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I would like to have participants see a red "X" come up if they respond incorrectly on my IAT, however I cannot get it to show on the screen. I have double checked my errormessage attributes and I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I have posted my script below. Thanks for the help!
<block ATTRIB_practice> / preinstructions = (watch) / bgstim = (instr_F, instr_J, ATTR_left, ATTR_right) / trials = [1=attrib_spacebar; 2-11 = random(ATTRleft, ATTRright); 12-21 = random(ATTRleft, ATTRright)] / errormessage = true(error, 250) / responsemode = correct </block>
<block Target2_practice> / preinstructions = (watch) / bgstim = (instr_F, instr_J, TARG1_left, TARG2_right) / trials = [1=practice; 2-11 = random(TARG1left, TARG2right); 12-21 = random(TARG1left, TARG2right)] / errormessage = true(error, 250) / responsemode = correct </block>
<block Target2_practice_Pairing1_1st> / preinstructions = (switch) / bgstim = (instr_F, instr_J, TARG1_left, TARG2_right) / trials = [1=practice; 2-11 = random(TARG1left, TARG2right); 12-21 = random(TARG1left, TARG2right); 22-31 = random(TARG1left, TARG2right)] / errormessage = true(error, 250) / responsemode = correct </block>
<block Target1_practice> / preinstructions = (watch) / bgstim = (instr_F, instr_J, TARG2_left, TARG1_right) / trials = [1=practice; 2-11 = random(TARG2left, TARG1right); 12-21 = random(TARG2left, TARG1right)] / errormessage = true(error, 250) / responsemode = correct </block>
<block Target1_practice_Pairing2_1st> / preinstructions = (switch) / bgstim = (instr_F, instr_J, TARG2_left, TARG1_right) / trials = [1=practice; 2-11 = random(TARG2left, TARG1right); 12-21 = random(TARG2left, TARG1right); 22-31 = random(TARG2left, TARG1right)] / errormessage = true(error, 250) / responsemode = correct </block>
<block Pairing2_practice> / preinstructions = (watch) / bgstim = (instr_F, instr_J, ATTR_left, TARG1_left, OR_left, OR_right, ATTR_right, TARG2_right) / trials = [1=practice; 2,4,6,8=random(TARG1left, TARG2right); 10,12,14,16= random(TARG1left, TARG2right); 18,20,22,24=random(TARG1left, TARG2right); 3,5,7,9=random(ATTRleft, ATTRright); 11,13,15,17=random(ATTRleft, ATTRright); 19,21,23,25=random(ATTRleft, ATTRright)] / errormessage = true(error, 250) / responsemode = correct </block>
<block Pairing2_test> / preinstructions = (watch) / bgstim = (instr_F, instr_J, ATTR_left, TARG1_left, OR_left, OR_right, ATTR_right, TARG2_right) / trials = [1=test; 2,4,6,8=random(TARG1left, TARG2right); 10,12,14,16= random(TARG1left, TARG2right); 18,20,22,24=random(TARG1left, TARG2right); 26,28,30,32=random(TARG1left, TARG2right); 34,36,38,40=random(TARG1left, TARG2right); 3,5,7,9=random(ATTRleft, ATTRright); 11,13,15,17=random(ATTRleft, ATTRright); 19,21,23,25=random(ATTRleft, ATTRright); 27,29,31,33=random(ATTRleft, ATTRright); 35,37,39,41=random(ATTRleft, ATTRright)] / errormessage = true(error, 250) / responsemode = correct </block>
