afternoon when you talk to your friend you feel badly because you think you probably got them sick." / subcaption = " " / subcaptionfontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 1%)/ options=("Very Different in Meaning"; "Different in Meaning"; "Similar in Meaning"; "Very Similar in Meaning") / optionvalues=("1", "2", "3", "4") / required = true </radiobuttons> Hi Dave, Thanks so much for your response. Unfortunately, adding the line in the subcaption didn't seem to fix it. Any other ideas? I've attached more of my code here in case it helps! Thank you so much again. <defaults> / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, false, false, false) / txcolor = (white) / screencolor = black / canvassize = (100%, 100%) </defaults> **********************************DATA SPECIFICATIONS************************** <text error> / items = ("X") / color = (255, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 20%) numitems = 1 / </text> <data> / columns = (subject date time build blocknum blockcode trialcode trialnum stimulus response latency correct response correct script.elapsedtime) </data> ***************************************************************************** <text reminder1> / numitems = 1 / items = ("Please type the missing letter.") / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7.5%, false, true, false, false, 5, 0) / size = (95%, 50%) / position = (50%, 80%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white </text>
<text reminder2> / numitems = 1 / items = ("Please answer based on the previous scenario. ") / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, true, false, false, 5, 0) / size = (80%, 12%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white </text>
<page pretraining1> PRACTICE SESSION INSTRUCTIONS: There will be word fragments to complete; you will need to type the correct missing letter. </page> … ************************************************************************* <block practice> / preinstructions = (pretraining1, pretraining2) / trials = [1-3 = random(practicescenarios1, practicescenarios2, practicescenarios3)] </block> ************************************************************************* SUDS ************************************************************************* <slider sliderSUDS> / caption = "How anxious do you feel right now on a scale from: 0 (Not at all anxious) to 100 (Most Anxious)? Please move the slider to respond." / range = (0,100) / position = (0, 25) / slidersize = (80%, 10%) / required = true / labels=("0","25","50","75","100") / defaultresponse = "0" </slider>
<surveypage surveySUDS> / questions = [1=sliderSUDS] / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false </surveypage>
<block SUDS> / trials = [1=surveySUDS] </block>
************************************************************************* IMAGES ************************************************************************* <page IAPSinstruct> ^^ In this next task, you will rate a series of images on how pleasant they are from 1 to 5. </page>
<trial IAPS> / stimulusframes = [1=IAPS, likertlabel] / inputdevice=keyboard / correctresponse = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5") / validresponse = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5") / response = correct </trial>
<item likertlabel> /1 = "(Very Unpleasant) 1 2 3 4 5 (Very Pleasant)" </item>
<text likertlabel> / items = likertlabel / halign = center / position = (50%, 5%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) </text>
<picture IAPS> /numitems = 60 / items = NeutralIAPS / size = (80%, 80%) </picture>
*********************************************************************** PRACTICE SCENARIOS *********************************************************************** <text practicescenarios1> / items = ("PRACTICE SESSION: You decide to go to the movies with your friends. You get to the theater and there is a long line. Because of the line, you are l_te. ") / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white / size = (94%, 1%) / position = (50%, 0%) / hjustify = left / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / numitems = 1 </text>
<text compquestionpracticescenarios1> / items = ("Did you make it to the movie on time?") / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / numitems=1 </text>
<openended practicescenarios1> / stimulusframes = [1=practicescenarios1, reminder1] / beginresponsetime = 7000 / mask = alphabetic / charlimit = 1 / correctresponse = ("a") / responsetrial = ("a", compquestionpracticescenarios1) / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct / size = (1%, 1%) / position = (50%, 75%) </openended>
<trial compquestionpracticescenarios1> / stimulusframes = [1=compquestionpracticescenarios1, reminder2] / correctresponse = ("n") / validresponse = ("y", "n") / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct </trial> … *********************************************************************** RECOGNITION RATINGS *********************************************************************** <text ImportRecogscenario1> / items = ("THE TABOO THOUGHT: Unexpectedly, a taboo thought about your friend pops into your mind. You wonder whether it says anything about who you are as a per_on. ") / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = (white) / size = (94%, 0%) / position = (50%, 0%) / hjustify = left / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%) / numitems = 1 </text>
<text compquestionImportRecogscenario1> / items = ("Are you talking with your mom on the phone?") / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = (white) / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%) / hjustify = center / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / numitems = 1 </text>
<openended ImportRecogscenario1> / stimulusframes = [1=ImportRecogscenario1] / beginresponsetime = 7000 / mask = alphabetic / charlimit = 1 / size = (12%, 12%) / position = (50%, 75%) / correctresponse = ("s") / responsetrial = ("s", compquestionImportRecogscenario1) / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct </openended>
<trial compquestionImportRecogscenario1> / stimulusframes = [1=compquestionImportRecogscenario1, reminder2] / correctresponse = ("n") / validresponse = ("y", "n") / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct </trial> …. ************************************************************************************** RECOGNITION RATINGS RADIOBUTTONS ************************************************************************************** <radiobuttons Controlrating1A> / caption = "As thoughts about the interview pop into your mind, you realize that controlling all of them won’t matter for whether or not you get the job." / options=("Very Different in Meaning"; "Different in Meaning"; "Similar in Meaning"; "Very Similar in Meaning") / optionvalues=("1", "2", "3", "4") / required = true </radiobuttons> … ************************************************************************************** Recognition Ratings Survey Pages ************************************************************************************** <surveypage Responratings1A> / caption = "THE COLD" / questions = [1-4=random(Responrating1A)] / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false / itemspacing = 1px </surveypage> … ************************************************************************* <block Recogscenarios> / preinstructions = (recognitionscenarios1) / trials = [1-12 = random (ImportRecogscenario1, UncertRecogscenario1, ControlRecogscenario1, PerfRecogscenario1, ThreatRecogscenario1, ResponRecogscenario1 ImportRecogscenario2, UncertRecogscenario2, ControlRecogscenario2, PerfRecogscenario2, ThreatRecogscenario2, ResponRecogscenario2)] / branch = [block.IAPS] </block>
