Group: Administrators
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+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+xHello again. So, I have a related question. Any suggestions as to how to collect the same log data from these "drop down" menus, but change both the text and responses in the operators for each item. For example, lets use the phrase "This is a large item, and this is a small item." The words "large" and "small" would be in the operators, the reset would be text. The next item would be "This is 10 times larger, and this is 3 times smaller." In this item, "10 and "3" would be in the operators, the rest would be text. Overall, I am trying to figure out what would be the most efficient way to administer several different items (both text and operators), but still collect all of the log data capture by the script previously provided here. Thank you. It would work exactly the same way as the existing script. There is nothing that prevents to from storing text strings in <list> elements and using those in the various <values> instead of using digits only. And there is nothing that prevents you from having the operators -- <text lt> etc. in the original script -- be variable as well, in the same way as the digits are variable in the original. E.g.: <values> / digit1 = 0 / digit2 = 0 / digit3 = 0 / opa = "" / opb = "" / op1 = "" / op2 = "" / roundnumber = 0 </values> <defaults> / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 3%) </defaults> <block myblock> / trials = [1-2=startround;] </block> <trial startround> / ontrialbegin = [values.op1 = ""; values.op2 = ""; values.digit1 = list.firstnumbers.nextvalue; values.digit2 = list.secondnumbers.nextvalue; values.digit3 = list.thirdnumbers.nextvalue; values.opa = list.opa.nextvalue; values.opb = list.opb.nextvalue; values.roundnumber += 1; ] / stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, roundtext] / trialduration = 1000 / validresponse = (0) / branch = [trial.main] </trial> <shape clearscreen> / color = white / shape = rectangle / size = (100%, 100%) </shape> <text roundtext> / items = ("This is round #<%values.roundnumber%>.") </text> <list firstnumbers> / items = ("This is a", "This is") / selectionmode = sequence </list> <list secondnumbers> / items = ("item. This is a","times larger. And this is") / selectionmode = list.firstnumbers.currentindex </list> <list thirdnumbers> / items = ("item.","times smaller") / selectionmode = list.firstnumbers.currentindex </list> <list opa> / items = ("large","10") / selectionmode = list.firstnumbers.currentindex </list> <list opb> / items = ("small","3") / selectionmode = list.firstnumbers.currentindex </list> <trial main> / stimulusframes = [1=question, digit1, operator1, digit2, operator2, digit3, submit] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (operator1, operator2, submit) / isvalidresponse = [(trial.main.response == "submit" && values.op1 !="" && values.op2 !="") || trial.main.response == "operator1" || trial.main.response == "operator2"] / branch = [if (trial.main.response == "operator1") trial.select_operator1] / branch = [if (trial.main.response == "operator2") trial.select_operator2] </trial> <trial select_operator1> / ontrialend = [if (trial.select_operator1.response == "gt1") values.op1 = values.opa] / ontrialend = [if (trial.select_operator1.response == "lt1") values.op1 = values.opb] / stimulusframes = [1=gt1,lt1] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (gt1,lt1) / branch = [trial.main] </trial> <trial select_operator2> / ontrialend = [if (trial.select_operator2.response == "gt2") values.op2 = values.opa] / ontrialend = [if (trial.select_operator2.response == "lt2") values.op2 = values.opb] / stimulusframes = [1=gt2,lt2] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (gt2,lt2) / branch = [trial.main] </trial> <text question> / items = ("Please answer the question below") / erase = false / position = (50%, 25%) </text> <text digit1> / items = ("<%values.digit1%>") / position = (20%, 50%) / erase = false / size = (20%, 10%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text digit2> / items = ("<%values.digit2%>") / position = (50%, 50%) / size = (20%, 10%) / erase = false / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text digit3> / items = ("<%values.digit3%>") / position = (80%, 50%) / size = (20%, 10%) / erase = false / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text operator1> / items = ("<%values.op1%>") / position = (30%, 50%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = grey / erase = false / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text operator2> / items = ("<%values.op2%>") / position = (60%, 50%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = grey / erase = false / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text submit> / items = ("SUBMIT") / position = (50%, 92%) / size = (20%, 10%) / txbgcolor = grey / erase = false / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text gt1> / items = ("<%values.opa%>") / position = (30%, 60%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = grey / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text lt1> / items = ("<%values.opb%>") / position = (30%, 70%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = grey / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text gt2> / items = ("<%values.opa%>") / position = (60%, 60%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = grey / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text