importing stim lists

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The difference between the blocks is that they are associated with different stimulus lists. Specifically, I have 16 blocks. Odd number blocks are associated with one task and even number blocks with another task, each with unique stimuli that need to be presented in a particular order. Within each task, the items are treated the same way (e.g., defined as pictures of the same size, have equal presentation times, etc) and thus I'd prefer not to define each as a different type of item. Currently the odd number blocks are defined as one item type (i.e., <item study> ) and the even number another (i.e., <item test> ). Thus, it would be useful to be able to load up a different file for each block. I realize another way to do this is to name items of each type according to their block (e.g., <item study1> etc) but I'm wondering if there is a way within Inquisit to set up something conditional on the current block such that I don't have to define new items, pictures, instructions, etc for each block.

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Preface: I'm still not sure I fully understand your setup and what the perceived problem is. With that said:

> Thus, it would be useful to be able to load up a different file for each block.

As already explained, this is not possible for the reasons outlined in my previous response.

> I'd prefer not to define each as a different type of item.

If I understand you correctly, you would then end up with 16 external text files *per subject*, which hold the items pertaining to a particular block. I'm not sure how that's less tedious or more straightforward than doing something along the lines you outlined:

> I realize another way to do this is to name items of each type according to their block (e.g., <item study1> etc)

> I'm wondering if there is a way within Inquisit to set up something conditional on the current block such that I don't have to define new
> items

There is, but it's hardly less work. The fact remains that the crucial information -- which items belong to which block -- needs to be encoded *somewhere*. You can use <list> elements to determine the selection. Again, building on previous examples, you can do:

-- iqx script file ---
/ precondition = [script.subjectid == 1]
/ file = "s_01_items.txt"

/ precondition = [script.subjectid == 2]
/ file = "s_02_items.txt"

<expt myexpt>
/ blocks = [1-2=sequence(study, test)]

<trial studytrial>
/ stimulusframes = [1=studytext]
/ validresponse = (57)

<trial testrial>
/ stimulusframes = [1=testtext]
/ validresponse = (57)

<text studytext>
/ items = studyitems
/ select = list.studylist.nextindex

<text testtext>
/ items = testitems
/ select = list.testlist.nextindex

--- file called s_01_items.txt with the following contents ---
<list studylist>
/ poolsize = 4
/ selectionmode = sequence

<list testlist>
/ poolsize = 4
/ selectionmode = sequence

<block test>
/ trials = [1-2 = testtrial]

<block study>
/ trials = [1-2 = studytrial]

<item testitems>
/1="test A"
/1="test B"

/1="test C"
/1="test D"

<item studyitems>
/1="study A"
/1="study B"

/1="study C"
/1="study D"

--- file called s_02_items.txt with the following contents ---
<list studylist>
/ poolsize = 8
/ selectionmode = sequence

<list testlist>
/ poolsize = 8
/ selectionmode = sequence

<block test>
/ trials = [1-4 = testtrial]

<block study>
/ trials = [1-4 = studytrial]

<item testitems>
/1="test E"
/1="test F"
/1="test G"
/1="test H"

/1="test I"
/1="test J"
/1="test K"
/1="test L"

<item studyitems>
/1="study E"
/1="study F"
/1="study G"
/1="study H"

/1="study I"
/1="study J"
/1="study K"
/1="study L"

Subject #1 would get the items "study A" and "study B" in the 1st study block, and the items "test A" and "test B" in the 1st test block. In the 2nd study block, the participant would see "study C" followed by "study D", and "test C" -> "test D" in the 2nd test block.

The situation for hypothetical subject #2 is analogous, only with 4 trials / items per block, administered in the specified order.

Edited 9 Years Ago by Dave
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Hi, I have a question pertaining to this topic. I also need to present stimuli in a particular order for each participant, and this method works perfectly for that. However, my previous method for identifying which stimulus is presented no longer works here. Namely:

if (picture.practicequaddle.nextindex <= 10 )
    values.currentcsvalue = parameters.firstcsvalue;
    values.currentcsvalue = parameters.secondcsvalue;

When I had my stimuli in an ordered <item> list nextindex (and currentlistitem for that matter) corresponded to the place of the stimulus in that list, but apparently they are not actually coupled because now that my <item> list looks like this, it no longer works:

<item practicequaddles>            
/    15    =    "lossQ5.png"
/    7    =    "gainQ7.png"
/    19    =    "lossQ9.png"
/    6    =    "gainQ6.png"
/    3    =    "gainQ3.png"
/    14    =    "lossQ4.png"
/    5    =    "gainQ5.png"
/    18    =    "lossQ8.png"
/    13    =    "lossQ3.png"
/    8    =    "gainQ8.png"
/    1    =    "gainQ1.png"
/    12    =    "lossQ2.png"
/    9    =    "gainQ9.png"
/    20    =    "lossQ10.png"
/    4    =    "gainQ4.png"
/    10    =    "gainQ10.png"
/    11    =    "lossQ1.png"
/    16    =    "lossQ6.png"
/    2    =    "gainQ2.png"
/    17    =    "lossQ7.png"

Instead, currentitemnumber always numbers them 1 through 20 sequentially. I had hoped to use the numbers after the slash as a shorthand for the stimulus name, so that I could tell the program to present the first value for each 'gain' stimulus (all numbered 10 and lower) and present the second value for each 'loss' stimulus (all numbered 11 and higher).

