Millisecond Forums

back button in surveypage

By micxid - 12/3/2010


Is it possible to create a back button in a surveypage element that would go to the previous independent surveypage? I used these expressions and still it's not there.

/ showbackbutton = true
/ backkey = (14)
/ backlabel = "cofnij"

I just would like to have a back button between two surveypages each
containing one slider element. Can you tell me what did I do wrong?

thanks in advance,


By Dave - 12/3/2010

AFAIK, navigation between surveypages will only work with mouse input.

By micxid - 12/3/2010

Well I added /inputdevice but still doesn't work, here is the code:

<surveypage imp2>
/ caption = "Na ile ważna jest dla Ciebie ta osoba? Przedmiotem oceny jest <%item.names.item.2%>"
/ itemspacing = 10%
/ questions = [1=import2]
/ showquestionnumbers = false
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showbackbutton = true
/ finishlabel = "dalej"
/ backkey = (14)
/ backlabel = "cofnij"
/ inputdevice = mouse

Any idea?

By Dave - 12/4/2010

Attach your script here (see the 'Options' tab when posting a reply) and I'll take a look.

By Lizeroo - 5/16/2011

Hi Dave,

I wonder whether the problem of the missing back button was ever resolved.  I can't seem to make back buttons show up in my survey either.  My script is very straightforward and it runs without errors.  The finishlabel shows up, but there's no back button.  Here are the first few pages:

<surveypage demointropage>

/ questions = [1=demointro] 

/ showpagenumbers = false

/ showquestionnumbers = false

/ itemspacing = 50pt

/ finishlabel = "CONTINUE"


<surveypage demographics1>

/ caption = "Please answer the following questions:"

/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 14pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)

/ questions = [1=age; 2=sex01] 

/ showpagenumbers = false

/ showquestionnumbers = false

/ finishlabel = "CONTINUE" / backlabel = "GO BACK" / showbackbutton = true 


<surveypage demographics2>

/ caption = "Please answer the following questions:"

/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 14pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)

/ questions = [1=race; 2=otherrace] 

/ showpagenumbers = false

/ showquestionnumbers = false

/ finishlabel = "CONTINUE" / backlabel = "GO BACK" / showbackbutton = true 


<surveypage demographics3>

/ caption = "Please answer the following questions:"

/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 14pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)

/ questions = [1=momed] 

/ showpagenumbers = false

/ showquestionnumbers = false

/ finishlabel = "CONTINUE" / backlabel = "GO BACK" / showbackbutton = true 


Thanks for looking into this!

By Dave - 5/16/2011

Back navigation is only available when running surveypages from a <survey> element.

By James Rounds - 9/24/2020

Dave - 5/16/2011

Back navigation is only available when running surveypages from a <survey> element.

This is very helpful - thank you!