Group: Administrators
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You need
(1) A dummy-trial that sets up the round parameters so they remain unchanged for the entire round: (2) A trial that you run repeatedly, which collects the required responses (the actual choice and (dis)confirmation), and allows subjects to "submit" their selections once they've locked it all in.
In a nutshell, you do something like this:
<values> / leftchoice = 0 / rightchoice = 0 / choicemade = 0 / affirmationmade = 0 </values>
<block myblock> / trials = [1-4 = setup] </block>
<trial setup> / ontrialbegin = [values.leftchoice = round(rand(5,100)); values.rightchoice = 3; values.affirmationmade = 0; values.choicemade = 0; text.left.textbgcolor = white; text.right.textbgcolor = white; text.yes.textbgcolor = white; = white; ] / trialduration = 0 / branch = [trial.getresponses] </trial>
<trial getresponses> / ontrialend = [if (trial.getresponses.response == "left") {text.left.textbgcolor = green; text.right.textbgcolor = white; values.choicemade = 1; }; ] / ontrialend = [if (trial.getresponses.response == "right") {text.left.textbgcolor = white; text.right.textbgcolor = green; values.choicemade = 1; }; ] / ontrialend = [if (trial.getresponses.response == "yes") {text.yes.textbgcolor = green; = white; values.affirmationmade = 1; }; ] / ontrialend = [if (trial.getresponses.response == "no") {text.yes.textbgcolor = white; = green; values.affirmationmade = 1; }; ] / stimulusframes = [1=left, right, yes, no, submit] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (left, right, yes, no, submit) / iscorrectresponse = [trial.getresponses.response == "submit" && values.choicemade && values.affirmationmade] / branch = [if (!trial.getresponses.correct) trial.getresponses] </trial>
<text left> / items = ("Win <%values.leftchoice%>") / position = (40%, 50%) / size = (10%, 3%) / erase = false </text>
<text right> / items = ("Win <%values.rightchoice%>") / position = (60%, 50%) / size = (10%, 3%) / erase = false </text>
<text yes> / items = ("For real") / position = (40%, 70%) / size = (10%, 3%) / erase = false </text>
<text no> / items = ("Not for real") / position = (60%, 70%) / size = (10%, 3%) / erase = false </text>
<text submit> / items = ("SUBMIT") / position = (50%, 90%) / erase = false </text>