Word-Recogniton-Task: Words appear twice

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I have the following problem:
First, participants see nine random words for four seconds on the screen.
Afterwards, I present them the nine "old" words as well as four "new" words. The participants then have to decide by pressing keys on the keyboard which of the fourteen presented words (nine old + four new words) are new or old.

However in the recognition task Inquisit often presents some of the new words twice. In total, the recognition-trial always consists of fourteen words, but some of them appear more than once and some don't appear at all (even though I used the noreplace command).

I would be really grateful for some advice.
Thank you very much in advance.

My script for the recognition task looks like this:

<item OldWords>
/1 = "Beginn"
/2 = "Leiter"
/3 = "Reihe"
/4 = "Finger"
/5 = "Teller"
/6 = "Wasser"
/7 = "Handel"
/8 = "Stunde"
/9 = "Urteil"

<item NewWords>
/1 = "Messer"
/2 = "Wandel"
/3 = "Rahmen"
/4 = "Vogel"
/5 = "Anteil"

<text OldWords>
/fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/items = OldWords

<text NewWords>
/fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/items = NewWords

<trial OldWordsVersion1>
/ stimulusframes = [1-9 = noreplace(OldWords)]
/inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("F", "J")
/ correctresponse = ("F")

<trial NewWordsVersion1>
/ stimulusframes = [1-5 = noreplace(NewWords)]
/inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("F", "J")
/ correctresponse = ("J")

<block AbrufWordsInstructVersion1>
/trials = [1=InstruktionAbrufVersion1]

<block AbrufWordsVersion1>
/bgstim = (ButtonOldVersion1, ButtonNewVersion1)
/trials = [1-14 = noreplace(OldWordsVersion1, NewWordsVersion1)]

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<block AbrufWordsVersion1>
/bgstim = (ButtonOldVersion1, ButtonNewVersion1)
/trials = [1-14 = noreplace(OldWordsVersion1, NewWordsVersion1)]

means you are sampling the two trial elements OldWordsVersion1 and NewWordsVersion1 in *equal proportions*. I.e., you'll get 7 "old words" trials and 7 "new word" trials. This is not what you want. You need to enter the trials into the noreplace() selection pool in the appropriate amounts. If you want 9 "old words" trials and 5 "new words" trials then that's what you need to specify:

/trials = [1-14 = noreplace(OldWordsVersion1, OldWordsVersion1, OldWordsVersion1, OldWordsVersion1, OldWordsVersion1, OldWordsVersion1, OldWordsVersion1, OldWordsVersion1, OldWordsVersion1,
NewWordsVersion1, NewWordsVersion1, NewWordsVersion1, NewWordsVersion1, NewWordsVersion1)]


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