<text info> / items = ("word <%block.Recogscenarios%> of <%block.Recogscenarios.totalcount%>") / position = (50%, 10%) / size = (20%, 10%) / erase = false </text> ************************************************************************* <block IAPS> / preinstructions = (IAPSinstruct) / bgstim = (likertlabel) / trials = [1-60 = noreplace(IAPS)] / branch = [block.Recogratings] </block> ******************************************************************************** <block Recogratings> / preinstructions = (recognitionscenarios2, recognitionscenarios3) /trials = [1-48 = random(Importratings1A, Importratings1B, Importratings1C, Importratings1D, Uncertratings1A, Uncertratings1B, Uncertratings1C, Uncertratings1D, Controlratings1A, Controlratings1B, Controlratings1C, Controlratings1D, Perfratings1A, Perfratings1B, Perfratings1C, Perfratings1D, Threatratings1A, Threatratings1B, Threatratings1C, Threatratings1C, Threatratings1D, Responratings1A, Responratings1B, Responratings1C, Responratings1D, Importratings2A, Importratings2B, Importratings2C, Importratings2D,Uncertratings2A, Uncertratings2B, Uncertratings2C, Uncertratings2D, Controlratings2A, Controlratings2B, Controlratings2C, Controlratings2D, Perfratings2A, Perfratings2B, Perfratings2C, Perfratings2D, Threatratings2A, Threatratings2B, Threatratings2C, Threatratings2D, Responratings2A, Responratings2B, Responratings2C, Responratings2D)] </block> ******************************************************************************** <instruct> / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7.0%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / txcolor = (white) / screencolor = black / lastlabel = "Continue" </instruct> ****************************************************************************** <expt> / blocks = [1=practice; 2, 4=SUDS; 3=noreplace(RecogScenarios)] / postinstructions = (end) </expt> Perhaps you could provide code that actually runs? That would be helpful. What you've posted cannot even be parsed because most of the referenced stuff is missing.
Also missing are any files that code requires to work.
By Dave - 10/13/2022
+x+x+x+xHi! Thanks so much for your help with earlier questions. I noticed our Inquisit pages with radio buttons have the bottom of the text (before the buttons) getting cut off. I've attached an example here. It's a super minor detail, but as you can see, the bottom of the p, y, and g got cut off in the line "probably got them sick." Any ideas how we can fix this? I've tried making changes to the sizing, position, and font style, but I might be doing it incorrectly. Any help would be super appreciated! We've noticed this small issue on all of our slides with radio buttons. Here are the relevant parts of the script for the example above: <radiobuttons Responrating1B> / caption = "The following afternoon when you talk to your friend you feel badly because you think you probably got them sick." / options=("Very Different in Meaning"; "Different in Meaning"; "Similar in Meaning"; "Very Similar in Meaning") / optionvalues=("1", "2", "3", "4") / required = true </radiobuttons> <surveypage Responratings1B> / caption = "THE COLD" / questions = [1-4=random(Responrating1B)] / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false / itemspacing = 1px </surveypage> Thanks so much! That code snippet isn't really useful without the other relevant parts that affect available screen estate (e.g. what are the /canvassize, settings in <defaults>, what are the <survey>-level settings, etc.). When I run just the code you've given me, nothing is cut off, but that's obviously because relevant information is missing. One easy fix you can try is to insert a blank /subcaption as a spacer: <radiobuttons Responrating1B> / caption = "The following afternoon when you talk to your friend you feel badly because you think you probably got them sick." / subcaption = " " / subcaptionfontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 1%)/ options=("Very Different in Meaning"; "Different in Meaning"; "Similar in Meaning"; "Very Similar in Meaning") / optionvalues=("1", "2", "3", "4") / required = true </radiobuttons> Hi Dave, Thanks so much for your response. Unfortunately, adding the line in the subcaption didn't seem to fix it. Any other ideas? I've attached more of my code here in case it helps! Thank you so much again. <defaults> / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, false, false, false) / txcolor = (white) / screencolor = black / canvassize = (100%, 100%) </defaults> **********************************DATA SPECIFICATIONS************************** <text error> / items = ("X") / color = (255, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 20%) numitems = 1 / </text> <data> / columns = (subject date time build blocknum blockcode trialcode trialnum stimulus response latency correct response correct script.elapsedtime) </data> ***************************************************************************** <text reminder1> / numitems = 1 / items = ("Please type the missing letter.") / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7.5%, false, true, false, false, 5, 0) / size = (95%, 50%) / position = (50%, 80%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white </text>
<text reminder2> / numitems = 1 / items = ("Please answer based on the previous scenario. ") / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, true, false, false, 5, 0) / size = (80%, 12%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white </text>
<page pretraining1> PRACTICE SESSION INSTRUCTIONS: There will be word fragments to complete; you will need to type the correct missing letter. </page> … ************************************************************************* <block practice> / preinstructions = (pretraining1, pretraining2) / trials = [1-3 = random(practicescenarios1, practicescenarios2, practicescenarios3)] </block> ************************************************************************* SUDS ************************************************************************* <slider sliderSUDS> / caption = "How anxious do you feel right now on a scale from: 0 (Not at all anxious) to 100 (Most Anxious)? Please move the slider to respond." / range = (0,100) / position = (0, 25) / slidersize = (80%, 10%) / required = true / labels=("0","25","50","75","100") / defaultresponse = "0" </slider>
<surveypage surveySUDS> / questions = [1=sliderSUDS] / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false </surveypage>
<block SUDS> / trials = [1=surveySUDS] </block>
