Thanks for your response Dave, the trial-code is given below; and I attached the script to this reply.
Looking at the code below, Inquisit shouldn't skip the trial after making a mere mouse movement. Yet, this is what happens once in every four times I start Inquisit as participant 1. To illustrate this, Another youtube link to show you what happens to be as clear as possible.
attempt1: (allegedly seeking and connecting to another person, instruction screen, act-trial without error, response trial, ctrl-q)
attempt2: (allegedly seeking and connecting to another person, instruction screen, act-trial without error, response trial, ctrl-q)
attempt3: (allegedly seeking and connecting to another person, instruction screen, act-trial WITH error, responsetrial skipped)
<trial act>
/stimulustimes = [1=now;2000=steal,split]
/validresponse = (steal, split)
/responsetrial = (steal, waiting1steal)
/responsetrial = (split, waiting1split)
/inputdevice = mouse