+x> I have also used the included elements for win_vids and mac_vids as suggested in a previous post as
> I was getting other errors when the mac spotted the windows format in the <item> element.
I'm not sure what the above means. Could you explain exactly what you did, include the relevant code, and spell out the error messages, please?
As suggested in a previous post and the manual, I have included the relevant files for windows and mac separately:
/precondition = [computer.platform=="win"]
/file = "win_vids.iqx"
/precondition = [computer.platform=="mac"]
/file = "mac_vids.iqx"
There are no error messages, just a black screen where the video is supposed to be. A video element is being called for a trial and the video element is set up like this:
<video video_slide>
/playthrough = false
/items= video_slides
/position = (50%, 50%)
/size = (90%, 90%)
/select = values.video_slide
The items are just three files taken from the corresponding script ("mac_vids" or "win_vids") in .mov format for mac. The trial elements are set up so that participants can navigate through the instructions.
I have added a part of the code below but of course it's not executable as it is..
<block instructions2>
/trials = [1=slide_start]
<trial slide_start>
/stimulusframes = [1=instructions]
/ontrialbegin = [values.instruct_slide=1]
/validresponse = (205)
/branch = [if (trial.slide_start.response=="205") trial.slide_go]
<trial slide_go>
/stimulusframes = [1=instructions]
/ontrialbegin = [values.instruct_slide=2]
/validresponse = (203, 205)
/branch = [if (trial.slide_go.response=="203") trial.slide_start]
/branch = [if (trial.slide_go.response=="205") trial.slide_tips]
<trial slide_tips>
/stimulusframes = [1=instructions]
/ontrialbegin = [values.instruct_slide=3]
/validresponse = (203, 205)
/branch = [if (trial.slide_tips.response=="203") trial.slide_go]
/branch = [if (trial.slide_tips.response=="205") trial.video_go]
<trial video_go>
/stimulusframes = [2=video_slide]
/validresponse = (203,205)
/ontrialbegin = [values.video_slide=1]
/branch = [if (trial.video_go.response=="203") trial.slide_tips]
/branch = [if (trial.video_go.response=="205" && values.current_group==1) trial.begin_prac_slide]
/branch = [if (trial.video_go.response=="205" && values.current_group==2) trial.slide_stop]
/branch = [if (trial.video_go.response=="205" && values.current_group==3) trial.slide_change]
/ontrialend = [trial.video_go.resetstimulusframes();]
<trial begin_prac_slide>
/stimulusframes = [1=instructions]
/ontrialbegin = [values.instruct_slide=6]
/validresponse = (203, 57)
/branch = [if (trial.begin_prac_slide.response=="203" && values.current_group==1) trial.video_go]
/branch = [if (trial.begin_prac_slide.response=="203" && values.current_group==2) trial.video_stop]
/branch = [if (trial.begin_prac_slide.response=="203" && values.current_group==3) trial.video_change]