lt2> / items = ("<%values.opb%>") / position = (60%, 70%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = grey / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> You'll have to fiddle around with the on-screen positions a bit to make things look good because your example items at least vary in length, but the general approach is no different from the digits-only version. Hello, Dave. Great. This makes a lot of sense. Thank you. Now, what if I wanted to include items that use a single selection Likert type scale as the response option (e.g., a text prompt and four radio button response options) instead of the dropdowns, but I want to capture all of the clicking as well. Is that possible? Yes, you can again do that in the exact same way. I am still struggling with this. I have items that have prompts (e.g., "Which of these must be true?", "Which of these must be false?") and 6 vertical radio button response options (A-F). I am not certain how to adapt the above script to cycle through the prompts and response options. Would I use the <radiobuttons> element in place of the <text operator1>?As always, thanks for the help. No, you would not use <radiobuttons>. If you want something that works *exactly* like the previous script you use regular <text> and / or <shape> elements. If you want something like a simple likert-type scale, then simply use the <likert> trial element. Hello Dave. Will the log data be captured with the <likert> trial element (e.g., which options the participant selected before submitting, timing, etc.)? And, is there a way to make the Likert options be presented vertically instead of horizontally? > Will the log data be captured with the <likert> trial element (e.g., which options the participant selected before submitting, timing, etc.)? No. If you want that you need to build something like the script discussed throughout this thread. I.e. use standard <text> and <trial> elements. > And, is there a way to make the Likert options be presented vertically instead of horizontally? No. Thanks for this information. I compiled the script below. Essentially, it presents a prompt, then the participant can click on the 6 responses and the selections turn green. However, I would like to make it so only one response can be selected at a time (e.g., when the participant selects "A" and turns it green, it would turn back to black if "C" was selected which would turn green. Any suggestions? Also, is there a special character to create a numeric exponent and a fraction in the text? <block myblock> / trials = [1=trial1,trial2] </block> <trial trial1> / stimulusframes = [1=question,prompt,option01,option02,option03,option04,option05,option06,submit] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (option01,option02,option03,option04,option05,option06,submit) / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option01") text.option01.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option02") text.option02.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option03") text.option03.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option04") text.option04.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option05") text.option05.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option06") text.option06.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / branch = [if(trial.trial1.response!="submit")trial.trial1] </trial> <text question> / items = ("Please answer the question below") / fontstyle= ("MS Shell Dlg 2", 3.61%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / erase = false / position = (50%, 25%) </text> <text prompt> / items = ("There are many shapes. One shape is randomly selected from the shapes in the box. ~nWhich of the following statements must be false?") / fontstyle= ("MS Shell Dlg 2", 2%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (30.5%, 35%) / erase = false </text> <text option01> / items = ("A.) 1") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,42%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option02> / items = ("B.) 2") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,47%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option03> / items = ("C.) 3") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,52%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option04> / items = ("D.) 4") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,57%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option05> / items = ("E.) 5") / width = 100% / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,62%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option06> / items = ("F.) 6") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,67%) / hjustify = left </text> <trial trial2> / stimulusframes = [1=question,prompt2,option01_2,option02_2,option03_2,option04_2,option05_2,option06_2,submit] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (option01_2,option02_2,option03_2,option04_2,option05_2,option06_2,submit) / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option01_2") text.option01_2.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option02_2") text.option02_2.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option03_2") text.option03_2.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option04_2") text.option04_2.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option05_2") text.option05_2.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option06_2") text.option06_2.