Integrating a practice block that contains randomized blocks with task containing randomized blocks

Integrating a practice block that contains randomized blocks with task...
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I am trying to figure out how to create a practice block that contains a randomized set of 4 blocks that precedes the actual experiment that is exactly the same except that it contains more trials per block. The only examples I can find online only randomize trials, but I need the blocks to be randomized for this Go/No-Go task. So, I am having problems with defining the exp blocks object.

I also need a specific screen to appear after the practice to tell the participant that the practice is over with and that the real experiment will begin once they press the space bar.

I cannot figure out how to do this. Any help would be most appreciated. My code is posted below:



   Cued Go / No-Go Task (Fillmore et al., 2006)




   Configurable values for

   - responsetimeout and

   - ITI (Inter-Trial-Interval)



<values userparams>

/ responsetimeout = 250

/ iti = 200

/ feedback_time = 400




   The below values should not be changed.



<values taskparams>

/ soa = 0

/ cuetype = 0

/ targettype = 0

/ nogo_targettype = 0

/ go_correctresp = 0

/ nogo_correctresp = 0

/ trialcount = 0

/ total = 0

/ rwd = 10




   Task Instructions




/ windowsize = (80%,80%)

/ inputdevice = keyboard

/ prevkey = (25)

/ nextkey = (57)

/ prevlabel = "Press P to go back"

/ nextlabel = "Press the spacebar"

/ finishlabel = "Press the spacebar"


<page intro>

^^Welcome to the Go / No-Go Task!

^^Put the index finger of your preferred hand on the spacebar. On each trial, a rectangle will appear on the screen.

^The rectangle will either be green or blue.

^^Press the spacebar as quickly as possible whenever you see the green rectangle.

^^If the rectangle is blue, do not respond at all.

^Try to respond as quickly as possible while making as few errors as possible.

^^There will be several practice blocks in the beginning. The task will take about 60 minutes to complete.

^^Press the spacebar to begin.


<page gainBlockInstr>



<page lossBlockInstr>



<page begin>

^^This concludes the Practice for the Go / No-Go Task.

^^Get ready for the actual experiment and press the spacebar when you are ready to begin.


<page end>

^^This concludes the Go / No-Go Task.

^^Thank you for participating!




   Custom Data Output




/ columns = [date,time,subject,blocknum,blockcode,values.trialcount,trialcode,response,latency,correct,error,


/ separatefiles = true





<text wrong>

/ items = wrong

/ color = (255, 0, 0)

/ fontstyle = ("Garamond", 36pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)

/ position =(50,70)


<item wrong>

/1 ="-10 Points"                 


<text right>

/ items = right

/ color = (0, 255, 64)

/ fontstyle = ("Garamond", 36pt, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)

/ position =(50,70)


<item right>

/1 = "+ 10 Points"


<text total>  

/ items = total

/ position = (50, 70)

/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)


<item total>

/1 = "Total = 200"



Block randomization




   Experiment Elements




/ preinstructions = (intro)

/ postinstructions = (end)

/ blocks = [(1,2,3,4=noreplace(practice_gainBlock, practice_nogo_gainBlock, practice_lossBlock, practice_nogo_lossBlock));

         ;(4,5,6,7=noreplace(gainBlock, nogo_gainBlock, lossBlock, nogo_lossBlock))]




   Block Elements



<block practice_gainBlock>

/ preinstructions = (gainBlockInstr)

/ bgstim = (total)

/ trials = [1-24=sequence(cue,gain_target, iti)]

/ onblockbegin=[]

/ onblockbegin=[text.right.item.1="+ 10 Points"; text.wrong.item.1=" 0 Points" ]


<block practice_nogo_gainBlock>

/ preinstructions = (gainBlockInstr)

/ bgstim = (total)

/ trials = [1-24=sequence(cue,nogo_gain_target, iti)]

/ onblockbegin=[]

/ onblockbegin=[text.right.item.1="+ 10 Points"; text.wrong.item.1=" 0 Points" ]


<block practice_lossBlock>

/ preinstructions = (lossBlockInstr)