************************************************************************* IMAGES ************************************************************************* <page IAPSinstruct> ^^ In this next task, you will rate a series of images on how pleasant they are from 1 to 5. </page>
<trial IAPS> / stimulusframes = [1=IAPS, likertlabel] / inputdevice=keyboard / correctresponse = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5") / validresponse = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5") / response = correct </trial>
<item likertlabel> /1 = "(Very Unpleasant) 1 2 3 4 5 (Very Pleasant)" </item>
<text likertlabel> / items = likertlabel / halign = center / position = (50%, 5%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) </text>
<picture IAPS> /numitems = 60 / items = NeutralIAPS / size = (80%, 80%) </picture>
*********************************************************************** PRACTICE SCENARIOS *********************************************************************** <text practicescenarios1> / items = ("PRACTICE SESSION: You decide to go to the movies with your friends. You get to the theater and there is a long line. Because of the line, you are l_te. ") / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white / size = (94%, 1%) / position = (50%, 0%) / hjustify = left / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / numitems = 1 </text>
<text compquestionpracticescenarios1> / items = ("Did you make it to the movie on time?") / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / numitems=1 </text>
<openended practicescenarios1> / stimulusframes = [1=practicescenarios1, reminder1] / beginresponsetime = 7000 / mask = alphabetic / charlimit = 1 / correctresponse = ("a") / responsetrial = ("a", compquestionpracticescenarios1) / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct / size = (1%, 1%) / position = (50%, 75%) </openended>
<trial compquestionpracticescenarios1> / stimulusframes = [1=compquestionpracticescenarios1, reminder2] / correctresponse = ("n") / validresponse = ("y", "n") / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct </trial> … *********************************************************************** RECOGNITION RATINGS *********************************************************************** <text ImportRecogscenario1> / items = ("THE TABOO THOUGHT: Unexpectedly, a taboo thought about your friend pops into your mind. You wonder whether it says anything about who you are as a per_on. ") / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = (white) / size = (94%, 0%) / position = (50%, 0%) / hjustify = left / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%) / numitems = 1 </text>
<text compquestionImportRecogscenario1> / items = ("Are you talking with your mom on the phone?") / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = (white) / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%) / hjustify = center / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / numitems = 1 </text>
<openended ImportRecogscenario1> / stimulusframes = [1=ImportRecogscenario1] / beginresponsetime = 7000 / mask = alphabetic / charlimit = 1 / size = (12%, 12%) / position = (50%, 75%) / correctresponse = ("s") / responsetrial = ("s", compquestionImportRecogscenario1) / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct </openended>
<trial compquestionImportRecogscenario1> / stimulusframes = [1=compquestionImportRecogscenario1, reminder2] / correctresponse = ("n") / validresponse = ("y", "n") / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct </trial> …. ************************************************************************************** RECOGNITION RATINGS RADIOBUTTONS ************************************************************************************** <radiobuttons Controlrating1A> / caption = "As thoughts about the interview pop into your mind, you realize that controlling all of them won’t matter for whether or not you get the job." / options=("Very Different in Meaning"; "Different in Meaning"; "Similar in Meaning"; "Very Similar in Meaning") / optionvalues=("1", "2", "3", "4") / required = true </radiobuttons> … ************************************************************************************** Recognition Ratings Survey Pages ************************************************************************************** <surveypage Responratings1A> / caption = "THE COLD" / questions = [1-4=random(Responrating1A)] / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false / itemspacing = 1px </surveypage> … ************************************************************************* <block Recogscenarios> / preinstructions = (recognitionscenarios1) / trials = [1-12 = random (ImportRecogscenario1, UncertRecogscenario1, ControlRecogscenario1, PerfRecogscenario1, ThreatRecogscenario1, ResponRecogscenario1 ImportRecogscenario2, UncertRecogscenario2, ControlRecogscenario2, PerfRecogscenario2, ThreatRecogscenario2, ResponRecogscenario2)] / branch = [block.IAPS] </block>
<text info> / items = ("word <%block.Recogscenarios%> of <%block.Recogscenarios.totalcount%>") / position = (50%, 10%) / size = (20%, 10%) / erase = false </text> ************************************************************************* <block IAPS> / preinstructions = (IAPSinstruct) / bgstim = (likertlabel) / trials = [1-60 = noreplace(IAPS)] / branch = [block.Recogratings] </block> ******************************************************************************** <block Recogratings> / preinstructions = (recognitionscenarios2, recognitionscenarios3) /trials = [1-48 = random(Importratings1A, Importratings1B, Importratings1C, Importratings1D, Uncertratings1A, Uncertratings1B, Uncertratings1C, Uncertratings1D, Controlratings1A, Controlratings1B, Controlratings1C, Controlratings1D, Perfratings1A, Perfratings1B, Perfratings1C, Perfratings1D, Threatratings1A, Threatratings1B, Threatratings1C, Threatratings1C, Threatratings1D, Responratings1A, Responratings1B, Responratings1C, Responratings1D, Importratings2A, Importratings2B, Importratings2C, Importratings2D,Uncertratings2A, Uncertratings2B, Uncertratings2C, Uncertratings2D, Controlratings2A, Controlratings2B, Controlratings2C, Controlratings2D, Perfratings2A, Perfratings2B, Perfratings2C, Perfratings2D, Threatratings2A, Threatratings2B, Threatratings2C, Threatratings2D, Responratings2A, Responratings2B, Responratings2C, Responratings2D)] </block> ******************************************************************************** <instruct> / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7.0%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / txcolor = (white) / screencolor = black / lastlabel = "Continue" </instruct> ****************************************************************************** <expt> / blocks = [1=practice; 2, 4=SUDS; 3=noreplace(RecogScenarios)] / postinstructions = (end) </expt> Perhaps you could provide code that actually runs? That would be helpful. What you've posted cannot even be parsed because most of the referenced stuff is missing. Also missing are any files that code requires to work. When you have the time, could you run through on the same device your original screenshot came from, take a screenshot, and post the screenshot here? It's just a single radiobuttons question, so it shouldn't take long. Don't worry about the blue-ish background, that's just there as a measurement reference for me to figure out what happens spacing-wise on your device.