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / branch = [if(trial.trial2.response!="submit")trial.trial2] </trial> <text prompt2> / items = ("There are some shapes. Two shapes are randomly selected from the shapes in the box. ~nWhich of the following statements must be true?") / fontstyle= ("MS Shell Dlg 2", 2%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (30.5%, 35%) / erase = false </text> <text option01_2> / items = ("A.) 7") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,42%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option02_2> / items = ("B.) 8") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,47%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option03_2> / items = ("C.) 9") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,52%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option04_2> / items = ("D.) 10") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,57%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option05_2> / items = ("E.) 11") / width = 100% / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,62%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option06_2> / items = ("F.) 12") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,67%) / hjustify = left </text> <text submit> / items = ("Submit") / txbgcolor = gainsboro / width = 10% / height = 5% / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / position = (50%, 90%) / erase = false </text> In your /ontrialend logic, set the textcolor of the option that was selected to green, set all others to black: <block myblock> / trials = [1=trial1,trial2] </block> <trial trial1> / stimulusframes = [1=question,prompt,option01,option02,option03,option04,option05,option06,submit] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (option01,option02,option03,option04,option05,option06,submit) / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option01") { text.option01.textcolor=green; text.option02.textcolor=black; text.option03.textcolor=black; text.option04.textcolor=black; text.option05.textcolor=black; text.option06.textcolor=black; } ] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option02") { text.option01.textcolor=black; text.option02.textcolor=green; text.option03.textcolor=black; text.option04.textcolor=black; text.option05.textcolor=black; text.option06.textcolor=black; } ] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option03") { text.option01.textcolor=black; text.option02.textcolor=black; text.option03.textcolor=green; text.option04.textcolor=black; text.option05.textcolor=black; text.option06.textcolor=black; } ] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option04") { text.option01.textcolor=black; text.option02.textcolor=black; text.option03.textcolor=black; text.option04.textcolor=green; text.option05.textcolor=black; text.option06.textcolor=black; } ] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option05") { text.option01.textcolor=black; text.option02.textcolor=black; text.option03.textcolor=black; text.option04.textcolor=black; text.option05.textcolor=green; text.option06.textcolor=black; } ] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option06") { text.option01.textcolor=black; text.option02.textcolor=black; text.option03.textcolor=black; text.option04.textcolor=black; text.option05.textcolor=black; text.option06.textcolor=green; } ]/ branch = [if(trial.trial1.response!="submit")trial.trial1] </trial> <text question> / items = ("Please answer the question below") / fontstyle= ("MS Shell Dlg 2", 3.61%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / erase = false / position = (50%, 25%) </text> <text prompt> / items = ("There are many shapes. One shape is randomly selected from the shapes in the box. ~nWhich of the following statements must be false?") / fontstyle= ("MS Shell Dlg 2", 2%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (30.5%, 35%) / erase = false </text> <text option01> / items = ("A.) 1") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,42%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option02> / items = ("B.) 2") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,47%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option03> / items = ("C.) 3") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,52%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option04> / items = ("D.) 4") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,57%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option05> / items = ("E.) 5") / width = 100% / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,62%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option06> / items = ("F.) 6") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,67%) / hjustify = left </text> <trial trial2> / stimulusframes = [1=question,prompt2,option01_2,option02_2,option03_2,option04_2,option05_2,option06_2,submit] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (option01_2,option02_2,option03_2,option04_2,option05_2,option06_2,submit) / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option01_2") { text.option01_2.textcolor=green; text.option02_2.textcolor=black; text.option03_2.textcolor=black; text.option04_2.textcolor=black; text.option05_2.textcolor=black; text.option06_2.textcolor=black; } ] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option02_2") { text.option01_2.textcolor=black; text.option02_2.textcolor=green; text.option03_2.textcolor=black; text.option04_2.textcolor=black; text.option05_2.textcolor=black; text.option06_2.textcolor=black; } ] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option03_2") { text.option01_2.textcolor=black; text.option02_2.textcolor=black; text.option03_2.textcolor=green; text.option04_2.textcolor=black; text.option05_2.textcolor=black; text.option06_2.textcolor=black; } ] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option04_2") { text.option01_2.textcolor=black; text.option02_2.textcolor=black; text.option03_2.textcolor=black; text.option04_2.textcolor=green; text.option05_2.textcolor=black; text.option06_2.textcolor=black; } ] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option05_2") { text.option01_2.textcolor=black; text.option02_2.textcolor=black; text.option03_2.textcolor=black; text.option04_2.textcolor=black; text.option05_2.textcolor=green; text.option06_2.textcolor=black; } ] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option06_2") { text.option01_2.textcolor=black; text.option02_2.textcolor=black; text.option03_2.textcolor=black; text.option04_2.textcolor=black; text.option05_2.textcolor=black; text.option06_2.textcolor=green; } ]/ branch = [if(trial.trial2.response!="submit")trial.trial2] </trial> <text prompt2> / items = ("There are some shapes. Two shapes are randomly selected from the shapes in the box. ~nWhich of the following statements must be true?") / fontstyle= ("MS Shell Dlg 2", 2%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (30.5%, 35%) / erase = false </text> <text option01_2> / items = ("A.) 7") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,42%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option02_2> / items = ("B.) 8") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,47%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option03_2> / items = ("C.) 9") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,52%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option04_2> / items = ("D.) 10") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,57%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option05_2> / items = ("E.) 11") / width = 100% / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,62%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option06_2> / items = ("F.) 12") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,67%) / hjustify = left </text> <text submit> / items = ("Submit") / txbgcolor = gainsboro / width = 10% / height = 5% / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / position = (50%, 90%) / erase = false </text> As for expressing a fraction or exponent in text, you can make use of unicode characters, but there are no special characters for elaborate math-typesetting.
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 13,
Visits: 31
+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+xHello again. So, I have a related question. Any suggestions as to how to collect the same log data from these "drop down" menus, but change both the text and responses in the operators for each item. For example, lets use the phrase "This is a large item, and this is a small item." The words "large" and "small" would be in the operators, the reset would be text. The next item would be "This is 10 times larger, and this is 3 times smaller." In this item, "10 and "3" would be in the operators, the rest would be text. Overall, I am trying to figure out what would be the most efficient way to administer several different items (both text and operators), but still collect all of the log data capture by the script previously provided here. Thank you. It would work exactly the same way as the existing script. There is nothing that prevents to from storing text strings in <list> elements and using those in the various <values> instead of using digits only. And there is nothing that prevents you from having the operators -- <text lt> etc. in the original script -- be variable as well, in the same way as the digits are variable in the original. E.g.: <values> / digit1 = 0 / digit2 = 0 / digit3 = 0 / opa = "" / opb = "" / op1 = "" / op2 = "" / roundnumber = 0 </values> <defaults> / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 3%) </defaults> <block myblock> / trials = [1-2=startround;] </block> <trial startround> / ontrialbegin = [values.op1 = ""; values.op2 = ""; values.digit1 = list.firstnumbers.nextvalue; values.digit2 = list.secondnumbers.nextvalue; values.digit3 = list.thirdnumbers.nextvalue; values.opa = list.opa.nextvalue; values.opb = list.opb.nextvalue; values.roundnumber += 1; ] / stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, roundtext] / trialduration = 1000 / validresponse = (0) / branch = [trial.main] </trial> <shape clearscreen> / color = white / shape = rectangle / size = (100%, 100%) </shape> <text roundtext> / items = ("This is round #<%values.roundnumber%>.") </text> <list firstnumbers> / items = ("This is a", "This is") / selectionmode = sequence </list> <list secondnumbers> / items = ("item. This is a","times larger. And this is") / selectionmode = list.firstnumbers.currentindex </list> <list thirdnumbers> / items = ("item.","times smaller") / selectionmode = list.firstnumbers.currentindex </list> <list opa> / items = ("large","10") / selectionmode = list.firstnumbers.currentindex </list> <list opb> / items = ("small","3") / selectionmode = list.firstnumbers.currentindex </list> <trial main> / stimulusframes = [1=question, digit1, operator1, digit2, operator2, digit3, submit] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (operator1, operator2, submit) / isvalidresponse = [(trial.main.response == "submit" && values.op1 !