Millisecond Forums

Image from previous trial stays in next trial

By Amelinq - 11/8/2023

Hi Dave (and everybody else)
I'm a bit ashamed to ask another question, but I still dared to post it :).
I have a problem that is inexplicable to me. I will add a ZIP-file with all my stimuli and script (and hopefully you can run it).

This is the problem:
in <trial.practice> I put in an image 'probe'. In <trial.fingers> I did not, so it should ofcourse not appear. When I run the element <trial.fingers> everything shows up as it should, no picture, but when I rund the block <block.practicefingers> which combines the two trials, the picture also appears in <trial.fingers>.
I don't understand how this can happen?
From the second practice block onwards <block.practice2_1> the image even stays during the test trials, but the image ('probe') is never mentioned in any trial stimulustime there.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Here's the link to the ZIP in drive. You can download, and unzip the map,  then open it in inquisit6.

By Dave - 11/8/2023

Amelinq - 11/8/2023
Hi Dave (and everybody else)
I'm a bit ashamed to ask another question, but I still dared to post it :).
I have a problem that is inexplicable to me. I will add a ZIP-file with all my stimuli and script (and hopefully you can run it).

This is the problem:
in <trial.practice> I put in an image 'probe'. In <trial.fingers> I did not, so it should ofcourse not appear. When I run the element <trial.fingers> everything shows up as it should, no picture, but when I rund the block <block.practicefingers> which combines the two trials, the picture also appears in <trial.fingers>.
I don't understand how this can happen?
From the second practice block onwards <block.practice2_1> the image even stays during the test trials, but the image ('probe') is never mentioned in any trial stimulustime there.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Here's the link to the ZIP in drive. You can download, and unzip the map,  then open it in inquisit6.

The image isn't erased at the end of the practice trial, so it stays on during the next. (This is due to the use of the /scale attribute in <picture probe>.)

Two solutions:
(1) Don't use /scale, instead define either /size or /height or /width in percentages. E.g.

<picture probe>
/items= ("ScreenGTA.png")
/position = (50%, 70%)
/ height = 35%

(2) Alternatively, simply have the fingers <trial> clear the screen as its first order of business.

<trial fingers>
/stimulustimes= [0= clearscreen, fingerstext, fewseconds]
/timeout= 4500

By Amelinq - 11/8/2023

Dave - 11/8/2023
Amelinq - 11/8/2023
Hi Dave (and everybody else)
I'm a bit ashamed to ask another question, but I still dared to post it :).
I have a problem that is inexplicable to me. I will add a ZIP-file with all my stimuli and script (and hopefully you can run it).

This is the problem:
in <trial.practice> I put in an image 'probe'. In <trial.fingers> I did not, so it should ofcourse not appear. When I run the element <trial.fingers> everything shows up as it should, no picture, but when I rund the block <block.practicefingers> which combines the two trials, the picture also appears in <trial.fingers>.
I don't understand how this can happen?
From the second practice block onwards <block.practice2_1> the image even stays during the test trials, but the image ('probe') is never mentioned in any trial stimulustime there.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Here's the link to the ZIP in drive. You can download, and unzip the map,  then open it in inquisit6.

The image isn't erased at the end of the practice trial, so it stays on during the next. (This is due to the use of the /scale attribute in <picture probe>.)

Two solutions:
(1) Don't use /scale, instead define either /size or /height or /width in percentages. E.g.

<picture probe>
/items= ("ScreenGTA.png")
/position = (50%, 70%)
/ height = 35%

(2) Alternatively, simply have the fingers <trial> clear the screen as its first order of business.

<trial fingers>
/stimulustimes= [0= clearscreen, fingerstext, fewseconds]
/timeout= 4500

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