By hsmartin - 10/13/2022
+x+x+x+x+xHi! Thanks so much for your help with earlier questions. I noticed our Inquisit pages with radio buttons have the bottom of the text (before the buttons) getting cut off. I've attached an example here. It's a super minor detail, but as you can see, the bottom of the p, y, and g got cut off in the line "probably got them sick." Any ideas how we can fix this? I've tried making changes to the sizing, position, and font style, but I might be doing it incorrectly. Any help would be super appreciated! We've noticed this small issue on all of our slides with radio buttons. Here are the relevant parts of the script for the example above: <radiobuttons Responrating1B> / caption = "The following afternoon when you talk to your friend you feel badly because you think you probably got them sick." / options=("Very Different in Meaning"; "Different in Meaning"; "Similar in Meaning"; "Very Similar in Meaning") / optionvalues=("1", "2", "3", "4") / required = true </radiobuttons> <surveypage Responratings1B> / caption = "THE COLD" / questions = [1-4=random(Responrating1B)] / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false / itemspacing = 1px </surveypage> Thanks so much! That code snippet isn't really useful without the other relevant parts that affect available screen estate (e.g. what are the /canvassize, settings in <defaults>, what are the <survey>-level settings, etc.). When I run just the code you've given me, nothing is cut off, but that's obviously because relevant information is missing. One easy fix you can try is to insert a blank /subcaption as a spacer: <radiobuttons Responrating1B> / caption = "The following afternoon when you talk to your friend you feel badly because you think you probably got them sick." / subcaption = " " / subcaptionfontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 1%)/ options=("Very Different in Meaning"; "Different in Meaning"; "Similar in Meaning"; "Very Similar in Meaning") / optionvalues=("1", "2", "3", "4") / required = true </radiobuttons> Hi Dave, Thanks so much for your response. Unfortunately, adding the line in the subcaption didn't seem to fix it. Any other ideas? I've attached more of my code here in case it helps! Thank you so much again. <defaults> / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, false, false, false) / txcolor = (white) / screencolor = black / canvassize = (100%, 100%) </defaults> **********************************DATA SPECIFICATIONS************************** <text error> / items = ("X") / color = (255, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 20%) numitems = 1 / </text> <data> / columns = (subject date time build blocknum blockcode trialcode trialnum stimulus response latency correct response correct script.elapsedtime) </data> ***************************************************************************** <text reminder1> / numitems = 1 / items = ("Please type the missing letter.") / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7.5%, false, true, false, false, 5, 0) / size = (95%, 50%) / position = (50%, 80%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white </text>
<text reminder2> / numitems = 1 / items = ("Please answer based on the previous scenario. ") / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, true, false, false, 5, 0) / size = (80%, 12%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white </text>
<page pretraining1> PRACTICE SESSION INSTRUCTIONS: There will be word fragments to complete; you will need to type the correct missing letter. </page> … ************************************************************************* <block practice> / preinstructions = (pretraining1, pretraining2) / trials = [1-3 = random(practicescenarios1, practicescenarios2, practicescenarios3)] </block> ************************************************************************* SUDS ************************************************************************* <slider sliderSUDS> / caption = "How anxious do you feel right now on a scale from: 0 (Not at all anxious) to 100 (Most Anxious)? Please move the slider to respond." / range = (0,100) / position = (0, 25) / slidersize = (80%, 10%) / required = true / labels=("0","25","50","75","100") / defaultresponse = "0" </slider>
<surveypage surveySUDS> / questions = [1=sliderSUDS] / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false </surveypage>
<block SUDS> / trials = [1=surveySUDS] </block>
************************************************************************* IMAGES ************************************************************************* <page IAPSinstruct> ^^ In this next task, you will rate a series of images on how pleasant they are from 1 to 5. </page>
<trial IAPS> / stimulusframes = [1=IAPS, likertlabel] / inputdevice=keyboard / correctresponse = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5") / validresponse = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5") / response = correct </trial>
<item likertlabel> /1 = "(Very Unpleasant) 1 2 3 4 5 (Very Pleasant)" </item>
<text likertlabel> / items = likertlabel / halign = center / position = (50%, 5%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) </text>
<picture IAPS> /numitems = 60 / items = NeutralIAPS / size = (80%, 80%) </picture>
*********************************************************************** PRACTICE SCENARIOS *********************************************************************** <text practicescenarios1> / items = ("PRACTICE SESSION: You decide to go to the movies with your friends. You get to the theater and there is a long line. Because of the line, you are l_te. ") / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white / size = (94%, 1%) / position = (50%, 0%) / hjustify = left / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / numitems = 1 </text>
<text compquestionpracticescenarios1> / items = ("Did you make it to the movie on time?") / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / numitems=1 </text>
<openended practicescenarios1> / stimulusframes = [1=practicescenarios1, reminder1] / beginresponsetime = 7000 / mask = alphabetic / charlimit = 1 / correctresponse = ("a") / responsetrial = ("a", compquestionpracticescenarios1) / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct / size = (1%, 1%) / position = (50%, 75%) </openended>
<trial compquestionpracticescenarios1> / stimulusframes = [1=compquestionpracticescenarios1, reminder2] / correctresponse = ("n") / validresponse = ("y", "n") / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct </trial> … *********************************************************************** RECOGNITION RATINGS *********************************************************************** <text ImportRecogscenario1> / items = ("THE TABOO THOUGHT: Unexpectedly, a taboo thought about your friend pops into your mind. You wonder whether it says anything about who you are as a per_on. ") / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = (white) / size = (94%, 0%) / position = (50%, 0%) / hjustify = left / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%) / numitems = 1 </text>
<text compquestionImportRecogscenario1> / items = ("Are you talking with your mom on the phone?") / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = (white) / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%) / hjustify = center / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / numitems = 1 </text>
<openended ImportRecogscenario1> / stimulusframes = [1=ImportRecogscenario1] / beginresponsetime = 7000 / mask = alphabetic / charlimit = 1 / size = (12%, 12%) / position = (50%, 75%) / correctresponse = ("s") / responsetrial = ("s", compquestionImportRecogscenario1) / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct </openended>