Is there a way to read out this number from the item list if not with nextindex or currentlistitem? I would prefer to not have to write a statement saying "if (currentitem == "gainQ1.png" || currentitem == "gainQ2.png" || ...)" et cetera. This would be easier with wildcards but I haven't seen any function like that in Inquisit.
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LTK - 7/8/2021
Hi, I have a question pertaining to this topic. I also need to present stimuli in a particular order for each participant, and this method works perfectly for that. However, my previous method for identifying which stimulus is presented no longer works here. Namely:

if (picture.practicequaddle.nextindex <= 10 )
    values.currentcsvalue = parameters.firstcsvalue;
    values.currentcsvalue = parameters.secondcsvalue;

When I had my stimuli in an ordered <item> list nextindex (and currentlistitem for that matter) corresponded to the place of the stimulus in that list, but apparently they are not actually coupled because now that my <item> list looks like this, it no longer works:

<item practicequaddles>            
/    15    =    "lossQ5.png"
/    7    =    "gainQ7.png"
/    19    =    "lossQ9.png"
/    6    =    "gainQ6.png"
/    3    =    "gainQ3.png"
/    14    =    "lossQ4.png"
/    5    =    "gainQ5.png"
/    18    =    "lossQ8.png"
/    13    =    "lossQ3.png"
/    8    =    "gainQ8.png"
/    1    =    "gainQ1.png"
/    12    =    "lossQ2.png"
/    9    =    "gainQ9.png"
/    20    =    "lossQ10.png"
/    4    =    "gainQ4.png"
/    10    =    "gainQ10.png"
/    11    =    "lossQ1.png"
/    16    =    "lossQ6.png"
/    2    =    "gainQ2.png"
/    17    =    "lossQ7.png"

Instead, currentitemnumber always numbers them 1 through 20 sequentially. I had hoped to use the numbers after the slash as a shorthand for the stimulus name, so that I could tell the program to present the first value for each 'gain' stimulus (all numbered 10 and lower) and present the second value for each 'loss' stimulus (all numbered 11 and higher).

Is there a way to read out this number from the item list if not with nextindex or currentlistitem? I would prefer to not have to write a statement saying "if (currentitem == "gainQ1.png" || currentitem == "gainQ2.png" || ...)" et cetera. This would be easier with wildcards but I haven't seen any function like that in Inquisit.

<item practicequaddles>
/ 15 = "lossQ5.png"
/ 7 = "gainQ7.png"
/ 19 = "lossQ9.png"
/ 6 = "gainQ6.png"
/ 3 = "gainQ3.png"
/ 14 = "lossQ4.png"
/ 5 = "gainQ5.png"
/ 18 = "lossQ8.png"
/ 13 = "lossQ3.png"
/ 8 = "gainQ8.png"
/ 1 = "gainQ1.png"
/ 12 = "lossQ2.png"
/ 9 = "gainQ9.png"
/ 20 = "lossQ10.png"
/ 4 = "gainQ4.png"
/ 10 = "gainQ10.png"
/ 11 = "lossQ1.png"
/ 16 = "lossQ6.png"
/ 2 = "gainQ2.png"
/ 17 = "lossQ7.png"

The numbers you put before each item (/1, /12, etc.) do not matter and never did. An item's index is always its position in the <item> listing, from top (1) to bottom (2). Item number 1 in the above code of yours is lossQ5.png, the first one listed, and item number 20 is lossQ7.png, the last one listed.

If anything, you'll not want to <include> differently ordered <item> elements, but <list>s containing item numbers in different orders and set to sequential selection.

Edited 4 Years Ago by Dave
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Dave - 7/8/2021

The numbers you put before each item (/1, /12, etc.) do not matter and never did. An item's index is always its position in the <item> listing, from top (1) to bottom (2). Item number 1 in the above code of yours is lossQ5.png, the first one listed, and item number 20 is lossQ7.png, the last one listed.

If anything, you'll not want to <include> differently ordered <item> elements, but <list>s containing item numbers in different orders and set to sequential selection.

I'm aware the numbers don't matter, I just figured they could be read out in some way. The <list> function does make things a lot more compact, thanks for that tip. I found a variable list.practiceorder.nextvalue to identify the stimulus, which means I don't have to use the filename, so that's nice.

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