<block Pairing1_practice> / preinstructions = (watch) / bgstim = (instr_F, instr_J, ATTR_left, TARG2_left, OR_left, OR_right, ATTR_right, TARG1_right) / trials = [1=practice; 2,4,6,8=random(TARG2left, TARG1right); 10,12,14,16= random(TARG2left, TARG1right); 18,20,22,24=random(TARG2left, TARG1right); 3,5,7,9=random(ATTRleft, ATTRright); 11,13,15,17=random(ATTRleft, ATTRright); 19,21,23,25=random(ATTRleft, ATTRright)] / errormessage = true(error, 250) / responsemode = correct </block>
<block Pairing1_test> / preinstructions = (watch) / bgstim = (instr_F, instr_J, ATTR_left, TARG2_left, OR_left, OR_right, ATTR_right, TARG1_right) / trials = [1=test; 2,4,6,8=random(TARG2left, TARG1right); 10,12,14,16= random(TARG2left, TARG1right); 18,20,22,24=random(TARG2left, TARG1right); 26,28,30,32=random(TARG2left, TARG1right); 34,36,38,40=random(TARG2left, TARG1right); 3,5,7,9=random(ATTRleft, ATTRright); 11,13,15,17=random(ATTRleft, ATTRright); 19,21,23,25=random(ATTRleft, ATTRright); 27,29,31,33=random(ATTRleft, ATTRright); 35,37,39,41=random(ATTRleft, ATTRright)] / errormessage = true(error, 250) / responsemode = correct </block>
<page begin2> ^For one of the sorting tasks you will be classifying words as being either ^ 'Me' or 'Not Me'. ^^In the other sorting task you will be classifying teammate names as being either ^ 'Gold' or 'Blue'. ^^For each task, please judge each item on the basis of which group it appears to belong to. </page>
<text ATTR_left> / numitems = 1 / items = ("Gold") / font = ("Arial", -40, 700, 0, 34) / position = (25, 17) / color = (0, 0, 0) </text>
<text ATTRL> / items = ATTRL / erase = true (255, 255, 255) / numitems = 4 / color = (0, 0, 0) </text>
<item ATTRL> /1 ="Lisa" /2 ="Daniel" /3 ="Ryan" /4 ="Kimberly" </item>
<item ATTRR> /1 ="Erin" /2 ="Jeremy" /3 ="Adam" /4 ="Patricia" </item>
<text ATTR_right> / numitems = 1 / font = ("Arial", -40, 700, 0, 34) / items = ("Blue") / position = (75, 17) / color = (0, 0, 0) </text>
<text ATTRR> / items = ATTRR / erase = true (255, 255, 255) / numitems = 4 </text>
<text TARG1_left> / numitems = 1 / items = ("Me") / font = ("Arial", -40, 700, 0, 34) / position = (25, 30) / color = (0,128,0) </text>
<text TARG1_right> / numitems = 1 / items = ("Me") / font = ("Arial", -40, 700, 0, 34) / position = (75, 30) / color = (0,128,0) </text>
<text TARG1> / items = TARG1 / erase = true (255, 255, 255) / numitems = 5 / color = (0,128,0) </text>
<Item Targ1> /1= "I" /2= "me" /3= "my" /4= "mine" /5 ="myself" </item>
<Item Targ2> /1= "they" /2= "them" /3= "their" /4= "other" /5 ="themselves" </item>
<text TARG2_left> / numitems = 1 / items = ("Not Me") / font = ("Arial", -40, 700, 0, 34) / position = (25, 30) / color = (0,128,0) </text>
<text TARG2_right> / numitems = 1 / items = ("Not Me") / font = ("Arial", -40, 700, 0, 34) / position = (75, 30) / color = (0,128,0) </text>
<text TARG2> / items = TARG2 / erase = true (255, 255, 255) / numitems = 5 / color = (0,128,0) </text>
<trial practice> / correctresponse = (" ") / frames = [1=spacebar, practice] / responsemode = correct / pretrialpause = 500 / posttrialpause = 500 / correctmessage = false / errormessage = false </trial>
<trial attrib_spacebar> / correctresponse = (" ") / frames = [1=SPACEBAR, FEEDBACK1, FEEDBACK2, FEEDBACK3] / responsemode = correct / pretrialpause = 500 / posttrialpause = 500 / correctmessage = false / errormessage = false </trial>