<trial compquestionImportRecogscenario1> / stimulusframes = [1=compquestionImportRecogscenario1, reminder2] / correctresponse = ("n") / validresponse = ("y", "n") / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct </trial> …. ************************************************************************************** RECOGNITION RATINGS RADIOBUTTONS ************************************************************************************** <radiobuttons Controlrating1A> / caption = "As thoughts about the interview pop into your mind, you realize that controlling all of them won’t matter for whether or not you get the job." / options=("Very Different in Meaning"; "Different in Meaning"; "Similar in Meaning"; "Very Similar in Meaning") / optionvalues=("1", "2", "3", "4") / required = true </radiobuttons> … ************************************************************************************** Recognition Ratings Survey Pages ************************************************************************************** <surveypage Responratings1A> / caption = "THE COLD" / questions = [1-4=random(Responrating1A)] / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false / itemspacing = 1px </surveypage> … ************************************************************************* <block Recogscenarios> / preinstructions = (recognitionscenarios1) / trials = [1-12 = random (ImportRecogscenario1, UncertRecogscenario1, ControlRecogscenario1, PerfRecogscenario1, ThreatRecogscenario1, ResponRecogscenario1 ImportRecogscenario2, UncertRecogscenario2, ControlRecogscenario2, PerfRecogscenario2, ThreatRecogscenario2, ResponRecogscenario2)] / branch = [block.IAPS] </block>
<text info> / items = ("word <%block.Recogscenarios%> of <%block.Recogscenarios.totalcount%>") / position = (50%, 10%) / size = (20%, 10%) / erase = false </text> ************************************************************************* <block IAPS> / preinstructions = (IAPSinstruct) / bgstim = (likertlabel) / trials = [1-60 = noreplace(IAPS)] / branch = [block.Recogratings] </block> ******************************************************************************** <block Recogratings> / preinstructions = (recognitionscenarios2, recognitionscenarios3) /trials = [1-48 = random(Importratings1A, Importratings1B, Importratings1C, Importratings1D, Uncertratings1A, Uncertratings1B, Uncertratings1C, Uncertratings1D, Controlratings1A, Controlratings1B, Controlratings1C, Controlratings1D, Perfratings1A, Perfratings1B, Perfratings1C, Perfratings1D, Threatratings1A, Threatratings1B, Threatratings1C, Threatratings1C, Threatratings1D, Responratings1A, Responratings1B, Responratings1C, Responratings1D, Importratings2A, Importratings2B, Importratings2C, Importratings2D,Uncertratings2A, Uncertratings2B, Uncertratings2C, Uncertratings2D, Controlratings2A, Controlratings2B, Controlratings2C, Controlratings2D, Perfratings2A, Perfratings2B, Perfratings2C, Perfratings2D, Threatratings2A, Threatratings2B, Threatratings2C, Threatratings2D, Responratings2A, Responratings2B, Responratings2C, Responratings2D)] </block> ******************************************************************************** <instruct> / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7.0%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / txcolor = (white) / screencolor = black / lastlabel = "Continue" </instruct> ****************************************************************************** <expt> / blocks = [1=practice; 2, 4=SUDS; 3=noreplace(RecogScenarios)] / postinstructions = (end) </expt> Perhaps you could provide code that actually runs? That would be helpful. What you've posted cannot even be parsed because most of the referenced stuff is missing. Also missing are any files that code requires to work. When you have the time, could you run through on the same device your original screenshot came from, take a screenshot, and post the screenshot here? It's just a single radiobuttons question, so it shouldn't take long. Don't worry about the blue-ish background, that's just there as a measurement reference for me to figure out what happens spacing-wise on your device. Thanks. The same thing happened with the bottoms of the letters getting cut off.
By Dave - 10/13/2022
+x+x+x+x+x+xHi! Thanks so much for your help with earlier questions. I noticed our Inquisit pages with radio buttons have the bottom of the text (before the buttons) getting cut off. I've attached an example here. It's a super minor detail, but as you can see, the bottom of the p, y, and g got cut off in the line "probably got them sick." Any ideas how we can fix this? I've tried making changes to the sizing, position, and font style, but I might be doing it incorrectly. Any help would be super appreciated! We've noticed this small issue on all of our slides with radio buttons. Here are the relevant parts of the script for the example above: <radiobuttons Responrating1B> / caption = "The following afternoon when you talk to your friend you feel badly because you think you probably got them sick." / options=("Very Different in Meaning"; "Different in Meaning"; "Similar in Meaning"; "Very Similar in Meaning") / optionvalues=("1", "2", "3", "4") / required = true </radiobuttons> <surveypage Responratings1B> / caption = "THE COLD" / questions = [1-4=random(Responrating1B)] / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false / itemspacing = 1px </surveypage> Thanks so much! That code snippet isn't really useful without the other relevant parts that affect available screen estate (e.g. what are the /canvassize, settings in <defaults>, what are the <survey>-level settings, etc.). When I run just the code you've given me, nothing is cut off, but that's obviously because relevant information is missing. One easy fix you can try is to insert a blank /subcaption as a spacer: <radiobuttons Responrating1B> / caption = "The following afternoon when you talk to your friend you feel badly because you think you probably got them sick." / subcaption = " " / subcaptionfontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 1%)/ options=("Very Different in Meaning"; "Different in Meaning"; "Similar in Meaning"; "Very Similar in Meaning") / optionvalues=("1", "2", "3", "4") / required = true </radiobuttons> Hi Dave, Thanks so much for your response. Unfortunately, adding the line in the subcaption didn't seem to fix it. Any other ideas? I've attached more of my code here in case it helps! Thank you so much again. <defaults> / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, false, false, false) / txcolor = (white) / screencolor = black / canvassize = (100%, 100%) </defaults> **********************************DATA SPECIFICATIONS************************** <text error> / items = ("X") / color = (255, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 20%) numitems = 1 / </text> <data> / columns = (subject date time build blocknum blockcode trialcode trialnum stimulus response latency correct response correct script.elapsedtime) </data> ***************************************************************************** <text reminder1> / numitems = 1 / items = ("Please type the missing letter.") / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7.5%, false, true, false, false, 5, 0) / size = (95%, 50%) / position = (50%, 80%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white </text>
<text reminder2> / numitems = 1 / items = ("Please answer based on the previous scenario. ") / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, true, false, false, 5, 0) / size = (80%, 12%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white </text>
<page pretraining1> PRACTICE SESSION INSTRUCTIONS: There will be word fragments to complete; you will need to type the correct missing letter. </page> … ************************************************************************* <block practice> / preinstructions = (pretraining1, pretraining2) / trials = [1-3 = random(practicescenarios1, practicescenarios2, practicescenarios3)] </block> ************************************************************************* SUDS ************************************************************************* <slider sliderSUDS> / caption = "How anxious do you feel right now on a scale from: 0 (Not at all anxious) to 100 (Most Anxious)? Please move the slider to respond." / range = (0,100) / position = (0, 25) / slidersize = (80%, 10%) / required = true / labels=("0","25","50","75","100") / defaultresponse = "0" </slider>