="" && values.op2 !="") || trial.main.response == "operator1" || trial.main.response == "operator2"] / branch = [if (trial.main.response == "operator1") trial.select_operator1] / branch = [if (trial.main.response == "operator2") trial.select_operator2] </trial> <trial select_operator1> / ontrialend = [if (trial.select_operator1.response == "gt1") values.op1 = values.opa] / ontrialend = [if (trial.select_operator1.response == "lt1") values.op1 = values.opb] / stimulusframes = [1=gt1,lt1] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (gt1,lt1) / branch = [trial.main] </trial> <trial select_operator2> / ontrialend = [if (trial.select_operator2.response == "gt2") values.op2 = values.opa] / ontrialend = [if (trial.select_operator2.response == "lt2") values.op2 = values.opb] / stimulusframes = [1=gt2,lt2] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (gt2,lt2) / branch = [trial.main] </trial> <text question> / items = ("Please answer the question below") / erase = false / position = (50%, 25%) </text> <text digit1> / items = ("<%values.digit1%>") / position = (20%, 50%) / erase = false / size = (20%, 10%) / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text digit2> / items = ("<%values.digit2%>") / position = (50%, 50%) / size = (20%, 10%) / erase = false / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text digit3> / items = ("<%values.digit3%>") / position = (80%, 50%) / size = (20%, 10%) / erase = false / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text operator1> / items = ("<%values.op1%>") / position = (30%, 50%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = grey / erase = false / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text operator2> / items = ("<%values.op2%>") / position = (60%, 50%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = grey / erase = false / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text submit> / items = ("SUBMIT") / position = (50%, 92%) / size = (20%, 10%) / txbgcolor = grey / erase = false / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text gt1> / items = ("<%values.opa%>") / position = (30%, 60%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = grey / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text lt1> / items = ("<%values.opb%>") / position = (30%, 70%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = grey / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text gt2> / items = ("<%values.opa%>") / position = (60%, 60%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = grey / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text lt2> / items = ("<%values.opb%>") / position = (60%, 70%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = grey / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> You'll have to fiddle around with the on-screen positions a bit to make things look good because your example items at least vary in length, but the general approach is no different from the digits-only version. Hello, Dave. Great. This makes a lot of sense. Thank you. Now, what if I wanted to include items that use a single selection Likert type scale as the response option (e.g., a text prompt and four radio button response options) instead of the dropdowns, but I want to capture all of the clicking as well. Is that possible? Yes, you can again do that in the exact same way. I am still struggling with this. I have items that have prompts (e.g., "Which of these must be true?", "Which of these must be false?") and 6 vertical radio button response options (A-F). I am not certain how to adapt the above script to cycle through the prompts and response options. Would I use the <radiobuttons> element in place of the <text operator1>?As always, thanks for the help. No, you would not use <radiobuttons>. If you want something that works *exactly* like the previous script you use regular <text> and / or <shape> elements. If you want something like a simple likert-type scale, then simply use the <likert> trial element. Hello Dave. Will the log data be captured with the <likert> trial element (e.g., which options the participant selected before submitting, timing, etc.)? And, is there a way to make the Likert options be presented vertically instead of horizontally? > Will the log data be captured with the <likert> trial element (e.g., which options the participant selected before submitting, timing, etc.)? No. If you want that you need to build something like the script discussed throughout this thread. I.e. use standard <text> and <trial> elements. > And, is there a way to make the Likert options be presented vertically instead of horizontally? No. Thanks for this information. I compiled the script below. Essentially, it presents a prompt, then the participant can click on the 6 responses and the selections turn green. However, I would like to make it so only one response can be selected at a time (e.g., when the participant selects "A" and turns it green, it would turn back to black if "C" was selected which would turn green. Any suggestions? Also, is there a special character to create a numeric exponent and a fraction in the text? <block myblock> / trials = [1=trial1,trial2] </block> <trial trial1> / stimulusframes = [1=question,prompt,option01,option02,option03,option04,option05,option06,submit] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (option01,option02,option03,option04,option05,option06,submit) / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option01") text.option01.