Millisecond Forums

Updated correct PASAT

By michelle.r - 10/19/2022

Hi Dave, one of my graduate students is planning to use the PASAT-C and we noticed that all versions currently in the Millisecond library have issues (e.g., doesn't provide error sound for non-response, doesn't provide non-sound feedback during practice trials, instructions had typos). We have fixed everything we could find that was incorrect. We also split apart levels 1 and 2 to be consistent with the original measure development and so participants see instructions again before they start level 2. However, one issue that we cannot figure out how to fix is the formulas (using expressions and parameters) for calculating the length of level 1 (3 min, or 180000 ms) and level 2 (5 min; 300000 ms) - if there is no response to trials, level 1 runs between 3 min 30 seconds and 4 min and level 2 runs about 6 min. The level should be the specified length regardless of whether a participant responds correctly, incorrectly, or doesn't respond at all. Can you please take a look at our current script and let me know what we're missing? Once we've got all the issues sorted out, I'll also send you the final version with an updated user manual (current manual has not been updated from the original PASAT-C we downloaded from library) so that you can update ours in the library for others to use. :) Thanks so much for your help!!!
By Dave - 10/20/2022

michelle.r - 10/20/2022
Hi Dave, one of my graduate students is planning to use the PASAT-C and we noticed that all versions currently in the Millisecond library have issues (e.g., doesn't provide error sound for non-response, doesn't provide non-sound feedback during practice trials, instructions had typos). We have fixed everything we could find that was incorrect. We also split apart levels 1 and 2 to be consistent with the original measure development and so participants see instructions again before they start level 2. However, one issue that we cannot figure out how to fix is the formulas (using expressions and parameters) for calculating the length of level 1 (3 min, or 180000 ms) and level 2 (5 min; 300000 ms) - if there is no response to trials, level 1 runs between 3 min 30 seconds and 4 min and level 2 runs about 6 min. The level should be the specified length regardless of whether a participant responds correctly, incorrectly, or doesn't respond at all. Can you please take a look at our current script and let me know what we're missing? Once we've got all the issues sorted out, I'll also send you the final version with an updated user manual (current manual has not been updated from the original PASAT-C we downloaded from library) so that you can update ours in the library for others to use. :) Thanks so much for your help!!!

I have passed this on to Katja, who wrote the PASAT-C implementation.
By michelle.r - 10/20/2022

Dave - 10/20/2022
michelle.r - 10/20/2022
Hi Dave, one of my graduate students is planning to use the PASAT-C and we noticed that all versions currently in the Millisecond library have issues (e.g., doesn't provide error sound for non-response, doesn't provide non-sound feedback during practice trials, instructions had typos). We have fixed everything we could find that was incorrect. We also split apart levels 1 and 2 to be consistent with the original measure development and so participants see instructions again before they start level 2. However, one issue that we cannot figure out how to fix is the formulas (using expressions and parameters) for calculating the length of level 1 (3 min, or 180000 ms) and level 2 (5 min; 300000 ms) - if there is no response to trials, level 1 runs between 3 min 30 seconds and 4 min and level 2 runs about 6 min. The level should be the specified length regardless of whether a participant responds correctly, incorrectly, or doesn't respond at all. Can you please take a look at our current script and let me know what we're missing? Once we've got all the issues sorted out, I'll also send you the final version with an updated user manual (current manual has not been updated from the original PASAT-C we downloaded from library) so that you can update ours in the library for others to use. :) Thanks so much for your help!!!

I have passed this on to Katja, who wrote the PASAT-C implementation.

Thank you! Looking forward to hearing back from Katja.
By katbo - 10/20/2022

michelle.r - 10/20/2022
Dave - 10/20/2022
michelle.r - 10/20/2022
Hi Dave, one of my graduate students is planning to use the PASAT-C and we noticed that all versions currently in the Millisecond library have issues (e.g., doesn't provide error sound for non-response, doesn't provide non-sound feedback during practice trials, instructions had typos). We have fixed everything we could find that was incorrect. We also split apart levels 1 and 2 to be consistent with the original measure development and so participants see instructions again before they start level 2. However, one issue that we cannot figure out how to fix is the formulas (using expressions and parameters) for calculating the length of level 1 (3 min, or 180000 ms) and level 2 (5 min; 300000 ms) - if there is no response to trials, level 1 runs between 3 min 30 seconds and 4 min and level 2 runs about 6 min. The level should be the specified length regardless of whether a participant responds correctly, incorrectly, or doesn't respond at all. Can you please take a look at our current script and let me know what we're missing? Once we've got all the issues sorted out, I'll also send you the final version with an updated user manual (current manual has not been updated from the original PASAT-C we downloaded from library) so that you can update ours in the library for others to use. :) Thanks so much for your help!!!

I have passed this on to Katja, who wrote the PASAT-C implementation.

Thank you! Looking forward to hearing back from Katja.


Katja here. Thanks for your feedback on the Inquisit Pasat-C! Happy to look into the issues and correct any bugs that the script contains. In regard to the seamless transition from level1 to level2, that is currently a deliberate feature as suggested by Lejuez et al (2003), though it might be good to parameterize that option. In regard to the timing issues, the current script calculates the trial numbers that should be run given the set timlimits. However, each participant should get the same number of trials in each level and given the timing there shouldn't be a lot of time variation btw. participants. You probably could easily change the script to put a hard time limit on the block level, particularly given that you don't want the seamless transition from level1 to level2. In any case, please contact me at (also to correct spelling errors etc.).

Thank you!
By michelle.r - 10/20/2022

katbo - 10/20/2022
michelle.r - 10/20/2022
Dave - 10/20/2022
michelle.r - 10/20/2022
Hi Dave, one of my graduate students is planning to use the PASAT-C and we noticed that all versions currently in the Millisecond library have issues (e.g., doesn't provide error sound for non-response, doesn't provide non-sound feedback during practice trials, instructions had typos). We have fixed everything we could find that was incorrect. We also split apart levels 1 and 2 to be consistent with the original measure development and so participants see instructions again before they start level 2. However, one issue that we cannot figure out how to fix is the formulas (using expressions and parameters) for calculating the length of level 1 (3 min, or 180000 ms) and level 2 (5 min; 300000 ms) - if there is no response to trials, level 1 runs between 3 min 30 seconds and 4 min and level 2 runs about 6 min. The level should be the specified length regardless of whether a participant responds correctly, incorrectly, or doesn't respond at all. Can you please take a look at our current script and let me know what we're missing? Once we've got all the issues sorted out, I'll also send you the final version with an updated user manual (current manual has not been updated from the original PASAT-C we downloaded from library) so that you can update ours in the library for others to use. :) Thanks so much for your help!!!

I have passed this on to Katja, who wrote the PASAT-C implementation.

Thank you! Looking forward to hearing back from Katja.


Katja here. Thanks for your feedback on the Inquisit Pasat-C! Happy to look into the issues and correct any bugs that the script contains. In regard to the seamless transition from level1 to level2, that is currently a deliberate feature as suggested by Lejuez et al (2003), though it might be good to parameterize that option. In regard to the timing issues, the current script calculates the trial numbers that should be run given the set timlimits. However, each participant should get the same number of trials in each level and given the timing there shouldn't be a lot of time variation btw. participants. You probably could easily change the script to put a hard time limit on the block level, particularly given that you don't want the seamless transition from level1 to level2. In any case, please contact me at (also to correct spelling errors etc.).

Thank you!

Thank you Katja! Sending you an email now