By Olga Kunina - 11/26/2009
Hi everyone,
I am trying to expand the source code for the IOWA-Gambling task available at the Inquisit website. In this version the loss-values are selected randomly as follows:
/ getlossdeck1 = noreplace(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350)
By contrast, I want to define a fixed sequence of loss values for loss values for each trail. I want to choose the current value depending on how many cards were already taken from the deck. Speaking more technically - I want to get the nth element out of an array, vector or list with numerical values.
Therefore I am trying to define something like a list or a vector with loss values (integer values) for each trail.
/ loss_deck1 = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350)
Since that did not work I have defined a counter
<counter deck1_loss>
/ items = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350)
/ select = sequence(1-10)
Additionally, I have introduced a variable "values.cards_deck1" that counts how often deck1 was chosen. This counter is updated in each trial.
In the last step I try to define the loss value for the current trial as:
/ getlossdeck1 = getitem(counter.deck1_loss.items, values.cards_deck1)
But each time I get the error message "Expression is not valid. Item not found".
Does someone have an idea whether it is possible to create a list or vector with numerical values & get back a specific element out of this list?
Thanks a lot for your help in advance.
Best regards,
Olga Kunina
By Dave - 11/26/2009
Hmm, glancing over the code you posted, I think
/ getlossdeck1 = getitem(counter.deck1_loss.items, values.cards_deck1)
should be changed to a /ontrialend or /ontrialbegin expression:
<values> / getlossdeck1 = 0 [...] </values>
and then
<trial sometrial> / ontrialbegin = [values.getlossdeck1=getitem(counter.deck1_loss, values.cards_deck1] [...] </trial>
If that doesn't do the trick, you might want to attach your script to this thread (-> see 'Options' tab when posting a reply).
By Olga Kunina - 11/26/2009
Hi Dave,
thank you very much for your quick answer. I have followed your suggestions and changed my code as follows:
<trial igtfeedback>
/ ontrialbegin = [ if (trial.igt.response == "deck1") { [..]
values.loss = getitem(counter.deck1_loss, values.cards_deck1); [..] }]
Unfortunately it does not work. It seems to be a problem with the expression "getitem(counter.deck1_loss, values.cards_deck1)".
I have uploaded the script. Thanks a lot for taking time to answer the questions,
Best regards,
By Dave - 11/26/2009
Unfortunately it does not work. It seems to be a problem with the expression "getitem(counter.deck1_loss, values.cards_deck1)".
What exactly isn't working?
By Dave - 11/26/2009
Okay, I had a quick look at your script and compared it to the original IGT script available from Well, if all you want is a fixed sequence of losses for each deck, there's a much easier way to pull this off. In the original script, losses are randomly determined by the following expressions:
<expressions> / getlossdeck1 = noreplace(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1250) / getlossdeck2 = noreplace(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350) / getlossdeck3 = noreplace(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 50, 50) / getlossdeck4 = noreplace(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 250) </expressions>
Each time the subject selects e.g. deck1, a random value is returned from expressions.getlossdeck1 (without replacement). Now, if you want to switch that behavior to a predictable, fixed sequence in which certain amounts of losses should occur, you may simply define:
<expressions> / getlossdeck1 = sequence(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1250) / getlossdeck2 = sequence(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350) / getlossdeck3 = sequence(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 50, 50) / getlossdeck4 = sequence(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 250) </expressions>
I.e.only when the subject selects deck1 for the tenth time, a loss of 1250 will occur. No further changes are necessary as you can see from the attached script.
Let me know if that helps,
By Olga Kunina - 11/26/2009
Dear Dave,
thank you so much for your help. That is indeed a very simple soultion for this probelm. [:D]
However, we are developing a new card risking task and there it would be helpful to be able to get the n-th element of a counter. Unfortunatelly there are not many examples for the usage of the function getitem in the documentation .
getitem(counter.deck, 1)
getitem(text.presenteditems, text.presenteditems.itemcount)
getitem(item.useritems, item.useritems.itemcount - 1)
Can you tell me how one would have to define "counter.deck", "text.presenteditems", or "item.useritems" so that this function is executed regularely?
