Data recording troubles

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Posts: 85, Visits: 397
Hello all,

I was wondering if I could have some minor assistance (which may turn out to be major, considering I'm a completely novice). I have a task that involves people estimating the amount of time between them pressing the space bar, and an image appearing. There are three different types of faces (happy, sad, neutral) and after the image disappears after 400ms, a time estimation bar appears, where the participant drags the pointer along a scale that is between 100-1000ms, with intervals of 100ms. The experimental conditions are that the face will appear after either 100, 400, or 700ms. There is also a questionnaire after the participant completes 100 trials (10 practice, 90 experiment). The trouble is, is that although the experiment works, and the data records the time they estimated via the time estimation scale, the data file doesn't actually record what time (either 100, 400, or 700ms) the face appears. I am measuring time perception errors, so I need to compare their time-estimated vs the actual time the stimulus appears. The only solution I can see is to inelegantly create multiple trials for the three different presentation times, but I think their must be a better way other than that, considering my extreme novice-level at Inquisit.

If someone could point me in the right direction, that would be immensely appreciated. My script is just below.

Many thanks,

/windowsize = (90%, 90%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.00%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (black)
/ screencolor = (255, 255, 255)
/ finishlabel = "Press <Spacebar>"
/nextkey = (57)
/nextlabel = "Press <Spacebar> to continue"
/ prevkey = (28)
/prevlabel = "Press <Enter> to go back"

<page consent>^^Welcome!
^^Thank you for your interest in taking part in the research project entitled Emotional valence and Sense of Agency. The aim of the project is to better understand the mechanisms that allow humans to prepare voluntary actions, as well as how we process the effects of our actions.
^^During this experiment you will be asked to perform simple voluntary actions (such as button presses with the left or right hand), while seated at a computer. You will also be asked to provide judgements regarding the time of pictures that appear after you press the button.
^^During the task we will record your action times and action choices, as well as your timing judgements. This data will be used to complete a research report and may contribute towards future scientific publications or research proposals. Data will be kept anonymously, and when used in such reports will be reported anonymously. You have the right to withdraw at any time without prejudice and without providing a reason.
^^By continuing to the experiment, I confirm that I have understood the information provided above and I consent to participating in this experiment.

<page welcome>^^
^^This task consists of 100 time estimation trials – the first 10 will be practice trials.
^^In the practice trials you will see a fixation cross (‘+’). When you are ready, press the spacebar to produce an image. Afterwards, you will be asked to estimate the time it took for the image to appear.
^^In other words, the time between you pressing the spacebar and the image appearing.
^^Afterwards, you will be asked a series of questions about your feelings.
^^To estimate the time, you will be asked to use a scrollbar that will appear after the image. You will be estimating the time in milliseconds (ms). There are 1000ms in 1 second, and an eyeblink takes around 200ms.

<page welcome2>^^Once you have completed the practice trials and are familiarised with the task, you will proceed onto the main experiment.
^^In the practice trials, you will receive feedback on your time estimation; however, you will not receive feedback in the main experiment.
^^You reserve the right to withdraw from this experiment at any time without penalty.

<page main>^^Now you will begin the main experiment.^^Again, you will see a fixation cross, and, when you are ready, press the spacebar to produce an image.^^You will not receive any feedback regarding your time, so make sure you estimate the time as accurately as possible.

<page survey>^^Now you will be asked a series of short questions. Please select the answers to each of the 21 questions that describe best how you feel at the moment.
^^To quit the questionnaire at any time, press Alt+E.

<page end>^^Thank you for taking part in the experiment.

requires Inquisit

/minimumversion = ""
/canvasaspectratio = (4,3)
/quitcommand = (Alt+18)

/completed:0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

/intervalestimation:stores the participant's estimation

automatically updated
/completed = 0
/intervalestimation = 0

/pageinstructions = "Please select the answers to each of the 21 questions that describe best how you feel at the moment."
/quitinstructions = "To quit the questionnaire at any time, press Alt+E"


raw data
build:Inquisit build
date, time, subject, group:date and time script was run with the current subject/groupnumber
blockcode, blocknum:the name and number of the current block
trialcode, trialnum: the name and number of the currently recorded trial
(Note: not all trials that are run might record data)
/intervalestimation:stores the participant's estimation
latency: the response latency (in ms)

