Millisecond Forums

Screen Resolution

By amcc - 4/27/2012


I built my experiment on a wide screen laptop with:

Display = Small (100%) and Screen Resolution =1366x768

It looks good on most computers, but one person with a 13 or 14 inch laptop found that the text ran off the screen and the NEXT and BACK buttons were on top of the text.

If I change my Dispaly to Medium (125%) I do find that the NEXT, BACK, and instruction text for the IAT are larger and could overlay on text or run off the screen (bottom) a bit, but the rest of the text (i.e., in the questionnaires) stays the same as when I had the Display set to Small.

If I also change the Screen Resolution to 1024x786 then the the the text definitely runs off the screen on most of the pages and my questionnaire items that were created in the form ...

Feel the same as we all do some of the time    1      2      3      4      5    Feel totally different then we would

... where the anchors and numbers are set to display a certain number of pixels apart, get very messed up (i.e., the text on each side run onto a second line and these lines overlap).

At this point a lot of the study is ilegible.

If I change all the screens to look nice on this small Display and Screen Resolution, it would A) be a lot of work, and B) not look nice on most people's screens.

What do you suggest? Does Inquisit have a recommended minimum requirement for Display and Screen Resolution, or is there a way to code the screens so that they adjust to fit any screen size or remain constant regardless of screen display, resoultion, and size?



By Dave - 4/27/2012

What do you suggest? Does Inquisit have a recommended minimum requirement for Display and Screen Resolution, or is there a way to code the screens so that they adjust to fit any screen size or remain constant regardless of screen display, resoultion, and size?

You'll generally want to use percentage values for all and any /size, /position, /fontsize, etc. attributes. You'll want to thoroughly test how a given script behaves across different screen resolutions and height/width ratios using the <defaults> element's /windowsize attribute.



By Blackadder - 4/29/2012

In addition, you may want to establish certain minimum requirements for screen size.

There is good reason, for example, why many current websites use fixed size elements, because only this warrants that a certain layout or quality of rendering is attained.

You can branch into a "Thanks, but your screen resolution is too low" block that immediately ends the experiment based on what the built-in variables "display.width" and "display.height" tell you.

Bye, Malte