<trial test> / correctresponse = (" ") / frames = [1=spacebar, test] / responsemode = correct / pretrialpause = 500 / posttrialpause = 500 / correctmessage = false / errormessage = false </trial>
<trial ATTRleft> / correctresponse = ("e") / frames = [1=BLANK, ATTRL] / pretrialpause = 200 / posttrialpause = 200 / errormessage = true(error, 250) </trial>
<trial ATTRright> / correctresponse = ("i") / frames = [1=BLANK, ATTRR] / pretrialpause = 200 / posttrialpause = 200 / errormessage = true(error, 250) </trial>
<trial TARG1left> / correctresponse = ("e") / frames = [1=BLANK, TARG1] / pretrialpause = 200 / posttrialpause = 200 / errormessage = true(error, 250) </trial>
<trial TARG1right> / correctresponse = ("i") / frames = [1=BLANK, TARG1] / pretrialpause = 200 / posttrialpause = 200 / errormessage = true(error, 250) </trial>
<trial TARG2left> / correctresponse = ("e") / frames = [1=BLANK, TARG2] / pretrialpause = 200 / posttrialpause = 200 / errormessage = true(error, 250) </trial>
<trial TARG2right> / correctresponse = ("i") / frames = [1=BLANK, TARG2] / pretrialpause = 200 / posttrialpause = 200 / errormessage = true(error, 250) </trial>
<text blank> / numitems = 1 / txbgcolor = (255, 255, 255) / erase = false / items = (" ") </text>
<text error> / numitems = 1 / items = ("X") / color = (255, 0, 0) / font = ("Arial", -48, 700, 0, 34) / erase = true (255, 255, 255) / position = (50,60) </text>
<text SPACEBAR> / numitems = 1 / items = ("READ INSTRUCTIONS, ABOVE, THEN PRESS SPACE BAR TO START") / position = (50,60) / font = ("Arial", -17, 700, 0, 34) / erase = true (255, 255, 255) / color = (255,0,0) </text>
<text PRACTICE> / numitems = 1 / items = ("THIS IS PRACTICE -- ERRORS ARE EXPECTED") / position = (50,50) / font = ("Arial", -19, 700, 0, 34) / erase = true (255, 255, 255) / color = (200,55,55) </text>
<text TEST> / numitems = 1 / items = ("THIS IS THE TEST -- GO FAST, MAKING A FEW ERRORS IS OK") / position = (50,50) / font = ("Arial", -19, 700, 0, 34) / erase = true (255, 255, 255) / color = (255,0,0) </text>
<text FEEDBACK1> / numitems = 1 / items = ("IF YOU MAKE AN ERROR YOU WILL SEE A RED 'X'") / font = ("Arial", -19, 700, 0, 34) / position = (50,35) </text>
<text FEEDBACK2> / numitems = 1 / items = ("BELOW THE STIMULUS -- WHEN THIS HAPPENS,") / font = ("Arial", -19, 700, 0, 34) / position = (50,40) </text>
<text FEEDBACK3> / numitems = 1 / items = ("YOU HAVE TO MAKE THE CORRECT RESPONSE TO PROCEED") / font = ("Arial", -19, 700, 0, 34) / position = (50,45) </text>
<text INSTR_F> / numitems = 1 / font = ("Arial", -27, 700, 0, 34) / items = ("PRESS 'e' FOR") / position = (25, 10) </text>
<text INSTR_J> / numitems = 1 / font = ("Arial", -27, 700, 0, 34) / items = ("PRESS 'i' FOR") / position = (75, 10) </text>
<text OR_left> / numitems = 1 / items = ("OR") / font = ("Arial", -30, 700, 0, 34) / position = (25, 23) / color = (128,128,128) </text>
<text OR_right> / numitems = 1 / items = ("OR") / font = ("Arial", -30, 700, 0, 34) / position = (75, 23) / color = (128,128,128) </text>