/file = "ProspectiveTimeEstimation_rawdata.iqdat"
/separatefiles = true
/columns = [build, date, time, subject, group, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, stimulusnumber, values.intervalestimation, script.elapsedtime, values.completed,
expressions.q1, expressions.q2, expressions.q3, expressions.q4, expressions.q5, expressions.q6, expressions.q7,
expressions.q8, expressions.q9, expressions.q10, expressions.q11, expressions.q12, expressions.q13, expressions.q14,
expressions.q15, expressions.q16, expressions.q17, expressions.q18, expressions.q19, expressions.q20, expressions.q21,
expressions.totalscore_bdi, expressions.assessment]
/separatefiles = true

summary data

script.startdate:date script was run
script.starttime:time script was started
script.subjectid:subject id number
script.groupid:group id number
script.elapsedtime:time it took to run script (in ms)
/completed:0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

<summarydata >
/file = "ProspectiveTimeEstimation_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.groupid, script.elapsedtime, values.completed]


<list targetduration>
/items = (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900)
/replace = true

<list targetdurationh>
/items = (100, 400, 700)
/poolsize = 30
/replace = false

<list targetdurationn>
/items = (100, 400, 700)
/poolsize = 30
/replace = false

<list targetdurations>
/items = (100, 400, 700)
/poolsize = 30
/replace = false


Stimuli presentation (Emoticons):
<item emoticonsh>
/1 = "HappyFace.png"

<picture emoticonsh>
/items = emoticonsh
/position = (50, 50)

<item emoticonss>
/1 = "SadFace.png"

<picture emoticonss>
/items = emoticonss
/position = (50, 50)

<item emoticonsn>
/1 = "NeutralFace.png"

<picture emoticonsn>
/items = emoticonsn
/position = (50, 50)

Extra stimuli:

<shape circle>
/shape = circle
/size = (1% * 3/4 * 10, 10%)
/color = green
/position = (50%, 50%)
/erase = false

<text cross>
/items = ("+")
/color = (0,0,0)

<text blank>
/items = (" ")
/color = (0,0,0)

<shape whiterectangle>
/shape = rectangle
/size = (70%, 70%)
/color = white
/position = (50%, 50%)
/erase = false

Time estimation slide scale:

<slider TE_response>
/ caption="How much time before the image appeared (in ms)?"
/ labels=("0s", "100ms", "200ms", "300ms", "400ms", "500ms", "600ms", "700ms", "800ms", "900ms", "1000ms")
/responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)
/ range = (0, 1000)
/ increment = 100
/showticks = true
/slidersize = (70%, 30%)
/position = (10%, 50%)
/defaultresponse = 0


Practice trials

<trial practice>
/stimulustimes = [500 = cross]
/correctresponse = (" ")
/pretrialpause = 500
/branch = [trial.practicedot]
/recorddata = false

Note: presents a face after correct response
Spacebar advances to time estimation
<trial practicedot>
/stimulustimes = [1 = whiterectangle]
/ontrialbegin = [trial.practicedot.insertstimulustime(, list.targetduration.nextvalue)]
/ontrialbegin = [trial.practicedot.insertstimulustime(shape.whiterectangle, list.targetduration.currentvalue+400)]
/ontrialend = [trial.practicedot.setstimulustime(shape.whiterectangle, list.targetduration.currentvalue)]
/ontrialend = [trial.practicedot.resetstimulusframes(100)]
/timeout = (list.targetduration.currentvalue+1000)
/branch = [surveypage.tep]
/recorddata = false

Note: presents time estimation slide scale

<surveypage TEp>
/questions = [1 = TE_response]
/showpagenumbers = false
/ontrialend = [values.intervalestimation = slider.te_response.response]
/recorddata = false
/branch = []

<trial feedback>
/stimulustimes = [100 = endtrial]
/pretrialpause = 200
/correctresponse = (57)
/recorddata = false

<text endtrial>
/items = ("The time interval to be estimated was: <%list.targetduration.currentvalue%>ms

