Group: Forum Members
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Hi everybody,
(1) in my experiment I would like to use sliders to measure insecurity. The problem is that the slider-button is always at 50% at the beginning. Instead I would like to have no "starting point" to exclude any anchor-effects. I tried to implemet this idea by using /defaultresponse=" ", but unfortunately this did not work out. Has anybody an idea how to fix this? This would be awesome!
(2) And there is something else I don't know how to handle. Could someone tell me how to get rid of the "1)"? I think it is caused by the surveypage command and the "1)" occurs in front of the caption.
That would help me a lot!
<block picture> /trials = [1-5=noreplace(picture)] /preinstructions = (instr6) </block>
<picture picture> / items = picture / select = noreplace / position = (50%, 60%) </picture>
<item picture> /1="picture1.jpg" /2="picture2.jpg" </item>
<radiobuttons picture_size> / caption = "Please remember the picture you have seen during the first part of the experiment. Do you think that it is identical to the picture you can see now on the screen?" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 12pt,true) / responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 11pt, false) / options = ("much smaller", "smaller", "identical", "larger", "much larger") / orientation=horizontal </radiobuttons>
<slider picture_insecurity> / caption = "How secure are you with your judment?" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 12pt) / labels = ("0 = fully secure", "100 = fully insecure") / range = (0,100) / slidersize = (200mm, 10mm) / defaultresponse = "" </slider>
<surveypage picture> / stimulusframes = [1-2=noreplace(picture)] / caption = "Please answer the following questions:" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 12pt, true) / questions = [1=picture_size; 2=picture_insecurity] / showquestionnumbers = false / finishlabel = "Continue" </surveypage>
<page instr6> The first part of the experiment is over now. Thank you for so far. Please continue, if you are ready for the next part. </page>
Thanks a lot!