+xDear Dave,
I am using IAT-Sexuality and Transgender . I can see the d values in data section for each test. How can I interpret this using SPSS or any other program. I would appreciate if you informed me.
Thank you
IQDAT files are simple, tab.delimited text files. Those can be read or imported by any spreadsheet or statistical analysis application, including SPSS. Consult your preferred application's documetnation on how to import data from text files.
If your question is on interpreting D-scores, see the respective scripts' user manuals, where the directionality is given. E.g.
D-scores obtained with this script:
Positive d-scores: support a stronger association between 'Cisgender People-Good' and 'Transgender People-Bad' than for the opposite pairings
Negative d-scores: support a stronger association between 'Transgender People-Good' and 'Cisgender People-Bad' than for the opposite pairings
Generally see https://forums.millisecond.com/Topic3444.aspx and the published IAT literature on D-scores, such as Greenwald, Nosek & Banaji (2003).