Your estimation: <%slider.te_response.response%>ms

Press <Spacebar> to continue")

Emoticon presentation - Positive

<trial trialhappystart>
/stimulustimes = [500 = cross]
/correctresponse = (" ")
/pretrialpause = 500
/branch = [trial.trialhappyface]
/recorddata = false

Note: presents a face after correct response
Spacebar advances to time estimation
<trial trialhappyface>
/stimulustimes = [1 = whiterectangle]
/ontrialbegin = [trial.trialhappyface.insertstimulustime(picture.emoticonsh, list.targetdurationh.nextvalue)]
/ontrialbegin = [trial.trialhappyface.insertstimulustime(shape.whiterectangle, list.targetdurationh.currentvalue+400)]
/ontrialend = [trial.trialhappyface.setstimulustime(shape.whiterectangle, list.targetdurationh.currentvalue)]
/ontrialend = [trial.trialhappyface.resetstimulusframes(100)]
/timeout = (list.targetdurationh.currentvalue+1000)
/branch = [surveypage.te]
/recorddata = true

Emoticon presentation - Neutral

<trial trialneutralstart>
/stimulustimes = [500 = cross]
/correctresponse = (" ")
/pretrialpause = 500
/branch = [trial.trialneutralface]
/recorddata = false

Note: presents a face after correct response
Spacebar advances to time estimation
<trial trialneutralface>
/stimulustimes = [1 = whiterectangle]
/ontrialbegin = [trial.trialneutralface.insertstimulustime(picture.emoticonsh, list.targetdurationn.nextvalue)]
/ontrialbegin = [trial.trialneutralface.insertstimulustime(shape.whiterectangle, list.targetdurationn.currentvalue+400)]
/ontrialend = [trial.trialneutralface.setstimulustime(shape.whiterectangle, list.targetdurationn.currentvalue)]
/ontrialend = [trial.trialneutralface.resetstimulusframes(100)]
/timeout = (list.targetdurationn.currentvalue+1000)
/branch = [surveypage.te]
/recorddata = true

Emoticon presentation - Sad

<trial trialsadstart>
/stimulustimes = [500 = cross]
/correctresponse = (" ")
/pretrialpause = 500
/branch = [trial.trialsadface]
/recorddata = false

Note: presents a face after correct response
Spacebar advances to time estimation
<trial trialsadface>
/stimulustimes = [1 = whiterectangle]
/ontrialbegin = [trial.trialsadface.insertstimulustime(picture.emoticonsh, list.targetdurations.nextvalue)]
/ontrialbegin = [trial.trialsadface.insertstimulustime(shape.whiterectangle, list.targetdurations.currentvalue+400)]
/ontrialend = [trial.trialsadface.setstimulustime(shape.whiterectangle, list.targetdurations.currentvalue)]
/ontrialend = [trial.trialsadface.resetstimulusframes(100)]
/timeout = (list.targetdurations.currentvalue+1000)
/branch = [surveypage.te]
/recorddata = true

<surveypage TE>
/questions = [1 = TE_response]
/showpagenumbers = false
/ontrialend = [values.intervalestimation = slider.te_response.response]
/recorddata = true

Editable Values
/pageinstructions:the instructions that appear at the top of each surveypage

/quitinstructions:the instructions to quit the questionnaire
Note: the quitcommand can be changed under DEFAULTS

Editable Instructions

DATA: this section contains data file information

raw data: BDI_orig.iqdat
date, time, group, subject:date and time script was run with the current group/subjectnumber
build:the Inquisit build

q*_response:response given (in assigned values)

q*_latency:how much time the participant spent on the surveypage with this particular question
(the last time this particular surveypage was visited)

Summary data
/script.elapsedtime:time it took to run script (in ms)
/completed:0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

/q21:the numeric score (minus the letter suffix) for each question

/totalscore_BDI:the sum of all numeric scores (range: 0-63)
/assessment:According to:
0–9: indicates minimal depression;
10–18: indicates mild depression;
19–29: indicates moderate depression;
0–63: indicates severe depression.
Higher total scores indicate more severe depressive symptoms.

