+xI have been having a similar issue with using .gif in <video> as stimuli in my test (Inquisit 5). On windows machines, the program will crash after one or two instances of a .gif.
On an iMac, the program will run, but .gif files get pretty choppy from time to time (start jumping and shaking on the screen). I've tried reducing the resolution of the images going into the .gif files but it doesn't seem to make a difference. When I use static images as stimuli, the program runs fine.
As far as I can determine the problem ultimately comes from two sources:
(1) The way Inquisit handles GIFs -- it essentially expands them into stimulusframes.
(2) The fact that in your case GIFs are drawn on top of each other, i.e. introducing two sets of potentially conflicting stimulusframes in a given instance of a <trial>.
Due to platform differences, this leads to a crash under Windows and "choppiness" under OSX.
The best "quick fix" I can see is to either (a) switch to a different (non-GIF) video format or (b) split things into separate <trial>s, i.e. instead of inserting the GIFs at values.stiminterval
<trial TargBP>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = NonBP, NonFace]
/ontrialbegin = [
values.rt = 0;
values.stiminterval = list.stimulusinterval.nextvalue;
trial.TargBP.insertstimulustime(video.NonFace, values.stiminterval);
trial.TargBP.insertstimulustime(video.TargetBP, values.stiminterval);]
have the trial only display NonBP and NonFace and set it to /timeout = values.stiminterval; if no response occurs prior to timeout, /branch to a 2nd <trial> that displays NonFace and TargetBP.
Hope this helps.