By microsecond - 5/7/2024
I'm trying to run an experiment with Inquisit Web but I'm getting the following error: Network Error with HTTP Status: 403: 'Permission Denied' in bool inquisit::Path::loadFileHttp(QByteArray &, const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, int, bool). The script I'm using is an adjusted version of the standard PVT task with some added questionnaires. I've also tried to run a standard script from Inquisit with the same devices and this doesn't give me any errors.
I hope you can help me out. Many thanks in advance!
By Dave - 5/7/2024
+xI'm trying to run an experiment with Inquisit Web but I'm getting the following error: Network Error with HTTP Status: 403: 'Permission Denied' in bool inquisit::Path::loadFileHttp(QByteArray &, const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, int, bool). The script I'm using is an adjusted version of the standard PVT task with some added questionnaires. I've also tried to run a standard script from Inquisit with the same devices and this doesn't give me any errors. I hope you can help me out. Many thanks in advance! 403 errors typically mean some file(s) the script requires haven't been uploaded or you have something in the file names (e.g. "+" characters) that breaks the download URLs.
By microsecond - 5/7/2024
Thank you! My filename included a '&' character.
By Dave - 5/7/2024
+xThank you! My filename included a '&' character. Yep, that explains it. & in URLs is used in query strings, so anything following the & will be interpreted as a query parameter, not part of a file name. For web use, it's best to stick to (ideally lowercase) letters, digits, and underscores in file names -- with those, you'll always be on the safe side. Avoid thiings like &, +, slashes (/ or \), double-quotes, or punctuation marks like :.