REMAINING CODE: Customize after careful consideration only

/q21:the numeric score (minus the letter suffix) for each question

/totalscore_BDI:the sum of all numeric scores (range 0-63)
/assessment:According to:
0–9: indicates minimal depression;
10–18: indicates mild depression;
19–29: indicates moderate depression;
0–63: indicates severe depression.
Higher total scores indicate more severe depressive symptoms.

/q1 = substring(radiobuttons.q1_mood.response, 0, 1)
/q2 = substring(radiobuttons.q2_pessimism.response, 0, 1)
/q3 = substring(radiobuttons.q3_senseoffailure.response, 0, 1)
/q4 = substring(radiobuttons.q4_lackofsatisfaction.response, 0, 1)
/q5 = substring(radiobuttons.q5_guiltyfeeling.response, 0, 1)
/q6 = substring(radiobuttons.q6_senseofpunishment.response, 0, 1)
/q7 = substring(radiobuttons.q7_selfhate.response, 0, 1)
/q8 = substring(radiobuttons.q8_selfaccusations.response, 0, 1)
/q9 = substring(radiobuttons.q9_selfpunitivewishes.response, 0, 1)
/q10 = substring(radiobuttons.q10_cryingspells.response, 0, 1)
/q11 = substring(radiobuttons.q11_irritability.response, 0, 1)
/q12 = substring(radiobuttons.q12_socialwithdrawal.response, 0, 1)
/q13 = substring(radiobuttons.q13_indecisiveness.response, 0, 1)
/q14 = substring(radiobuttons.q14_bodyimage.response, 0, 1)
/q15 = substring(radiobuttons.q15_workinhibition.response, 0, 1)
/q16 = substring(radiobuttons.q16_sleepdisturbances.response, 0, 1)
/q17 = substring(radiobuttons.q17_fatigability.response, 0, 1)
/q18 = substring(radiobuttons.q18_lossofappetite.response, 0, 1)
/q19 = substring(radiobuttons.q19_weightloss.response, 0, 1)
/q20 = substring(radiobuttons.q20_somaticpreoccupation.response, 0, 1)
/q21 = substring(radiobuttons.q21_lossoflibido.response, 0, 1)

/totalscore_BDI = expressions.q1 + expressions.q2 + expressions.q3 + expressions.q4 + expressions.q5 +
expressions.q6 + expressions.q7 + expressions.q8 + expressions.q9 + expressions.q10 + expressions.q11 +
expressions.q12 + expressions.q13 + expressions.q14 + expressions.q15 + expressions.q16 + expressions.q17 +
expressions.q18 + expressions.q19 + expressions.q20 + expressions.q21

/assessment = if (expressions.totalscore_bdi <= 9) "minimal"
else if (expressions.totalscore_bdi <= 18) "mild"
else if (expressions.totalscore_bdi <= 29) "moderate"
else "severe"

Note: by default all questions are required to be answered. To change
/required = false

<radiobuttons q1_Mood>
/caption = "1. Mood"
/ options = ("I do not feel sad",
"I feel blue or sad",
"I am blue or sad all the time and I can't snap out of it",
"I am so sad or unhappy that it is very painful",
"I am so sad or unhappy that I can't stand it")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1", "2a", "2b", "3")
/required = true
/orientation = vertical

<radiobuttons q2_Pessimism>
/caption = "2. Pessimism"
/ options = ("I am not particularly pessimistic or discouraged about the future",
"I feel discouraged about the future",
"I feel like I have nothing to look forward to",
"I feel that I won't ever get over my troubles",
"I feel that the future is hopeless and that things cannot improve")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1", "2a", "2b", "3")
/required = true
/orientation = vertical

<radiobuttons q3_SenseOfFailure>
/caption = "3. Sense of Failure"
/ options = ("I do not feel like a failure",
"I feel I have failed more than the average person",
"I feel I have accomplish very little that is worthwhile or that means anything",
"As I look back on my life all I can see is a lot of failures",
"I feel I am a complete failure as a person (parent, husband, wife)")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1", "2a", "2b", "3")
/required = true
/orientation = vertical

