insert survey question

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I am very new to Inquisit so please excuse if this is a rather dumb/easy question.

i am working with an existing IAT and want to insert a page where participants have to answer a question in a drop down menu before they start with the actual IAT

i have browsed tutorials and this forum for a while now and have come up with some kind of syntax (see below) but unfortunately this doesnt show up anywhere in my IAT.
I'd prefer it to show as second page (after the instructions) but dont know how to "get it in there"
i seem to be missing the instruction to make this a proper page but cant find clear answers on where and how to set this command.
I would appreciate any help or hints!

Current syntax:

<survey Gruppe>
/ pages = [1=Gruppe]
/ showpagenumbers = false

<surveypage Gruppe>
/caption = "Zu Beginn des Labortermins haben Sie ein Bild Ihres Laborpartners/Ihrer Laborpartnerin gesehen.
^^Welche der folgenden Gruppen würden Sie Ihren Partner/Ihre Partnerin zuordnen?"
/questions = [1= Gruppe]

<dropdown Gruppe>
/ caption = "Bitte wählen Sie:"
/ options = ("Geflüchtete/r", "Mann", "Frau", "Senior/in")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1", "2", "3")

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A <survey> is a special kind of <block>. To run it, you need to add it to the script's <expt>s' /blocks attributes at the desired point in time.

Conversely, a <surveypage> is a special kind of <trial>. I.e., it can alternatively be run via an existing <block>'s /trials attribute just like any regular <trial> element.

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Posts: 11, Visits: 24
so i should use just either one? survey OR surveypage?

if i use it in the "blocks" section of the expt, do i need to alter all the block names that follow since it (or so it seems to me) describes which block is the congruent and which the incongruent set for the targets? (i am not sure if i use the right wording for this, i hope you still understand what i mean?)

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Posts: 11, Visits: 24
edit: Never mind, i think i figured it out!

thank you very much for your help, it works now :)


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