/ trials = [1-24=sequence(cue,loss_target, iti)]

/ onblockbegin=[]

/ onblockbegin=[text.right.item.1=" 0 Points"; text.wrong.item.1="- 10 Points" ]


<block practice_nogo_lossBlock>

/ preinstructions = (lossBlockInstr)

/ trials = [1-24=sequence(cue,nogo_loss_target, iti)]

/ onblockbegin=[]

/ onblockbegin=[text.right.item.1=" 0 Points"; text.wrong.item.1="- 10 Points" ]


<block gainBlock>

/ preinstructions = (gainBlockInstr)

/ bgstim = (total)

/ trials = [1-144=sequence(cue,gain_target, iti)]

/ onblockbegin=[]

/ onblockbegin=[text.right.item.1="+ 10 Points"; text.wrong.item.1=" 0 Points" ]


<block nogo_gainBlock>

/ preinstructions = (gainBlockInstr)

/ bgstim = (total)

/ trials = [1-144=sequence(cue,nogo_gain_target, iti)]

/ onblockbegin=[]

/ onblockbegin=[text.right.item.1="+ 10 Points"; text.wrong.item.1=" 0 Points" ]


<block lossBlock>

/ preinstructions = (lossBlockInstr)

/ trials = [1-144=sequence(cue,loss_target, iti)]

/ onblockbegin=[]

/ onblockbegin=[text.right.item.1=" 0 Points"; text.wrong.item.1="- 10 Points" ]


<block nogo_lossBlock>

/ preinstructions = (lossBlockInstr)

/ trials = [1-144=sequence(cue,nogo_loss_target, iti)]

/ onblockbegin=[]

/ onblockbegin=[text.right.item.1=" 0 Points"; text.wrong.item.1="- 10 Points" ]




   Counters  ##Changes were made to the factorial design)



   Note: Factorial design with

   3 x SOA (300,400,500)

   2 x Cue (1=green,2=blue)

   2 x Trial Type (Go, No-Go)

   2 x Block (Gain, Loss)


   Blue cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)

   Green cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

   Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.

   Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times. ####This has to be changed



   SOAs in ms  ##Changes made were to reduce SOA from 5 to 3 different ones and I reduced the lines 

   from 25 to 24 so they would be counterbalanced.###



<list soa>

/ items = (




























   Cues (1=vertical cue, 2=horizontal cue)   ###Changed lines from 25 to 24 for counterbalancing##



<list cuetype>

/ items = (

























/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex





   Targets (1=horizontal go, 2=horizontal no-go)  ## Changes made were to reduce lines from 25 to 24 for consistentcy###



<list targettype>

/ items = (

























/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex


<list nogo_targettype>

/ items = (

























/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex




   Correct Responses (57=spacebar on go trials, 0=no response on no-go trials)

   ####Changes were made by reducing lines from 25 to 24###



<list go_correctresp>

/ items = (

























/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex


<list nogo_correctresp>

/ items = (

























/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex




   Trial Elements



<trial cue>

/ ontrialbegin = [values.soa=list.soa.nextvalue; values.cuetype=list.cuetype.nextvalue;

   values.targettype=list.targettype.nextvalue; values.nogo_targettype=list.nogo_targettype.nextvalue; values.go_correctresp=list.go_correctresp.nextvalue; values.nogo_correctresp=list.nogo_correctresp.nextvalue;


/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen; 100=blankscreen]

/ validresponse = (noresponse)

/ trialduration = 100 + values.soa

/ recorddata = false


<trial practice_gain_target>

/ stimulustimes = [0=target]

/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)

/ iscorrectresponse = [trial.gain_target.response==values.go_correctresp]

/ correctmessage = true(right,500)

/ errormessage = true(wrong,500)

/ timeout = 550

/ recorddata = true


<trial practice_nogo_gain_target>

/ stimulustimes = [0=nogo_target]

/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)

/ iscorrectresponse = [trial.nogo_gain_target.response==values.nogo_correctresp]

/ correctmessage = true(right,500)

/ errormessage = true(wrong,500)