<radiobuttons q4_LackOfSatisfaction>
/caption = "4. Lack of Satisfaction"
/ options = ("I am not particularly dissatisfied",
"I feel bored most of the time",
"I don't enjoy things the way I used to",
"I don't get satisfaction out of anything any more",
"I am dissatisfied with everything")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1a", "1b", "2", "3")
/required = true
/orientation = vertical

<radiobuttons q5_GuiltyFeeling>
/caption = "5. Guilty Feeling"
/ options = ("I don't feel particularly guilty",
"I feel bad or unworthy a good part of the time",
"I feel quite guilty",
"I feel bad or unworthy practically all the time now",
"I feel as though I am very bad or worthless")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1", "2a", "2b", "3")
/required = true
/orientation = vertical

<radiobuttons q6_SenseOfPunishment>
/caption = "6. Sense of Punishment"
/ options = ("I don't feel I am being punished",
"I have a feeling that something bad may happen to me",
"I feel I am being punished or will be punished",
"I feel I deserve to be punished",
"I want to be punished")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1", "2", "3a", "3b")
/required = true
/orientation = vertical

<radiobuttons q7_SelfHate>
/caption = "7. Self Hate"
/ options = ("I don't feel disappointed in myself",
"I am disappointed in myself",
"I don't like myself",
"I am disgusted with myself",
"I hate myself")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1a", "1b", "2", "3")
/required = true
/orientation = vertical

<radiobuttons q8_SelfAccusations>
/caption = "8. Self Accusations"
/ options = ("I don't feel I am any worse than anybody else",
"I am very critical of myself for any weaknesses or mistakes",
"I blame myself for everything that goes wrong",
"I feel I have many bad faults")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1", "2a", "2b")
/required = true
/orientation = vertical

<radiobuttons q9_SelfPunitiveWishes>
/caption = "9. Self-punitive Wishes"
/ options = ("I don't have any thoughts of harming myself",
"I have thoughts of harming myself but I would not carry them out",
"I feel I would be better off dead",
"I have definite plans of committing suicide"
"I feel my family would be better off if I were dead",
"I would kill myself if I could")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1", "2a", "2b", "2c", "3")
/required = true
/orientation = vertical

<radiobuttons q10_CryingSpells>
/caption = "10. Crying Spells"
/ options = ("I don't cry anymore than usual",
"I cry more now than I used to",
"I cry all the time now. I can't stop it",
"I used to be able to cry but now I can't cry at all even though I want to")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1", "2", "3")
/required = true
/orientation = vertical

<radiobuttons q11_Irritability>
/caption = "11. Irritability"
/ options = ("I am no more irritated now than I ever am",
"I get annoyed or irritated more easily than I used to",
"I feel irritated all the time",
"I don't get irritated at all at the things that used to irritate me")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1", "2", "3")
/required = true
/orientation = vertical

<radiobuttons q12_SocialWithdrawal>
/caption = "12. Social Withdrawal"
/ options = ("I have not lost interest in other people",
"I am less interested in other people now than I used to be",
"I have lost most of my interest in other people and have little feeling for them ",
"I have lost all my interest in other people and don't care about them at all")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1", "2", "3")
/required = true
/orientation = vertical

<radiobuttons q13_Indecisiveness>
/caption = "13. Indecisiveness"
/ options = ("I make decisions about as well as ever",
"I am less sure of myself now and try to put off making decisions",
"I can't make decisions any more without help",
"I can't make any decisions at all any more")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1", "2", "3")
/required = true
/orientation = vertical

<radiobuttons q14_BodyImage>
/caption = "14. Body Image"
/ options = ("I don't feel I look any worse than I used to",
"I am worried that I am looking old or unattractive",
"I feel that there are permanent changes in my appearance and they make me look unattractive",
"I feel that I am ugly or repulsive looking")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1", "2", "3")
/required = true
/orientation = vertical

<radiobuttons q15_WorkInhibition>
/caption = "15. Work Inhibition"
/ options = ("I can work about as well as before",
"It takes extra effort to get started at doing something",
"I don't work as well as I used to",
"I have to push myself very hard to do anything",
"I can't do any work at all")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1a", "1b", "2", "3")
/required = true
/orientation = vertical

