Millisecond Forums

Saving IAT data?

By akanksha - 11/29/2012


I've just started using the IAT Single Target Script. However, I can't understand where the data gets saved. For research purposed, I have removed the summary block which informs the participant of their IAT Score. However, I still need that information. I also need the details of their individual reaction times on each trial. How can I program Inquisit to give me that software?

Also, for the IAT, Single Target Script the color of the fonts used in teh words presented changes. How can I have only one color for all of them?

Can someone please help me out? My entire research hangs on this study!

Thank you!!

By Dave - 11/29/2012

You'll find the data you are looking for in the *.dat file(s). Also see

Also, for the IAT, Single Target Script the color of the fonts used in teh words presented changes. How can I have only one color for all of them?

Set the respective <text> elements' /txcolor to the same color.

By akanksha - 11/29/2012

Hey Dave

Thanks for helping out! However, can you post the link again? It doesn't seem to work.

Also, is there any basic guide that I can use to understand how Inquisit stores the data? The help options in Inquisit dont give much information and a search for .dat files on my computer didn't throw up anything.

Thank you every so much!


By Dave - 11/29/2012

By akanksha - 12/6/2012

Thanks so much Dave!