Millisecond Forums

Change preinstructions page text and background

By Libra - 4/28/2023

I am coding for a script to present stimuli to participants during a fMRI task. I wish all the background to be black and color of text to be white. 
I changed the settings in default as below. But the preinstructions pages' text and background color would remain the same (please see the attached screenshot). Is there any way to change that?
Also, how could I specify the font size for texts in the pre instructions pages? Thank you. The font size of the pre instruction pages change with the font size specified in defaults. 

Thank you! 

/ font = ("Arial", 45, 700, 0, 34)
/ screencolor = (0,0,0)
/ txcolor = (255,255,255)
/ txbgcolor = (0,0,0)
/ pretrialpause = 0
/ posttrialpause = 0
/ inputdevice = keyboard
By Dave - 4/28/2023

Libra - 4/28/2023
I am coding for a script to present stimuli to participants during a fMRI task. I wish all the background to be black and color of text to be white. 
I changed the settings in default as below. But the preinstructions pages' text and background color would remain the same (please see the attached screenshot). Is there any way to change that?
Also, how could I specify the font size for texts in the pre instructions pages? Thank you. The font size of the pre instruction pages change with the font size specified in defaults. 

Thank you! 

/ font = ("Arial", 45, 700, 0, 34)
/ screencolor = (0,0,0)
/ txcolor = (255,255,255)
/ txbgcolor = (0,0,0)
/ pretrialpause = 0
/ posttrialpause = 0
/ inputdevice = keyboard

Look and behavior of instruction pages (<page> elements) is controlled by the <instruct> element:

/ screencolor = darkgray

/ screencolor = black
/ txcolor = white
/ fontstyle = ("Verdana", 5%)

<page examplepage>
^This is an example page.

<block exampleblock>
/ preinstructions = (page.examplepage)

By Libra - 4/28/2023

Got it! Thank you!