<radiobuttons q16_SleepDisturbances>
/caption = "16. Sleep Disturbances"
/ options = ("I can sleep as well as usual",
"I wake up more tired in the morning than I used to",
"I wake up 1-2 hours earlier than usual and find it hard to get back to sleep",
"I wake up early every day and can't get more than 5 hours sleep")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1", "2", "3")
/required = true
/orientation = vertical

<radiobuttons q17_Fatigability>
/caption = "17. Fatigability"
/ options = ("I don't get any more tired than usual",
"I get tired more easily than I used to",
"I get tired from doing anything",
"I get too tired to do anything")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1", "2", "3")
/required = true
/orientation = vertical

<radiobuttons q18_LossOfAppetite>
/caption = "18. Loss of Appetite"
/ options = ("My appetite is no worse than usual",
"My appetite is not as good as it used to be",
"My appetite is much worse now",
"I have no appetite at all any more")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1", "2", "3")
/required = true
/orientation = vertical

<radiobuttons q19_WeightLoss>
/caption = "19. Weight Loss"
/ options = ("I haven't lost much weight, if any, lately",
"I have lost more than 5 pounds",
"I have lost more than 10 pounds",
"I have lost more than 15 pounds")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1", "2", "3")
/required = true
/orientation = vertical

<radiobuttons q20_SomaticPreoccupation>
/caption = "20. Somatic Preoccupation"
/ options = ("I am no more concerned about my health than usual",
"I am concerned about aches and pains or upset stomach or constipation or other unpleasant feelings in my body",
"I am so concerned with how I feel or what I feel that it's hard to think of much else",
"I am completely absorbed in what I feel")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1", "2", "3")
/required = true
/orientation = vertical

<radiobuttons q21_LossOfLibido>
/caption = "21. Loss of Libido"
/ options = ("I have not noticed any recent change in my interest in sex",
"I am less interested in sex than I used to be",
"I much less interested in sex now",
"I have lost interest in sex completely")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1", "2", "3")
/required = true
/orientation = vertical
<surveypage BDI1>
/caption ="<%values.pageinstructions%>"
/subcaption = "<%values.quitinstructions%>"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/subcaptionfontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/itemfontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)
/questions = [1 = q1_mood, q2_pessimism, q3_senseoffailure, q4_lackofsatisfaction]
/showpagenumbers = false
/showquestionnumbers = false
/nextbuttonposition = (85%, 90%)
/backbuttonposition = (75%, 90%)

<surveypage BDI2>
/caption ="<%values.pageinstructions%>"
/subcaption = "<%values.quitinstructions%>"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/subcaptionfontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/itemfontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)
/questions = [1 = q5_guiltyfeeling, q6_senseofpunishment, q7_selfhate, q8_selfaccusations]
/showpagenumbers = false
/showquestionnumbers = false
/nextbuttonposition = (85%, 90%)
/backbuttonposition = (75%, 90%)

<surveypage BDI3>
/caption ="<%values.pageinstructions%>"
/subcaption = "<%values.quitinstructions%>"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/subcaptionfontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/itemfontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)
/questions = [1 = q9_selfpunitivewishes, q10_cryingspells, q11_irritability, q12_socialwithdrawal]
/showpagenumbers = false
/showquestionnumbers = false
/nextbuttonposition = (85%, 90%)
/backbuttonposition = (75%, 90%)

<surveypage BDI4>
/caption ="<%values.pageinstructions%>"
/subcaption = "<%values.quitinstructions%>"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/subcaptionfontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/itemfontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)
/questions = [1 = q13_indecisiveness, q14_bodyimage, q15_workinhibition, q16_sleepdisturbances]
/showpagenumbers = false
/showquestionnumbers = false
/nextbuttonposition = (85%, 90%)
/backbuttonposition = (75%, 90%)

<surveypage BDI5>
/caption ="<%values.pageinstructions%>"
/subcaption = "<%values.quitinstructions%>"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/subcaptionfontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/itemfontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)
/questions = [1 = q17_fatigability, q18_lossofappetite, q19_weightloss, q20_somaticpreoccupation]
/showpagenumbers = false
/showquestionnumbers = false
/nextbuttonposition = (85%, 90%)
/backbuttonposition = (75%, 90%)

