Millisecond Forums

/mask = alphabetic does not accept non-ascii letters

By kuehnik - 4/21/2011

In any language containing non-ascii characters, like German and French, textbox entry cannot be restricted to letters, as '/mask = alphabetic' will reject characters that are non-ascii, e.g. German umlauts. Therefore I'm forced to leave the field unrestricted, which is not what I want.

Any possibility this will be fixed in a later upgrade?


By Dave - 4/21/2011

'/mask = alphabetic' is a really a Regular Expression. Standard POSIX RegEx define [:alpha:] to only match [A-Za-z], i.e., technically there is nothing to "fix" here. To also match other charachters, you only need to construct a proper RegEx, e.g.

 / mask = ^[a-zA-ZäöüÄÖÜß]+$



By kuehnik - 4/22/2011

Great! That clears things up.

