Millisecond Forums

Brief IAT - D isn't computing

By JessicaD - 10/24/2010

I'm working with the Brief IAT template posted on the website.  For some reason the D column is coming back blank.  I've attached my script for reference.  I modified the script to use 8 attributes instead of 4, but I don't see how that is affecting the D expression.

I'm new to Inquisit so I'm still trying to understand the code.  Please help!


By Dave - 10/24/2010

Attached is a data set just generated with your script. Clearly, D is being computed just fine. Tip: Open your data files in a spreadsheet program (e.g. Excel) to see columns properly separated.


By JessicaD - 10/24/2010

Thanks Dave, but when I do a trial run all I get is zeros in the D column.  How is that possible if we're running the same script?


By Dave - 10/24/2010

You might be running an outdated Inquisit version?

By JessicaD - 10/24/2010

I'm running  Are you using the beta version?

By Dave - 10/24/2010

Indeed, this seems to be a issue.