Libet Clock

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You incorporate them into the script just like any other stimulus with multiple items. Set up a single <video> element, with the eight AVIs as its items. Select one of the itemnumbers 1-8 /onblockbegin via a <list>.

/ clockitem = 1

<clock clock>
/ items = ("libet.avi", "libet7.avi", ...)
/ select = values.clockitem

<list clockitemnumbers>
/ items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)

<block rotate_p_block_aa>
/ onblockbegin = [values.clockitem = list.clockitemnumbers.nextvalue]
/bgstim = (clock)
/trials = [1 = response_p_aa; 2 = audio_p_aa]
/branch = [block.estimate_block_action_a]

Beyond that, I'm not sure what you mean with "obviously ensure that the data recorded is accurate, given that originally it was simply a method of measuring the elapsed time of the trial and corresponding that to a position on the clock."

We've discussed the math involved at length in this thread and I would assume that all of that still applies.

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Hi Dave,

Thanks - pardon if the solution was simpler than I was anticipating.

I've tried the <clock clock> solution, but I'm receiving an error saying that the setting has invalid text  (i.e., / items...; thus presenting the standard digital clock Inquisit uses).

As for the math, I was only concerned that if the video starts from a different position (i.e., 7), then the recorded time of the sound occurrence will be askew by 7. Trying this with some of the videos has confirmed this; i.e., values.difference (i.e., values.score (the computed position of the clock-hand) - values.response (the reported time of the participant)) is consistently out by 28 (give or take +1 or -1 for human error), when using the video "libet28.avi".

Many thanks,
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Typo on my part -- I meant

<video clock>

as should be clear from the context.

As for the math: The math doesn't change. You know which video item was selected / shown (look at and log values.clockitem) and thus where the respective clock started. Adjust your various calculations accordingly.

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Hi Dave,

Thanks for the info. In an attempt to adjust the calculations, I think I might be committing an error, as I acquire variously wrong results. 

I have tried both I have tried both:

/ontrialend = [if (list.clock == 2) {values.score = values.score - 7} else if (list.clock == 3) {values.score = values.score - 14} else if (list.clock == 4) {values.score = values.score - 21} else if (list.clock == 5) {values.score = values.score - 28} else if (list.clock == 6) {values.score = values.score - 35} else if (list.clock == 7) {values.score = values.score - 48} else if (list.clock == 8) {values.score = values.score - 54} else if (list.clock) = 1 {true}]  


<trial audio_p_aa>
/ontrialbegin = [values.audiotrial_starttime = block.rotate_p_block_aa.elapsedtime]
/ontrialbegin = [trial.audio_p_aa.insertstimulustime(sound.possounds, values.delay = 258)]
/ontrialend = [values.sound_starttime = values.audiotrial_starttime + sound.possounds.stimulusonset]
/ontrialend = [trial.audio_p_aa.resetstimulusframes(0)]
/ontrialend = [values.onset = values.sound_starttime - values.response_time]
/ontrialend = [values.sound = sound.possounds.currentitem]
/ontrialend = [values.score = (mod(values.sound_starttime,2500) - values.responsetrial_starttime)/41.6667]
/ontrialend = [values.valence = "Positive"]
/ontrialend = [values.elapsed_time = block.rotate_p_block_aa.elapsedtime; values.actual_time = values.sound_starttime + values.keep_rotating_for]
/validresponse = (0)
/trialduration = values.delay + values.keep_rotating_for + 1000
/recorddata = false

, as well as:

/ontrialbegin = [if (list.clock == 2) {values.difference = values.difference + 7} else if (list.clock == 3) {values.difference = values.difference + 14} else if (list.clock == 4) {values.difference = values.difference + 21} else if (list.clock == 5) {values.difference = values.difference + 28} else if (list.clock == 6) {values.difference = values.difference + 35} else if (list.clock == 7) {values.difference = values.difference + 48} else if (list.clock == 8) {values.difference = values.difference + 54} else if (list.clock) = 1 {true}]


<openended action>
/stimulusframes = [1 = action]
/position = (50, 50)
/buttonlabel = "Click here to advance"
/linelength = 50
/charlimit = 30
/numlines = 1
/size = (500, 50)
/recorddata = true
/required = true
/ontrialend = [values.response = openended.action.response]
/ontrialend = [values.question = "Action"]
/ontrialend = [values.difference = expressions.score]

These take their information from:

<video clock>
/items = ("libet0.avi", "libet7.avi", "libet14.avi", "libet21.avi", "libet28.avi", "libet35.avi", "libet48.avi", "libet54.avi")
/select = values.clockitem
/playthrough = false
/loop = true
/erase = false
/size = (20%, 20%)

<list clock>
/items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
/replace = false
/selectionmode = random

I don't profess to be anywhere near proficient at conditional logic, but I don't receive an error message when coding either into the script. Essentially, they are not modifying value.score nor values.difference in any way that I can observe, and certainly not towards acquiring the correct results. If you have the time (and the energy left for this script, as I know mine is significantly waning), please tell me where I've gone wrong.

Many thanks,
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/ontrialend = [if (list.clock == 2) ...

does not access any list-property and will thus never evaluate to true and the logic will never be executed.

It would have to read something along the lines of

/ontrialend = [if (list.clock.currentvalue == 2) ...

Why don't you simply store the "correction factor" associated with each itemnumber in a <list> tied to the itemnumber <list>. Pull that correction from the list after you've selected the itemnumber /onblockbegin and store it in a value. Subtract that value from the score, etc. at the appropriate point in time.

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I'd also add the following, perhaps it's helpful:

(1) If you are unsure about the math you want to / need to do, work it out with paper and pencil first. (You've probably already done this, at least that's how I read your previous comments on the topic "[...] Trying this with some of the videos has confirmed this; i.e., values.difference (i.e., values.score (the computed position of the clock-hand) - values.response (the reported time of the participant)) is consistently out by 28 (give or take +1 or -1 for human error), when using the video "libet28.avi"".)

(2) Before implementing that math into the "full" script, make a small demo that does *just* the math. Take and extend it to deal with the correction factors associated with the various clock item start positions.

(3) Once you have (2) working as you want / need, implement the changes in the full script.

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Hi Dave,

Thanks for the info - I ended up using the simple calculation of:

/ontrialend = [values.scorecorrected = values.score + ((values.clock_number-1) * 7) + 6], though I did take your suggestion and find it to be very helpful.

Many thanks again,

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