I would like to add up the input of three sliders and print it in a separate textbox. In the end, when participants responded to all three sliders, the value in the textbox must be 15 and must not exceed this value.
Thanks for any help!
/ slidersum = 0
/ errormsg = " "
<block example>
/ trials = [1=sliderpage]
<surveypage sliderpage>
/ ontrialend = [
values.slidersum = slider.a.response + slider.b.response + slider.c.response;
/ caption = "bla bla bla"
/ subcaption = "<%values.errormsg%>"
/ questions = [1=a; 2=b; 3=c]
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false
/ branch = [
if (values.slidersum != 15) {
values.errormsg = "Responses must add up to 15. Your responses added up to <%values.slidersum%>. Please try again.";
return surveypage.sliderpage;
<slider a>
/ range = (1,9)
/ labels = ("1", "5", "9")
<slider b>
/ range = (1,9)
/ labels = ("1", "5", "9")
<slider c>
/ range = (1,9)
/ labels = ("1", "5", "9")
You could add a text box displaying values.slidersum on a separate page if you really want to, but I'm not quite seeing the point of that and hence didn't include it.