/ timeout = 550

/ recorddata = true


<trial practice_loss_target>

/ stimulustimes = [0=target]

/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)

/ iscorrectresponse = [trial.loss_target.response==values.go_correctresp]

/ correctmessage = true(right,500)

/ errormessage = true(wrong,500)

/ timeout = 550

/ recorddata = true


<trial practice_nogo_loss_target>

/ stimulustimes = [0=nogo_target]

/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)

/ iscorrectresponse = [trial.nogo_loss_target.response==values.nogo_correctresp]

/ correctmessage = true(right,500)

/ errormessage = true(wrong,500)

/ timeout = 550

/ recorddata = true


<trial gain_target>

/ stimulustimes = [0=target]

/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)

/ iscorrectresponse = [trial.gain_target.response==values.go_correctresp]

/ correctmessage = true(right,500)

/ errormessage = true(wrong,500)

/ timeout = 550

/ recorddata = true


<trial nogo_gain_target>

/ stimulustimes = [0=nogo_target]

/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)

/ iscorrectresponse = [trial.nogo_gain_target.response==values.nogo_correctresp]

/ correctmessage = true(right,500)

/ errormessage = true(wrong,500)

/ timeout = 550

/ recorddata = true


<trial loss_target>

/ stimulustimes = [0=target]

/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)

/ iscorrectresponse = [trial.loss_target.response==values.go_correctresp]

/ correctmessage = true(right,500)

/ errormessage = true(wrong,500)

/ timeout = 550

/ recorddata = true


<trial nogo_loss_target>

/ stimulustimes = [0=nogo_target]

/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)

/ iscorrectresponse = [trial.nogo_loss_target.response==values.nogo_correctresp]

/ correctmessage = true(right,500)

/ errormessage = true(wrong,500)

/ timeout = 550

/ recorddata = true


<trial iti>

/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen]

/ validresponse = (noresponse)

/ trialduration = values.iti

/ recorddata = false




   Cue Stims  



<picture cue>

/ items = cues

/ select = values.cuetype

/ size = (75mm,75mm)

/ position = (50%,50%)

/ erase = false


<item cues>

/ 2 = "HCUE.bmp"

/ 1 = "HGO.bmp"




   Target Stims



<picture target>

/ items = targets

/ select = values.targettype

/ size = (75mm,75mm)

/ position = (50%,50%)

/ erase = false


<picture nogo_target>

/ items = targets

/ select = values.nogo_targettype

/ size = (75mm,75mm)

/ position = (50%,50%)

/ erase = false


<item targets>

/ 1 = "HGO.bmp"

/ 2 = "HNOGO.bmp"







<text fixation>

/ items = ("+")

/ fontstyle = ("Verdana", 10.00%, true)

/ erase = false




   Blank Screen



<shape blankscreen>

/ shape = rectangle

/ color = (white)

/ erase = false

/ size = (100%, 100%)

/ position = (50%, 50%)




   Debug Stuff



<text debug>

/ txbgcolor = (white)

/ erase = false

/ size = (75%,5%)

/ position = (50%,5%)




   Default Settings




/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)

/ canvasaspectratio = (4,3)

/ minimumversion = ""

/ fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.50%, true)

/ screencolor = (white)




   End Of File



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The only examples I can find online only randomize trials, but I need the blocks to be randomized for this Go/No-Go task. So, I am having problems with defining the exp blocks object.

You randomize blocks just as you would randomize trials:

/ blocks = [1-4=noreplace(a,b,c,d); 5=someotherblock; 6-...; ]

You will find this covered in the documentation for the /blocks attribute and you can find many more examples via the forum's search facility.

I also need a specific screen to appear after the practice to tell the participant that the practice is over with and that the real experiment will begin once they press the space bar.

Set up a <trial> that displays the message, have it accept the spacebar as response. Set up a <block> to run said <trial>. Run that block at the appropriate spot in your <expt>.

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Posts: 7, Visits: 1

Hi Dave,

Thank you for the swift reply. I came up with the same ideas as you, but my syntax was slightly off. I made some small changes and it works now.

Thanks again!


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