Millisecond Forums

Bug in /stop attribute?

By AKrishna - 9/13/2024

Dear all,

I think I've stumbled on a bug: the / stop attribute (at least in expt elements) is sometimes not evaluated correctly. The following code provides an example:

/ TestStop = false
/ OtherStop = false

<expt MinimalExample>
/ blocks = [1 = HelloWorld]
/ stop = [
    values.TestStop; values.OtherStop

<block HelloWorld>
/ trials = [1 = HelloWorld]

<trial HelloWorld>
/ stimulustimes = [0 = HelloWorld]
/ timeout = 2000

<text HelloWorld>
/ items = ("Hello World!")

This runs as expected, the trial is displayed. The / stop attribute is expected to fire if EITHER values.TestStop OR values.OtherStop OR both are true, preventing the trial from displaying.

If only OtherStop is true or if both are true, /stop acts as expected. However, if ONLY TestStop is true, the stop condition doesn't fire and the trial displays.

For now, a workaround would be to avoid listing /stop statements with semicolons and instead connect them via || (or) operators:

<expt MinimalExample>
/ blocks = [1 = HelloWorld]
/ stop = [
    values.TestStop || values.OtherStop

By Dave - 9/13/2024

AKrishna - 9/13/2024
Dear all,

I think I've stumbled on a bug: the / stop attribute (at least in expt elements) is sometimes not evaluated correctly. The following code provides an example:

/ TestStop = false
/ OtherStop = false

<expt MinimalExample>
/ blocks = [1 = HelloWorld]
/ stop = [
    values.TestStop; values.OtherStop

<block HelloWorld>
/ trials = [1 = HelloWorld]

<trial HelloWorld>
/ stimulustimes = [0 = HelloWorld]
/ timeout = 2000

<text HelloWorld>
/ items = ("Hello World!")

This runs as expected, the trial is displayed. The / stop attribute is expected to fire if EITHER values.TestStop OR values.OtherStop OR both are true, preventing the trial from displaying.

If only OtherStop is true or if both are true, /stop acts as expected. However, if ONLY TestStop is true, the stop condition doesn't fire and the trial displays.

For now, a workaround would be to avoid listing /stop statements with semicolons and instead connect them via || (or) operators:

<expt MinimalExample>
/ blocks = [1 = HelloWorld]
/ stop = [
    values.TestStop || values.OtherStop

So, it's not a bug, but the documentation is unclear / somewhat wrong on this. Each /stop attribute is evaluated as a whole, and whatever the final result is the return value and determines whether a stop occurs or not.


/ TestStop = true
/ OtherStop = false


/ stop = [

the return value is false per values.OtherStop.


/ stop = [
    return values.TestStop;
/ stop = [
    return values.OtherStop;

the return value of the first /stop attribute is true per values.TestStop, so a stop occurs. The 2nd stop attribute is not evaluated.

You can have multiple expressions in a single /stop attribute to achieve the same thing, e.g.

/ stop = [
    if (values.TestStop) {
        return true;
    if (values.OtherStop) {
        return true

The first conditional applies and returns true, the 2nd conditional does not apply, so nothing changes.

And finally, as you noted, you can of course use a logical OR, which I would consider the clearest specification.

/ stop = [
    return (values.TestStop || values.OtherStop)