Millisecond Forums

Inquisit asking to access photos and media

By hsmartin - 1/23/2023

Hi! Thanks so much for all your help with previous questions. Something that has come up recently is that our most recent participants who use Androids have reported getting a pop-up message when first downloading the app, and the message says something like this: "Allow Inquisit to access photos, media, and files on your device?" I'm not sure if this is new or if this is the first time participants have mentioned it to us, but we're wondering if there is a way to disable this message (since we don't need access to photos or anything)? These participants have also mentioned that they are unable to use the app in any capacity when they "deny access" - any ideas? Thanks so much in advance!

By Dave - 1/23/2023

hsmartin - 1/23/2023
Hi! Thanks so much for all your help with previous questions. Something that has come up recently is that our most recent participants who use Androids have reported getting a pop-up message when first downloading the app, and the message says something like this: "Allow Inquisit to access photos, media, and files on your device?" I'm not sure if this is new or if this is the first time participants have mentioned it to us, but we're wondering if there is a way to disable this message (since we don't need access to photos or anything)? These participants have also mentioned that they are unable to use the app in any capacity when they "deny access" - any ideas? Thanks so much in advance!


This is a standard Android permissions dialog. It comes from the Android operating system, not Inquisit per se. Inquisit will have to be able to access files on the system (e.g. its own data files, stored in its own app directory), and Android simply does not distinguish between permissions for that and permission to "access photos, media, and files" on the device. In fact, Android does not have the functionality to limit an app to access only its own directory, so it must ask for a generic permission that encompasses all read/write access.
By hsmartin - 1/25/2023

Dave - 1/23/2023
hsmartin - 1/23/2023
Hi! Thanks so much for all your help with previous questions. Something that has come up recently is that our most recent participants who use Androids have reported getting a pop-up message when first downloading the app, and the message says something like this: "Allow Inquisit to access photos, media, and files on your device?" I'm not sure if this is new or if this is the first time participants have mentioned it to us, but we're wondering if there is a way to disable this message (since we don't need access to photos or anything)? These participants have also mentioned that they are unable to use the app in any capacity when they "deny access" - any ideas? Thanks so much in advance!


This is a standard Android permissions dialog. It comes from the Android operating system, not Inquisit per se. Inquisit will have to be able to access files on the system (e.g. its own data files, stored in its own app directory), and Android simply does not distinguish between permissions for that and permission to "access photos, media, and files" on the device. In fact, Android does not have the functionality to limit an app to access only its own directory, so it must ask for a generic permission that encompasses all read/write access.

I see! This makes total sense. Thanks so much for letting me know!