By AKrishna - 7/18/2024
Hi all!
Two questions/issues: first, I was wondering whether it is possible to have a slider (either as a question element on a surveypage or as a slidertrial element) that has a display of what value is currently selected (as feedback for the participant). I'm aware that I can have a textbox display the response AFTER it is confirmed by the participant via accessing the response attribute of the slider/slidertrial element, but is it possible to have this displayed and updated dynamically in a trial WHILE the participant gives a response?
Second, I noticed that the slidertrial element seems to place the response button behind the slider element in some circumstances. I specifically noticed this when I was using a slidertrial without labels. See for example:
<slidertrial Slider> / stimulustimes = [0 = Prozent] / position = (50%, 60%) / orientation = horizontal / range = (0,100) / increment = 10 / showticks = true </slidertrial>
<text Prozent> / items = ("Bitte geben Sie an, zu wie viel Prozent Sie alles geschafft haben, was Sie sich für die Arbeitswoche vorgenommen haben.") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 35%) / size = (80%, 5%) </text>
On my system, this code causes the "Continue" button to be displayed behind the slider. Adding "/ labels = ("0","10","20","30","40","50","60","70","80","90","100")" to the slidertrial element resolves the issue. Was wondering whether there was any workaround for this?
Thanks as always!
By AKrishna - 7/18/2024
Perhaps as an addendum: is there any way to make different sliders on the same surveypage align to the same horizontal position if the labels are different in length? For example, the following code produces wonky alignment:
<surveypage CollectedtextLikert> / questions = [1 = muede; 2 = zufrieden; 3 = unruhig; 4 = energiegeladen; 5 = unwohl; 6 = entspannt] / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false / caption = "Im Moment fühle ich mich..." </surveypage>
<slider muede> / range = (0,6) / labels = ("müde", "wach") </slider>
<slider zufrieden> / range = (0,6) / labels = ("zufrieden","unzufrieden") </slider>
<slider unruhig> / range = (0,6) / labels = ("unruhig","ruhig") </slider>
<slider energiegeladen> / range = (0,6) / labels = ("energiegeladen","energielos") </slider>
<slider unwohl> / range = (0,6) / labels = ("unwohl","wohl") </slider>
<slider entspannt> / range = (0,6) / labels = ("entspannt","angespannt") </slider>
Manually positioning the scales (e.g. at 15% horizontal and 15%, 25%, 35%... vertical) doesn't fix the issue. Standardizing the label length by adding additional spaces does help, but the alignment still isn't quite right.
By Dave - 7/18/2024
+xPerhaps as an addendum: is there any way to make different sliders on the same surveypage align to the same horizontal position if the labels are different in length? For example, the following code produces wonky alignment: <surveypage CollectedtextLikert> / questions = [1 = muede; 2 = zufrieden; 3 = unruhig; 4 = energiegeladen; 5 = unwohl; 6 = entspannt] / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false / caption = "Im Moment fühle ich mich..." </surveypage>
<slider muede> / range = (0,6) / labels = ("müde", "wach") </slider>
<slider zufrieden> / range = (0,6) / labels = ("zufrieden","unzufrieden") </slider>
<slider unruhig> / range = (0,6) / labels = ("unruhig","ruhig") </slider>
<slider energiegeladen> / range = (0,6) / labels = ("energiegeladen","energielos") </slider>
<slider unwohl> / range = (0,6) / labels = ("unwohl","wohl") </slider>
<slider entspannt> / range = (0,6) / labels = ("entspannt","angespannt") </slider> Manually positioning the scales (e.g. at 15% horizontal and 15%, 25%, 35%... vertical) doesn't fix the issue. Standardizing the label length by adding additional spaces does help, but the alignment still isn't quite right. Cheers! > I'm aware that I can have a textbox display the response AFTER it is confirmed by the participant via accessing the response attribute of the slider/slidertrial element, but is it possible to have this displayed and updated dynamically in a trial WHILE the participant gives a response?
> Was wondering whether there was any workaround for this?
No, the workaround is to have /labels, and a simple blank will do.
/ labels = (" ")
> is there any way to make different sliders on the same surveypage align to the same horizontal position if the labels are different in length?
Standardize the label length and use a fixed width font.
<surveypage CollectedtextLikert> / questions = [1 = muede; 2 = zufrieden;] / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false / caption = "Im Moment fühle ich mich..." / itemfontstyle = ("Consolas", 3%) </surveypage>
<slider muede> / range = (0,6) / labels = ("müde ", " wach") </slider>
<slider zufrieden> / range = (0,6) / labels = ("zufrieden ","unzufrieden") </slider>
