Millisecond Forums

Putting data in redirect URL parameter on Finish Page

By parsi - 2/8/2024

After finishing a web experiment, I want to redirect the participant to an external web page with their participant id in the URL as a parameter. Can this be done?
By Dave - 2/9/2024

parsi - 2/9/2024
After finishing a web experiment, I want to redirect the participant to an external web page with their participant id in the URL as a parameter. Can this be done?

See under "Sending the Subject ID from Inquisit to 3rd Party Sites".
By parsi - 2/12/2024

Dave - 2/9/2024
parsi - 2/9/2024
After finishing a web experiment, I want to redirect the participant to an external web page with their participant id in the URL as a parameter. Can this be done?

See under "Sending the Subject ID from Inquisit to 3rd Party Sites".

As a follow up, if the Inquisit Player receives URL parameters from a 3rd part site, does it append back all those parameters on its redirect out? Is there a fine-grained way to control this behaviour?
By Dave - 2/12/2024

parsi - 2/13/2024
Dave - 2/9/2024
parsi - 2/9/2024
After finishing a web experiment, I want to redirect the participant to an external web page with their participant id in the URL as a parameter. Can this be done?

See under "Sending the Subject ID from Inquisit to 3rd Party Sites".

As a follow up, if the Inquisit Player receives URL parameters from a 3rd part site, does it append back all those parameters on its redirect out? Is there a fine-grained way to control this behaviour?

> if the Inquisit Player receives URL parameters from a 3rd part site, does it append back all those parameters on its redirect out?


> Is there a fine-grained way to control this behaviour?

You can control this by writing your own custom finish page. That is, have Inquisit redirect to your custom finish page as an intermediate step, in that page you can use JavaScript to read in the various URL parameters and then do whatever you need with them (keep some, discard others, add new ones, etc.) and redirect onwards to the final destination