Millisecond Forums

/pretrialpause Issue

By Shehaaz - 1/10/2013


The / pretrialpause doesn't work on Inquisit web, but it works perfectly fine on the desktop version. We are running the latest version of Inquisit in the web and (64bit) on the Desktop. 

Basically we have a list of words and we want to have a delay in between the recital of each word. 

Is it an issue with the latest iteration of the web compiler?

Code snippet:

"<trial MemoryBaseline>

/ stimulusframes = [1=AudioBaseline] 

/ pretrialpause = 4000

/ response = noresponse

/ timeout = 1

/ recorddata = false


Thank you very much

- Como

By Dave - 1/10/2013

#1: You should always use the same version on the web and the desktop.

#2: If anything, behaves correctly. /pretrialpause is part of the duration allotted by /timeout. Since your timeout < your pretrialpause, nothing will happen. You've basically set the trial up to end before anything ever happens. See the "How to Control Trial Duration and Inter-Trial Intervals" topic in the documentation for details.



By Shehaaz - 1/10/2013

I will work fixing it...and get back to thinking was the pretrialpause was before the trial is started...The  timeout was used because the words were had variable length and after the timeout it keep going until the end of the sound clip.