Millisecond Forums

Wrong font in text element

By jmwotw - 2/27/2012

I am trying to present two text elements side by side, one in IPA font for phonetic symbols, and the other in a normal text font.  The IPA font renders correctly, but not the text font.  I've tried "Arial" and "Courier New" but it always presents it in "Wingdings".

<text 005_correct_a1>

/ items = ("E")

/ txbgcolor = (200,200,200)

/ fontstyle = ("Ipa-samd Uclphon1
SILDoulosL", 50, false, false, false, false, 5, 2)

/ size = (5%,8%)

/ txcolor = (0,0,0)

/ halign = left

/ vjustify= center

/ position = (2,18)



<text 005_correct_a2>

/ items = ("pet")

/ txbgcolor = (200,200,200)

/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 50,
false, false, false, false, 5, 2)

/ size = (16%,8%)

/ txcolor = (0,0,0)

/ halign = left

/ vjustify= center

/ position = (7,18)



Any ideas or suggestions?

By Dave - 2/27/2012

Note that you've specified the 'Symbol' character set

<text 005_correct_a2>
/ items = ("pet")
/ txbgcolor = (200,200,200)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 50, false, false, false, false, 5, 2)
/ size = (16%,8%)
/ txcolor = (0,0,0)
/ halign = left
/ vjustify= center
/ position = (7,18)

See the documentation for the /fontstyle attribute for details.



By jmwotw - 2/27/2012

Doh!  Thanks!