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option02") text.option02.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option03") text.option03.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option04") text.option04.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option05") text.option05.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option06") text.option06.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / branch = [if(trial.trial1.response!="submit")trial.trial1] </trial> <text question> / items = ("Please answer the question below") / fontstyle= ("MS Shell Dlg 2", 3.61%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / erase = false / position = (50%, 25%) </text> <text prompt> / items = ("There are many shapes. One shape is randomly selected from the shapes in the box. ~nWhich of the following statements must be false?") / fontstyle= ("MS Shell Dlg 2", 2%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (30.5%, 35%) / erase = false </text> <text option01> / items = ("A.) 1") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,42%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option02> / items = ("B.) 2") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,47%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option03> / items = ("C.) 3") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,52%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option04> / items = ("D.) 4") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,57%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option05> / items = ("E.) 5") / width = 100% / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,62%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option06> / items = ("F.) 6") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,67%) / hjustify = left </text> <trial trial2> / stimulusframes = [1=question,prompt2,option01_2,option02_2,option03_2,option04_2,option05_2,option06_2,submit] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (option01_2,option02_2,option03_2,option04_2,option05_2,option06_2,submit) / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option01_2") text.option01_2.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option02_2") text.option02_2.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option03_2") text.option03_2.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option04_2") text.option04_2.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option05_2") text.option05_2.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option06_2") text.option06_2.textcolor=sequence(green,black)] / branch = [if(trial.trial2.response!="submit")trial.trial2] </trial> <text prompt2> / items = ("There are some shapes. Two shapes are randomly selected from the shapes in the box. ~nWhich of the following statements must be true?") / fontstyle= ("MS Shell Dlg 2", 2%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (30.5%, 35%) / erase = false </text> <text option01_2> / items = ("A.) 7") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,42%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option02_2> / items = ("B.) 8") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,47%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option03_2> / items = ("C.) 9") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,52%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option04_2> / items = ("D.) 10") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,57%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option05_2> / items = ("E.) 11") / width = 100% / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,62%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option06_2> / items = ("F.) 12") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,67%) / hjustify = left </text> <text submit> / items = ("Submit") / txbgcolor = gainsboro / width = 10% / height = 5% / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / position = (50%, 90%) / erase = false </text> In your /ontrialend logic, set the textcolor of the option that was selected to green, set all others to black: <block myblock> / trials = [1=trial1,trial2] </block> <trial trial1> / stimulusframes = [1=question,prompt,option01,option02,option03,option04,option05,option06,submit] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (option01,option02,option03,option04,option05,option06,submit) / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option01") { text.option01.textcolor=green; text.option02.textcolor=black; text.option03.textcolor=black; text.option04.textcolor=black; text.option05.textcolor=black; text.option06.textcolor=black; } ] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option02") { text.option01.textcolor=black; text.option02.textcolor=green; text.option03.textcolor=black; text.option04.textcolor=black; text.option05.textcolor=black; text.option06.textcolor=black; } ] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option03") { text.option01.textcolor=black; text.option02.textcolor=black; text.option03.textcolor=green; text.option04.textcolor=black; text.option05.textcolor=black; text.option06.textcolor=black; } ] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option04") { text.option01.textcolor=black; text.option02.textcolor=black; text.option03.textcolor=black; text.option04.textcolor=green; text.option05.textcolor=black; text.option06.textcolor=black; } ] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option05") { text.option01.textcolor=black; text.option02.textcolor=black; text.option03.textcolor=black; text.option04.textcolor=black; text.option05.textcolor=green; text.option06.textcolor=black; } ] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial1.response=="option06") { text.option01.textcolor=black; text.option02.textcolor=black; text.option03.textcolor=black; text.option04.textcolor=black; text.option05.textcolor=black; text.option06.textcolor=green; } ]/ branch = [if(trial.trial1.response!