<surveypage BDI6>
/caption ="<%values.pageinstructions%>"
/subcaption = "<%values.quitinstructions%>"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/subcaptionfontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/itemfontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)
/questions = [1 = q21_lossoflibido]
/showpagenumbers = false
/showquestionnumbers = false
/nextbuttonposition = (85%, 90%)
/backbuttonposition = (75%, 90%)
- presents the surveypages
- to take pictures of each screen set /screencapture = true

<survey BDI_orig>
/pages = [1 = BDI1; 2 = BDI2; 3 = BDI3; 4 = BDI4; 5 = BDI5; 6 = BDI6]
/screencapture = false

SUMMARY: stores the totalscore to the datafile
<trial summary>
/recorddata = true
/trialduration = 0
/ontrialend = [values.completed = 1]

<block summary>
/trials = [1 = summary]

<block PracticeBlock>
/preinstructions = (consent, welcome, welcome2)
/trials = [1-10 = noreplace(practice)]

<block TimeEstimation>
/preinstructions = (main)
/postinstructions = (survey)
/trials = [1-90 = noreplace(trialhappystart, trialsadstart, trialneutralstart)]

<expt >
/blocks = [1 = PracticeBlock; 2 = TimeEstimation; 3 = BDI_orig; 4 = summary]
/onexptend = [values.completed = 1]

End of File

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 104K
Create a global variable (a <values> entry) to hold the selected onset of the stimulus.

/ onset = 0

Set the value to the chose onset in your trials

<trial trialsadface>
/stimulustimes = [1 = whiterectangle]
/ontrialbegin = [trial.trialsadface.insertstimulustime(picture.emoticonsh, list.targetdurations.nextvalue)]
/ontrialbegin = [trial.trialsadface.insertstimulustime(shape.whiterectangle, list.targetdurations.currentvalue+400)]
/ontrialend = [trial.trialsadface.setstimulustime(shape.whiterectangle, list.targetdurations.currentvalue)]
/ ontrialend = [values.onset = list.targetdurations.currentvalue; ]
/ontrialend = [trial.trialsadface.resetstimulusframes(100)]
/timeout = (list.targetdurations.currentvalue+1000)
/branch = [surveypage.te]
/recorddata = true

<trial trialhappyface>
/stimulustimes = [1 = whiterectangle]
/ontrialbegin = [trial.trialhappyface.insertstimulustime(picture.emoticonsh, list.targetdurationh.nextvalue)]
/ontrialbegin = [trial.trialhappyface.insertstimulustime(shape.whiterectangle, list.targetdurationh.currentvalue+400)]
/ontrialend = [trial.trialhappyface.setstimulustime(shape.whiterectangle, list.targetdurationh.currentvalue)]
/ ontrialend = [values.onset = list.targetdurationh.currentvalue; ]
/ontrialend = [trial.trialhappyface.resetstimulusframes(100)]
/timeout = (list.targetdurationh.currentvalue+1000)
/branch = [surveypage.te]
/recorddata = true

and so forth for the other <trial> elements. Finally, log the value to the data file:

/file = "ProspectiveTimeEstimation_rawdata.iqdat"
/separatefiles = true
/columns = [build, date, time, subject, group, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, stimulusnumber, values.onset, values.intervalestimation, script.elapsedtime, values.completed,
expressions.q1, expressions.q2, expressions.q3, expressions.q4, expressions.q5, expressions.q6, expressions.q7,
expressions.q8, expressions.q9, expressions.q10, expressions.q11, expressions.q12, expressions.q13, expressions.q14,
expressions.q15, expressions.q16, expressions.q17, expressions.q18, expressions.q19, expressions.q20, expressions.q21,
expressions.totalscore_bdi, expressions.assessment]
/separatefiles = true

Guru (11K reputation)Guru (11K reputation)Guru (11K reputation)Guru (11K reputation)Guru (11K reputation)Guru (11K reputation)Guru (11K reputation)Guru (11K reputation)Guru (11K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 85, Visits: 397
Thanks Dave, your help is greatly appreciated!

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