Millisecond Forums

screenshots not saved in Inquisit Web

By nidhi_desai - 2/2/2023

I have an experiment setup on Inquisit Web. It contains 2 task which are run by adding both in a <batch> element. We need to save the screenshots for both the experiment. I have added 
/requiredpermissions = (screencapture) in the <defaults> elements. For some subjects screenshots are being saved for the 1st task added in /file option in <batch> but for the 2nd task added in the next /file option in <batch>, just a couple of images are being saved (not all) . For other subjects screenshots for both tasks are being saved. We have asked the participants to allow permission for screenshots and still this is occuring. In the log file, it shows this warning. Please let me know how I can resolve this issue.

Thank you
By Dave - 2/6/2023

nidhi_desai - 2/2/2023
I have an experiment setup on Inquisit Web. It contains 2 task which are run by adding both in a <batch> element. We need to save the screenshots for both the experiment. I have added 
/requiredpermissions = (screencapture) in the <defaults> elements. For some subjects screenshots are being saved for the 1st task added in /file option in <batch> but for the 2nd task added in the next /file option in <batch>, just a couple of images are being saved (not all) . For other subjects screenshots for both tasks are being saved. We have asked the participants to allow permission for screenshots and still this is occuring. In the log file, it shows this warning. Please let me know how I can resolve this issue.

Thank you

Having looked at this for some time, I can find two cases to which the description "for the 2nd task added in the next /file option in <batch>, just a couple of images are being saved (not all)" would seem to apply, subject IDs 130 and 169. (In other cases it's clear that the script or scripts were exited out early, e.g. ID 998 on 10/42022 -- I assume these were experimenter / technical test runs, but please correct me if I'm wrong.)

For both 130 & 169, it looks like the application was closed (or the device lost connectivity) before all screenshoots taken could be uploaded. The image files should still reside on the respective devices, waiting to be uploaded. The device owners can do so by (1) making sure they have internet connectivity, opening the Inquisit app on their device and going to its "Data" tab. All not yet uploaded files should be listed there, they should be uploaded automatically if the "Automatic Upload" box is checked (it is by default), but the upload can also be triggered manually by clicking the "Cloud Upload" icon in the upper right hand corner.

The "app not able to record the screen" warnings should not be relevant, they likely stem from before the participant had granted the app the required permission. Had they declined the permission, there shouldn't be any screen captures at all (none for the first task, none for the second one, instead a full set for the first one and just a couple for the second one).

One general remark: Your batch script runs three scripts, but the screen recording permission is not requested until the second script in the batch. It would be better to have the batch script itself request the permission upfront and right away, by including it in the batch script's defaults, i.e.

/ requiredpermissions = (screencapture)

/ file = "general_instructions_S5.iqx"
/ file = "DefendTheKingdom_Task_online_version.iqx"
/ file = "WeatherPrediction_Task_online_version.iqx"

Are there any other cases besides 130 and 169 that I've missed?
By nidhi_desai - 2/13/2023

Thank you for your solutions. I have added the deafult required permissions to the batch script. I don't think there are other subjects for which we have faced this issue. We will also ask participants to not close the application before the uploading is complete. I will continue let you know if we see this issue again.