Millisecond Forums

Next button

By Janka Kuszynski - 4/15/2012


I am currently working on a script with Inquisit 2 and I made a preinstructions page with a button which says " press [space] to continue". I want to change that into "Next" or in German  into "Weiter". How can I do that?

I hope you can help me with that. :)

By Dave - 4/15/2012

See the documentation for the <instruct> element, particularly the /prevlabel, /nextlabel and /lastlabel attributes.

By Janka Kuszynski - 4/15/2012

Dear Dave,

thanks so much, it is working now! I always had the nextlabel, but never lastlabel!

By nbUOS - 2/28/2016

i have set labels for all 3 (prevlabel, nextlabel & lastlabel) and still there is a "finish" button under my one question. do you have suggestions which label i should check to change that?
By nbUOS - 2/28/2016

adding "finish label just messes eveything up, my nextlabel doesnt shop up anywhere now and my last label is the finish label.
but still the one button that say "finish" is untouched...
By Dave - 2/28/2016

> i have set labels for all 3 (prevlabel, nextlabel & lastlabel) and still there is a "finish" button under my one question.

This thread is about *instruction* pages (i.e. <page> elements), *not* <surveypage>s. Since you mention a questions, you must be talking about the latter. The labels work like this:

<survey mysurvey>
/ nextlabel = "Nextlabel >>"
/ backlabel = "<< Backlabel"
/ finishlabel = "Finishlabel >>"
/ pages = [1=a; 2=b]

<surveypage a>
/ caption = "First page"

<surveypage b>
/ caption = "Second (and final) page"