="submit")trial.trial1] </trial> <text question> / items = ("Please answer the question below") / fontstyle= ("MS Shell Dlg 2", 3.61%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / erase = false / position = (50%, 25%) </text> <text prompt> / items = ("There are many shapes. One shape is randomly selected from the shapes in the box. ~nWhich of the following statements must be false?") / fontstyle= ("MS Shell Dlg 2", 2%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (30.5%, 35%) / erase = false </text> <text option01> / items = ("A.) 1") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,42%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option02> / items = ("B.) 2") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,47%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option03> / items = ("C.) 3") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,52%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option04> / items = ("D.) 4") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,57%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option05> / items = ("E.) 5") / width = 100% / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,62%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option06> / items = ("F.) 6") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,67%) / hjustify = left </text> <trial trial2> / stimulusframes = [1=question,prompt2,option01_2,option02_2,option03_2,option04_2,option05_2,option06_2,submit] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (option01_2,option02_2,option03_2,option04_2,option05_2,option06_2,submit) / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option01_2") { text.option01_2.textcolor=green; text.option02_2.textcolor=black; text.option03_2.textcolor=black; text.option04_2.textcolor=black; text.option05_2.textcolor=black; text.option06_2.textcolor=black; } ] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option02_2") { text.option01_2.textcolor=black; text.option02_2.textcolor=green; text.option03_2.textcolor=black; text.option04_2.textcolor=black; text.option05_2.textcolor=black; text.option06_2.textcolor=black; } ] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option03_2") { text.option01_2.textcolor=black; text.option02_2.textcolor=black; text.option03_2.textcolor=green; text.option04_2.textcolor=black; text.option05_2.textcolor=black; text.option06_2.textcolor=black; } ] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option04_2") { text.option01_2.textcolor=black; text.option02_2.textcolor=black; text.option03_2.textcolor=black; text.option04_2.textcolor=green; text.option05_2.textcolor=black; text.option06_2.textcolor=black; } ] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option05_2") { text.option01_2.textcolor=black; text.option02_2.textcolor=black; text.option03_2.textcolor=black; text.option04_2.textcolor=black; text.option05_2.textcolor=green; text.option06_2.textcolor=black; } ] / ontrialend = [if(trial.trial2.response=="option06_2") { text.option01_2.textcolor=black; text.option02_2.textcolor=black; text.option03_2.textcolor=black; text.option04_2.textcolor=black; text.option05_2.textcolor=black; text.option06_2.textcolor=green; } ]/ branch = [if(trial.trial2.response!="submit")trial.trial2] </trial> <text prompt2> / items = ("There are some shapes. Two shapes are randomly selected from the shapes in the box. ~nWhich of the following statements must be true?") / fontstyle= ("MS Shell Dlg 2", 2%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (30.5%, 35%) / erase = false </text> <text option01_2> / items = ("A.) 7") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,42%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option02_2> / items = ("B.) 8") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,47%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option03_2> / items = ("C.) 9") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,52%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option04_2> / items = ("D.) 10") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,57%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option05_2> / items = ("E.) 11") / width = 100% / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,62%) / hjustify = left </text> <text option06_2> / items = ("F.) 12") / txcolor = black / erase = false / size = (5%,4%) / position = (10%,67%) / hjustify = left </text> <text submit> / items = ("Submit") / txbgcolor = gainsboro / width = 10% / height = 5% / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / position = (50%, 90%) / erase = false </text> As for expressing a fraction or exponent in text, you can make use of unicode characters, but there are no special characters for elaborate math-typesetting. Okay. This is great. And, I apologize if this is obvious, but how would I incorporate unicode characters with text?