<surveypage surveySUDS> / questions = [1=sliderSUDS] / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false </surveypage>
<block SUDS> / trials = [1=surveySUDS] </block>
************************************************************************* IMAGES ************************************************************************* <page IAPSinstruct> ^^ In this next task, you will rate a series of images on how pleasant they are from 1 to 5. </page>
<trial IAPS> / stimulusframes = [1=IAPS, likertlabel] / inputdevice=keyboard / correctresponse = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5") / validresponse = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5") / response = correct </trial>
<item likertlabel> /1 = "(Very Unpleasant) 1 2 3 4 5 (Very Pleasant)" </item>
<text likertlabel> / items = likertlabel / halign = center / position = (50%, 5%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) </text>
<picture IAPS> /numitems = 60 / items = NeutralIAPS / size = (80%, 80%) </picture>
*********************************************************************** PRACTICE SCENARIOS *********************************************************************** <text practicescenarios1> / items = ("PRACTICE SESSION: You decide to go to the movies with your friends. You get to the theater and there is a long line. Because of the line, you are l_te. ") / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white / size = (94%, 1%) / position = (50%, 0%) / hjustify = left / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / numitems = 1 </text>
<text compquestionpracticescenarios1> / items = ("Did you make it to the movie on time?") / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / numitems=1 </text>
<openended practicescenarios1> / stimulusframes = [1=practicescenarios1, reminder1] / beginresponsetime = 7000 / mask = alphabetic / charlimit = 1 / correctresponse = ("a") / responsetrial = ("a", compquestionpracticescenarios1) / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct / size = (1%, 1%) / position = (50%, 75%) </openended>
<trial compquestionpracticescenarios1> / stimulusframes = [1=compquestionpracticescenarios1, reminder2] / correctresponse = ("n") / validresponse = ("y", "n") / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct </trial> … *********************************************************************** RECOGNITION RATINGS *********************************************************************** <text ImportRecogscenario1> / items = ("THE TABOO THOUGHT: Unexpectedly, a taboo thought about your friend pops into your mind. You wonder whether it says anything about who you are as a per_on. ") / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = (white) / size = (94%, 0%) / position = (50%, 0%) / hjustify = left / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%) / numitems = 1 </text>
<text compquestionImportRecogscenario1> / items = ("Are you talking with your mom on the phone?") / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = (white) / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%) / hjustify = center / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / numitems = 1 </text>
<openended ImportRecogscenario1> / stimulusframes = [1=ImportRecogscenario1] / beginresponsetime = 7000 / mask = alphabetic / charlimit = 1 / size = (12%, 12%) / position = (50%, 75%) / correctresponse = ("s") / responsetrial = ("s", compquestionImportRecogscenario1) / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct </openended>
<trial compquestionImportRecogscenario1> / stimulusframes = [1=compquestionImportRecogscenario1, reminder2] / correctresponse = ("n") / validresponse = ("y", "n") / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct </trial> …. ************************************************************************************** RECOGNITION RATINGS RADIOBUTTONS ************************************************************************************** <radiobuttons Controlrating1A> / caption = "As thoughts about the interview pop into your mind, you realize that controlling all of them won’t matter for whether or not you get the job." / options=("Very Different in Meaning"; "Different in Meaning"; "Similar in Meaning"; "Very Similar in Meaning") / optionvalues=("1", "2", "3", "4") / required = true </radiobuttons> … ************************************************************************************** Recognition Ratings Survey Pages ************************************************************************************** <surveypage Responratings1A> / caption = "THE COLD" / questions = [1-4=random(Responrating1A)] / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false / itemspacing = 1px </surveypage> … ************************************************************************* <block Recogscenarios> / preinstructions = (recognitionscenarios1) / trials = [1-12 = random (ImportRecogscenario1, UncertRecogscenario1, ControlRecogscenario1, PerfRecogscenario1, ThreatRecogscenario1, ResponRecogscenario1 ImportRecogscenario2, UncertRecogscenario2, ControlRecogscenario2, PerfRecogscenario2, ThreatRecogscenario2, ResponRecogscenario2)] / branch = [block.IAPS] </block>
<text info> / items = ("word <%block.Recogscenarios%> of <%block.Recogscenarios.totalcount%>") / position = (50%, 10%) / size = (20%, 10%) / erase = false </text> ************************************************************************* <block IAPS> / preinstructions = (IAPSinstruct) / bgstim = (likertlabel) / trials = [1-60 = noreplace(IAPS)] / branch = [block.Recogratings] </block> ******************************************************************************** <block Recogratings> / preinstructions = (recognitionscenarios2, recognitionscenarios3) /trials = [1-48 = random(Importratings1A, Importratings1B, Importratings1C, Importratings1D, Uncertratings1A, Uncertratings1B, Uncertratings1C, Uncertratings1D, Controlratings1A, Controlratings1B, Controlratings1C, Controlratings1D, Perfratings1A, Perfratings1B, Perfratings1C, Perfratings1D, Threatratings1A, Threatratings1B, Threatratings1C, Threatratings1C, Threatratings1D, Responratings1A, Responratings1B, Responratings1C, Responratings1D, Importratings2A, Importratings2B, Importratings2C, Importratings2D,Uncertratings2A, Uncertratings2B, Uncertratings2C, Uncertratings2D, Controlratings2A, Controlratings2B, Controlratings2C, Controlratings2D, Perfratings2A, Perfratings2B, Perfratings2C, Perfratings2D, Threatratings2A, Threatratings2B, Threatratings2C, Threatratings2D, Responratings2A, Responratings2B, Responratings2C, Responratings2D)] </block> ******************************************************************************** <instruct> / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7.0%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / txcolor = (white) / screencolor = black / lastlabel = "Continue" </instruct> ****************************************************************************** <expt> / blocks = [1=practice; 2, 4=SUDS; 3=noreplace(RecogScenarios)] / postinstructions = (end) </expt> Perhaps you could provide code that actually runs? That would be helpful. What you've posted cannot even be parsed because most of the referenced stuff is missing. Also missing are any files that code requires to work. When you have the time, could you run through on the same device your original screenshot came from, take a screenshot, and post the screenshot here? It's just a single radiobuttons question, so it shouldn't take long. Don't worry about the blue-ish background, that's just there as a measurement reference for me to figure out what happens spacing-wise on your device. Thanks. The same thing happened with the bottoms of the letters getting cut off. Thanks -- will now run three different versions of the same question in a row. Is any of them better or worse on your device?
