Grouping blocks together?

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I'm looking for a way to group my blocks together so that I can have them appear in a random order. To be more clear, I have 4 blocks of different trial types defined, and I need to be able to put them together somehow so that I can use selectionmode=noreplace to make is so that the participants go through the 4 blocks in a random order. Is there a way to do that?  Thank you in advance.
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Kristen0813 - Sunday, January 22, 2017
I'm looking for a way to group my blocks together so that I can have them appear in a random order. To be more clear, I have 4 blocks of different trial types defined, and I need to be able to put them together somehow so that I can use selectionmode=noreplace to make is so that the participants go through the 4 blocks in a random order. Is there a way to do that?  Thank you in advance.

You do this via the <expt> elements' /blocks attribute:

/ blocks = [1-4 = noreplace(a,b,c,d)]


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