How to stop sounds

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This thread helped me in getting started, but I have a slightly different task I want to perform.

The experiment will begin when the participants clicks on the picture. It will be a 6 minute audio file. The participant should have the option to pause the sound and resume by clicking on the same picture/button. I read on another thread that Inquisit doesn't support pausing/resuming video files. Does it apply to audio files too? If not, what is the syntax to pause/resume an audio with a button press?

I would greatly appreciate your input. Thank you.
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vonrishi - Thursday, August 24, 2017
This thread helped me in getting started, but I have a slightly different task I want to perform.

The experiment will begin when the participants clicks on the picture. It will be a 6 minute audio file. The participant should have the option to pause the sound and resume by clicking on the same picture/button. I read on another thread that Inquisit doesn't support pausing/resuming video files. Does it apply to audio files too? If not, what is the syntax to pause/resume an audio with a button press?

I would greatly appreciate your input. Thank you.

Yes., the limitation applies to audio files as well. There is no way to pause / resume an audio file, I'm afraid. _Perhaps_ one method you could explore is to embed the audio in a HTML file along with a small player that allows for pausing. You could then have your Inquisit script display that HTML file as a stimulus per the <html> element.


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