By hsmartin - 10/14/2022
+x+x+x+x+x+x+xHi! Thanks so much for your help with earlier questions. I noticed our Inquisit pages with radio buttons have the bottom of the text (before the buttons) getting cut off. I've attached an example here. It's a super minor detail, but as you can see, the bottom of the p, y, and g got cut off in the line "probably got them sick." Any ideas how we can fix this? I've tried making changes to the sizing, position, and font style, but I might be doing it incorrectly. Any help would be super appreciated! We've noticed this small issue on all of our slides with radio buttons. Here are the relevant parts of the script for the example above: <radiobuttons Responrating1B> / caption = "The following afternoon when you talk to your friend you feel badly because you think you probably got them sick." / options=("Very Different in Meaning"; "Different in Meaning"; "Similar in Meaning"; "Very Similar in Meaning") / optionvalues=("1", "2", "3", "4") / required = true </radiobuttons> <surveypage Responratings1B> / caption = "THE COLD" / questions = [1-4=random(Responrating1B)] / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false / itemspacing = 1px </surveypage> Thanks so much! That code snippet isn't really useful without the other relevant parts that affect available screen estate (e.g. what are the /canvassize, settings in <defaults>, what are the <survey>-level settings, etc.). When I run just the code you've given me, nothing is cut off, but that's obviously because relevant information is missing. One easy fix you can try is to insert a blank /subcaption as a spacer: <radiobuttons Responrating1B> / caption = "The following afternoon when you talk to your friend you feel badly because you think you probably got them sick." / subcaption = " " / subcaptionfontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 1%)/ options=("Very Different in Meaning"; "Different in Meaning"; "Similar in Meaning"; "Very Similar in Meaning") / optionvalues=("1", "2", "3", "4") / required = true </radiobuttons> Hi Dave, Thanks so much for your response. Unfortunately, adding the line in the subcaption didn't seem to fix it. Any other ideas? I've attached more of my code here in case it helps! Thank you so much again. <defaults> / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, false, false, false) / txcolor = (white) / screencolor = black / canvassize = (100%, 100%) </defaults> **********************************DATA SPECIFICATIONS************************** <text error> / items = ("X") / color = (255, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 20%) numitems = 1 / </text> <data> / columns = (subject date time build blocknum blockcode trialcode trialnum stimulus response latency correct response correct script.elapsedtime) </data> ***************************************************************************** <text reminder1> / numitems = 1 / items = ("Please type the missing letter.") / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7.5%, false, true, false, false, 5, 0) / size = (95%, 50%) / position = (50%, 80%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white </text>
<text reminder2> / numitems = 1 / items = ("Please answer based on the previous scenario. ") / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, true, false, false, 5, 0) / size = (80%, 12%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white </text>
<page pretraining1> PRACTICE SESSION INSTRUCTIONS: There will be word fragments to complete; you will need to type the correct missing letter. </page> … ************************************************************************* <block practice> / preinstructions = (pretraining1, pretraining2) / trials = [1-3 = random(practicescenarios1, practicescenarios2, practicescenarios3)] </block> ************************************************************************* SUDS ************************************************************************* <slider sliderSUDS> / caption = "How anxious do you feel right now on a scale from: 0 (Not at all anxious) to 100 (Most Anxious)? Please move the slider to respond." / range = (0,100) / position = (0, 25) / slidersize = (80%, 10%) / required = true / labels=("0","25","50","75","100") / defaultresponse = "0" </slider>
<surveypage surveySUDS> / questions = [1=sliderSUDS] / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false </surveypage>
<block SUDS> / trials = [1=surveySUDS] </block>
************************************************************************* IMAGES ************************************************************************* <page IAPSinstruct> ^^ In this next task, you will rate a series of images on how pleasant they are from 1 to 5. </page>
<trial IAPS> / stimulusframes = [1=IAPS, likertlabel] / inputdevice=keyboard / correctresponse = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5") / validresponse = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5") / response = correct </trial>
<item likertlabel> /1 = "(Very Unpleasant) 1 2 3 4 5 (Very Pleasant)" </item>
<text likertlabel> / items = likertlabel / halign = center / position = (50%, 5%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) </text>
<picture IAPS> /numitems = 60 / items = NeutralIAPS / size = (80%, 80%) </picture>
*********************************************************************** PRACTICE SCENARIOS *********************************************************************** <text practicescenarios1> / items = ("PRACTICE SESSION: You decide to go to the movies with your friends. You get to the theater and there is a long line. Because of the line, you are l_te. ") / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white / size = (94%, 1%) / position = (50%, 0%) / hjustify = left / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / numitems = 1 </text>
<text compquestionpracticescenarios1> / items = ("Did you make it to the movie on time?") / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%) / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = white / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / numitems=1 </text>
<openended practicescenarios1> / stimulusframes = [1=practicescenarios1, reminder1] / beginresponsetime = 7000 / mask = alphabetic / charlimit = 1 / correctresponse = ("a") / responsetrial = ("a", compquestionpracticescenarios1) / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct / size = (1%, 1%) / position = (50%, 75%) </openended>
