Modified visual dot probe question

Joel Cavallo
Joel Cavallo
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So I'm making a little bit of progress and I wanted to ask you about lists within lists. As it stands right now, I have followed your earlier advice and created multiple lists that have all possible combinations of my ocean-mountain image pair (left/right), probe position (left/right), and probe type (circle/square). This yielded 12 lists, 3 for PIOP, PIMP, fillerPIOP, and fillerPIMP. These represent 4 unique combinations for probe in ocean position trials, and 4 unique combos for probe in mountain trials. These lists are coded as:

Note: for picture_position, 1 = ocean on right, 2 = ocean on left
for probe_type, 1 = circle, 2 = square
for probe_position, 1 = right, 2 = left.

<list PIOP_picture_position_list>
/items = (1,1,2,2)
/selectionmode = random

<list PIOP_probe_type_list>
/items = (1,2,1,2)
/selectionmode = list.piop_picture_position_list.currentindex

<list PIOP_probe_position_list>
/items = (1,1,2,2)
/selectionmode = list.piop_picture_position_list.currentindex

My basic question is, how do I get each number, 1 and 2, to represent a combination of the ocean-mountain pair in the two different orientations? My initial instinct was to follow a similar logic that was in the initial code under the <trial>, which was as follows:

<trial PIOP>
/ontrialbegin = [values.PIOP_picture_position = list.PIOP_picture_position_list.nextvalue; values.PIOP_probetype = list.PIOP_probe_type_list.nextvalue; values.PIOP_probe_position = list.PIOP_probe_position_list.nextvalue]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.PIOP_picture_position == "1") {values.ocean_x = values.target_right_x; values.mountain_x = values.target_left_x}]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.PIOP_picture_position == "2") {values.ocean_x = values.target_left_x; values.mountain_x = values.target_right_x}]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.PIOP_probe_type == "1") {values.probe_type = 1}]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.PIOP_probe_type == "2") {values.probe_type = 2}]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.PIOP_probe_position == "1") {values.probe_x = values.target_right_x; values.mountain_x = values.target_left_x}]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.PIOP_probe_position == "2") {values.probe_x = values.target_left_x; values.mountain_x = values.target_right_x}]
/stimulusframes = [1 = oceanimage, mountainimage; 2 = probe]
/stimulustimes =

So, instead of referencing a specific orientation of the ocean/mountain, I simply create an if statement, that then specifies the orientation based on the selected values of the picture_position, probe_type, and probe_position. Does this seem correct? If not, I am wondering how I can specify the orientation of the pictures using code similar to what you posted last year when you had three text stimuli representing the values of 1,2,3:

<text stimtext>
/ items = ("A", "B", "C")
/ select = values.stim
/ hposition = values.position
To use this code as an analogy, I am wanting to replace the letters, A, B, (omit C), with specific combinations of ocean left/mountain right, and ocean right/mountain left. The same would be true for the probe position, and probe type. If you have any advice, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

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> I simply create an if statement, that then specifies the orientation based on the selected values of the picture_position,
> probe_type, and probe_position. Does this seem correct?

Not sure what it exactly you mean by "correct", but yes, you can absolutely do it this way.

I would personally prefer to work with real values (e.g. horizontal position: 25%, ...) as in the example referenced previously ( ) instead of an abstract representation ("A"), but your approach will work as well.

Joel Cavallo
Joel Cavallo
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Ok thank you. I'm following you so far, but I need to be more clear in my questions! So here it goes:

If I set up a picture using:
<picture picture_position>
/items = "ocean left", "ocean right"
/select = values.picture_position

How do I link the "ocean left" and "ocean right" items to the two pictures?

I know htat I have to call each individual picture and specify certain attributes, such as:
<picture oceanimage>
/items = oceanimagefile
/select = values.itemnumber
/hposition = values.ocean_x
vposition = values.target_y
/size = (values.imagewidth, values.imageheight)

and then:

<item oceanimagefile>
/1 = "ocean.jpg"

So, in my code that specifies unique combos of the ocean/mtn pair, probe type and probe position, if I make my list as:

<list PIOP_picture_position_list>
/items = (1, 1, 2, 2)

How do I make "1" produce the ocean image on the right, mountain on the left, and "2" produce the opposite? Thus, my mental predicament stems from the concept of creating a list of the stimuli combinations, and having each value, 1,1,1, etc. refer to a specific set of stimuli that can fork and either be a 1 or a 2 (i.e. a square or a circle, probe on the left or right, or ocean on the right or left). I hope this makes things more clear. I really appreciate your patience by the way!

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Here's a boiled-down, simplified example for your "PIOP"-set:

/ oceanposition = 0
/ mountainposition = 0
/ probeposition = 0
/ probetype = 1

<block example>
/ trials = [1-4=piop]

<trial piop>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.oceanposition=list.piop_oceanpositionlist.nextvalue;
/ stimulustimes = [0=ocean, mountain; 2000=probe]
/ validresponse = (57)

<text ocean>
/ items = ("Ocean")
/ hposition = values.oceanposition

<text mountain>
/ items = ("Mountain")
/ hposition = values.mountainposition

<text probe>
/ items = ("Square", "Circle")
/ select = values.probetype
/ hposition = values.probeposition

<list piop_oceanpositionlist>
/ items = (25%,25%,75%,75%)

<list piop_mountainpositionlist>
/ items = (75%,75%,25%,25%)
/ selectionmode = list.piop_oceanpositionlist.currentindex

<list piop_probetype>
/ items = (1,2,1,2)
/ selectionmode = list.piop_oceanpositionlist.currentindex

Don't be distracted by the use of <text> elements instead of <picture>. It works the same w/ <picture> elements. Also, don't be distracted by the fact that I condensed target/probe display into a single <trial>. It works the same if you have separate <trial> elements for both.

Joel Cavallo
Joel Cavallo
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Posts: 36, Visits: 87
Wow, thanks! The program is working now, including counterbalancing! One quick thing though. Is there a way to specificy distinct /timeout times for individual items? During an individual trial, Inquisit presents a pair of images (ocean-mtn), followed by the probe picture. The probe picture replaces one of the pictures (ocean or mtn), but the one it did not replace stays on the screen. I am wondering how I can get the first picture to be removed, and therefore have only the probe picture presented in isolation. As always, thank you so much.

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You'll find the various options covered in the "How to erase stimuli" topic in the documentation's "How-to"-section.

Glad to hear it's mostly working now. It's not that hard once you get the hang of it...


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