Kind regards,
By Dave - 11/27/2009
Can you tell me how one would have to define "counter.deck", "text.presenteditems", or "item.useritems" so that this function is executed regularely?
Hmm, I don't think there's much more too it. Let's do this by way of an example. Suppose you have defined a counter element:
<counter fruit> / items = ("apple", "banana", "cherry", "damson", "elderberry") [...] </counter>
Now, suppose you want to retrieve the third item from the counter, i.e. "cherry", with the getitem function. You can use that function either by way of the <expressions> element
<expressions> / getcherry = getitem(counter.fruit, 3) [...] </expressions>
or by way of Inquisit's event attributes ('/ onexptbegin', '/ onexptend', '/ onblockbegin', '/ onblockend', '/ ontrialbegin', '/ ontrialend') available at the <expt>, <block> and <trial> level
<trial getcherry> / ontrialbegin = [text.favoritefruit.item.1 = getitem(counter.fruit, 3)] / stimulusframes = [favoritefruit] [...] </trial>
<text favoritefruit> [...] </text>
and do all sorts of things with it, e.g. write it to a <text> element or to a <values> entry. Note that the item index number, i.e. the second argument of the getitem function ( 3 for "cherry") may also be a variable. So you might as well define another <values> entry (or use anything that returns a valid numerical value) and use it as the functions argument:
<values> / cherryindex = 3 [...] </values>
/ getcherry = getitem(counter.fruit, values.cherryindex)
Best wishes from a fellow Inquisit user,
By Olga Kunina - 11/27/2009
Dear Dave,
thanks for these examples and your answers. They were very helpfull. [:)]
Have a good weekend. With best wishes,
By Dave - 11/27/2009
You're welcome. BTW, if you're into risk-taking card tasks, definitely check out the Columbia Card Task script available from the Inquisit Task Library.
By fasteddie9141 - 10/7/2014
I know I'm dredging this from the mists of time but I am also trying to do a linear sequence with the iowa gambling task from the web scripts.
I have used the sequence command to select a fixed loss value and modified other elements of the script so that it only shows one value for loss gain over the card
Its 90% there but I cannot get the getlossdeck sequence to step together so that it doesn't step back when users select a different response.
i.e if they keep hitting deck A the cards are in correct sequence but if they change from deck to deck it does the decks in order but not so the sixth card in A leads to the 7th in B etc
Is there a simple way of explaining your example of counters so that I can get the existing code to step in time so to speak
I have some code you can look at to see the modifications I've made if it would help
By Dave - 10/8/2014
Assuming you did something like
<expressions> / getlossdeck1 = sequence(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1250) / getlossdeck2 = sequence(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350) / getlossdeck3 = sequence(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 50, 50) / getlossdeck4 = sequence(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 250) </expressions>
there is no reason why the decks should be "in sync". If e.g. "deck 1" is selected <trial igt> ... / ontrialend = [ if (trial.igt.response == "deck1") {... ; values.loss=expressions.getlossdeck1; ...}] ... </trial>
A single sample is retrieved from expressions.getlossdeck1. The remaining expressions are (supposed to be) wholly unaffected -- no samples are retrieved.
The quickest, but somewhat hack-ish, way to change that is to retrieve a sample from *every* expression regardless of the deck chosen:
<trial igt> ... / ontrialend = [ if (trial.igt.response == "deck1") {... ; values.loss=expressions.getlossdeck1; expressions.getlossdeck2; expressions.getlossdeck3; expressions.getlossdeck4;...}] / ontrialend = [ if (trial.igt.response == "deck2") {... ; values.loss=expressions.getlossdeck2; expressions.getlossdeck1; expressions.getlossdeck3; expressions.getlossdeck4;...}] ... </trial>
By fasteddie9141 - 10/8/2014
Thanks for this I will give it a hack so to speak
Apologies for doubling up with PM
By Dave - 10/8/2014
No problem. Let me know how it goes!