<trial compquestionpracticescenarios1> / stimulusframes = [1=compquestionpracticescenarios1, reminder2] / correctresponse = ("n") / validresponse = ("y", "n") / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct </trial> … *********************************************************************** RECOGNITION RATINGS *********************************************************************** <text ImportRecogscenario1> / items = ("THE TABOO THOUGHT: Unexpectedly, a taboo thought about your friend pops into your mind. You wonder whether it says anything about who you are as a per_on. ") / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = (white) / size = (94%, 0%) / position = (50%, 0%) / hjustify = left / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%) / numitems = 1 </text>
<text compquestionImportRecogscenario1> / items = ("Are you talking with your mom on the phone?") / txbgcolor = black / txcolor = (white) / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%) / hjustify = center / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (50%, 50%) / numitems = 1 </text>
<openended ImportRecogscenario1> / stimulusframes = [1=ImportRecogscenario1] / beginresponsetime = 7000 / mask = alphabetic / charlimit = 1 / size = (12%, 12%) / position = (50%, 75%) / correctresponse = ("s") / responsetrial = ("s", compquestionImportRecogscenario1) / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct </openended>
<trial compquestionImportRecogscenario1> / stimulusframes = [1=compquestionImportRecogscenario1, reminder2] / correctresponse = ("n") / validresponse = ("y", "n") / errormessage = true(error, 200) / response = correct </trial> …. ************************************************************************************** RECOGNITION RATINGS RADIOBUTTONS ************************************************************************************** <radiobuttons Controlrating1A> / caption = "As thoughts about the interview pop into your mind, you realize that controlling all of them won’t matter for whether or not you get the job." / options=("Very Different in Meaning"; "Different in Meaning"; "Similar in Meaning"; "Very Similar in Meaning") / optionvalues=("1", "2", "3", "4") / required = true </radiobuttons> … ************************************************************************************** Recognition Ratings Survey Pages ************************************************************************************** <surveypage Responratings1A> / caption = "THE COLD" / questions = [1-4=random(Responrating1A)] / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false / itemspacing = 1px </surveypage> … ************************************************************************* <block Recogscenarios> / preinstructions = (recognitionscenarios1) / trials = [1-12 = random (ImportRecogscenario1, UncertRecogscenario1, ControlRecogscenario1, PerfRecogscenario1, ThreatRecogscenario1, ResponRecogscenario1 ImportRecogscenario2, UncertRecogscenario2, ControlRecogscenario2, PerfRecogscenario2, ThreatRecogscenario2, ResponRecogscenario2)] / branch = [block.IAPS] </block>
<text info> / items = ("word <%block.Recogscenarios%> of <%block.Recogscenarios.totalcount%>") / position = (50%, 10%) / size = (20%, 10%) / erase = false </text> ************************************************************************* <block IAPS> / preinstructions = (IAPSinstruct) / bgstim = (likertlabel) / trials = [1-60 = noreplace(IAPS)] / branch = [block.Recogratings] </block> ******************************************************************************** <block Recogratings> / preinstructions = (recognitionscenarios2, recognitionscenarios3) /trials = [1-48 = random(Importratings1A, Importratings1B, Importratings1C, Importratings1D, Uncertratings1A, Uncertratings1B, Uncertratings1C, Uncertratings1D, Controlratings1A, Controlratings1B, Controlratings1C, Controlratings1D, Perfratings1A, Perfratings1B, Perfratings1C, Perfratings1D, Threatratings1A, Threatratings1B, Threatratings1C, Threatratings1C, Threatratings1D, Responratings1A, Responratings1B, Responratings1C, Responratings1D, Importratings2A, Importratings2B, Importratings2C, Importratings2D,Uncertratings2A, Uncertratings2B, Uncertratings2C, Uncertratings2D, Controlratings2A, Controlratings2B, Controlratings2C, Controlratings2D, Perfratings2A, Perfratings2B, Perfratings2C, Perfratings2D, Threatratings2A, Threatratings2B, Threatratings2C, Threatratings2D, Responratings2A, Responratings2B, Responratings2C, Responratings2D)] </block> ******************************************************************************** <instruct> / fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7.0%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / txcolor = (white) / screencolor = black / lastlabel = "Continue" </instruct> ****************************************************************************** <expt> / blocks = [1=practice; 2, 4=SUDS; 3=noreplace(RecogScenarios)] / postinstructions = (end) </expt> Perhaps you could provide code that actually runs? That would be helpful. What you've posted cannot even be parsed because most of the referenced stuff is missing. Also missing are any files that code requires to work. When you have the time, could you run through on the same device your original screenshot came from, take a screenshot, and post the screenshot here? It's just a single radiobuttons question, so it shouldn't take long. Don't worry about the blue-ish background, that's just there as a measurement reference for me to figure out what happens spacing-wise on your device. Thanks. The same thing happened with the bottoms of the letters getting cut off. Thanks -- will now run three different versions of the same question in a row. Is any of them better or worse on your device? Thanks! In all three versions, the bottoms of the letters continue to be cut off. If it helps, in the middle version, the bottoms of the letters appear to be cut off in the radio buttons, too.
The same issue happened for our PI and another research assistant when running our script - I think it's okay, though. I'm thinking maybe we'll just leave the script as is. I'm sure this issue won't bother participants, and it's definitely still readable. Thank you again for your time!