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Thanks for providing the code, which confirms my initial guess. Problem is this: The various <item> elements used by your <picture> elements are empty. They are only filled at runtime based on values (here:filenames) pulled from <counter> elements.
<item position1> </item> ... <trial fillpositionpractice> /ontrialbegin = [item.position1.item=counter.setp.selectedvalue; item.position2.item=counter.setp.selectedvalue; item.position3.item=counter.setp.selectedvalue; item.position4.item=counter.setp.selectedvalue; item.position5.item=counter.setp.selectedvalue; item.position6.item=counter.setp.selectedvalue] /trialduration = 0 </trial>
<counter setp> / items = ("neg_f_p1.jpg","neg_m_p1.jpg","pos_m_p2.jpg","pos_f_p2.jpg","neu_f_p3.jpg","neu_m_p3.jpg") /select = noreplace /selectionrate = always </counter> ...
As opposes to <picture> elements, <counter> elements are agnostic regarding their items, i.e., there is no way for the script to determine *up front* that there are actual *files* involved. Hence those files aren't downloaded prior to executing the experiment and have to be fetched at runtime, causing the delay you observed.
To *force* all files to be downloaded up front, add an additional <picture element to your script that lists all image files the script is going to need, i.e. all the image file names that are currently only listed in your <counter>s.
<picture mypicture> / items = ("neg_f_p1.jpg","neg_m_p1.jpg","pos_m_p2.jpg","pos_f_p2.jpg","neu_f_p3.jpg","neu_m_p3.jpg", "neg_f_01.jpg","neg_m_01.jpg","pos_m_02.jpg","pos_f_02.jpg","neu_f_03.jpg","neu_m_03.jpg", "neg_f_10.jpg","neg_m_07.jpg","pos_m_05.jpg","pos_f_14.jpg","neu_f_06.jpg","neu_m_12.jpg", "neg_m_10.jpg","neg_f_16.jpg","pos_f_17.jpg","pos_m_14.jpg","neu_m_15.jpg","neu_f_12.jpg") </picture>
Note that none of your <trial>s needs to actually use the above <picture> element, i.e., no further modifications are necessary. Adding it to the script simply lets Inquisit know which files it ought to download prior to executing the script. This should eliminate any delay at runtime: The required files will already be present on the machine instead of having to be fetched at runtime.