By Libra - 3/21/2024
Hi, I am planning to have a two-part study. In the first part, participants will fill out a survey on Qualtrics where they answer a multiple-choice question. Based on their responses to other questions, they will be invited to participate in part 2. In part 2, I want to insert the option they selected for the multiple-choice question in part 1 as text stimulus to them. We will have a unique ID to identify participants when they complete the two parts of the study. Is this something doable? Thank you!
By Dave - 3/21/2024
+xuHi, I am planning to have a two-part study. In the first part, participants will fill out a survey on Qualtrics where they answer a multiple-choice question. Based on their responses to other questions, they will be invited to participate in part 2. In part 2, I want to insert the option they selected for the multiple-choice question in part 1 as text stimulus to them. We will have a unique ID to identify participants when they complete the two parts of the study. Is this something doable? Thank you! Whether it's doable depends on what other things part two involves. In general you can forward information from an external site (here:Qualtrics) via URL parameters. An Inquisit script can learn and use the values of at most three URL parameters: - One read in as subject ID. (URL parameter name is subjectid by default, but can be changed to somethiing else in the web experiment's settings. The value read in is available via the script.subjectid property.) - One read in as group ID. (URL parameter name is groupid by default, but can be changed to somethiing else in the web experiment's settings. The value read in is available via the script.groupid property.) - One read in as session ID. (URL parameter name must be sessionid. Value read in available via script.sessionid property.)
Subject ID is out, because you'll want Qualtircs to forward its unique participant identifier and use that as subject ID. You've not said whether your Inquisit script(s) need group or session ID for anything. If not, then you can use either.
E.g. have Qualtrics forward the response to the question to Inquisit in a URL parameter called sessionid, and then that value will be available to the script per the script.sessionid property.