Custom finish page

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n.lee.20 - 10/13/2020

Thank you very much that is now sorted. But, I have now uncovered another issue. I have tried to use the quit function in my expt:

/ quit = [radiobuttons.Q1_Consent.selectedvalue == "0" || radiobuttons.Q2_Consent.selectedvalue == "0" || radiobuttons.Q3_Consent.selectedvalue == "0" || radiobuttons.Q4_Consent.selectedvalue == "0" || radiobuttons.Q5_Consent.selectedvalue == "0"]

Example Question
<radiobuttons Q1_Consent>
/caption = "I understand ... "
/ options = ("AGREE", "DISAGREE")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/required = true
/orientation =horizontal

It closes the message but doesn't go to the finish page instead I get an error message:
'This command is obsolete and will be ignored.'

Is this an issue occuring from the quit command?


You'll want to use /stop as in

<expt SAT>
/ onexptbegin = [ values.res = list.balanceresp.nextvalue;
      if (values.res == "1") {values.mRes = "v"; values.nRes = "b"; values.mResHand = "index finger of your left hand"; values.nResHand = "index finger of your right hand"}
                 if (values.res == "2") {values.mRes = "b"; values.nRes = "v"; values.mResHand = "index finger of your right hand"; values.nResHand = "index finger of your left hand"}]
/ blocks = [1=block_info; 2=block_instr; 3=block_demo; 4=block.block_pra_selfpace; 5=block_pra_real; 6-10=block_formal; 11=block_questionnaires; 12 = block_debrief]
/ stop = [radiobuttons.Q1_Consent.selectedvalue == "0" || radiobuttons.Q2_Consent.selectedvalue == "0" || radiobuttons.Q3_Consent.selectedvalue == "0" || radiobuttons.Q4_Consent.selectedvalue == "0" || radiobuttons.Q5_Consent.selectedvalue == "0"]

The warning (not error) you receive pertains to

/ format = tab

in your <data> element. That command is obsolete. Data files are always TAB delimited.

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Posts: 17, Visits: 68
Changed to stop and all working well, thank you. I've also now removed the /format = tab, so no more errors. 

Thanks for all your help!


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