Press Release: ASL Announces Integration With Millisecond’s Inquisit Software.

Press Release: ASL Announces Integration With Millisecond’s Inquisit...
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Press Contact:          Mike Ryan                    

                                    Tel. 781.275.4000



ASL Announces Integration With Millisecond’s Inquisit Software.

“Researchers Can Now Customize Eye Tracking Experiment Metrics”


Bedford, Massachusetts, USA – Applied Science Laboratories (ASL) continues its industry leadership by finding ways to assist researchers actively engaged in collecting eye tracking data with new software solutions designed to make equipment operation easier and streamline data analysis. 


Successful integration of ASL’s eye tracking technology with Inquisit Software offers researchers much more flexibility in planning, executing and displaying the results of studies across the entire range of eye tracking applications. 


In making the announcement, Virginia Salem, Customer Relations at ASL said, “This new integration is just another example of ASL superb technical team working with other technology partners to provide a comprehensive solution for our customers. “


Sean Draine, Millisecond’s founder is pleased that his software has tremendous synergy with the ASL eye trackers saying, “Rich integration between Inquisit and ASL Eyetrackers makes it incredibly easy for Inquisit users to calibrate eye trackers, insert more event markers into the data stream, and program dynamic visual tasks that incorporate and react to eye position and pupil diameter.”



Applied Science Laboratories has been a pioneer in the examination of human eye movements and pupil dynamics for over 30 years. ASL was the first company to develop a head-mounted eye tracker, eye/head integration, parallax-free optics, and many other features that have become industry standard.  For more information, visit or contact the company at 175 Middlesex Turnpike, Bedford, Massachusetts, 01730 USA, Tel. (781) 275-4000.


"Millisecond Software is a technology leader in high precision software for
psychological, behavioral neuroscience, and consumer research. Millisecond
was among the first companies to leverage Microsoft's DirectX technology to
enable high performance stimulus presentation and reaction time measurement
on the Windows platform. Millisecond is the only company to enable
administration of precision timed experiments over the world-wide web. For
more information, visit or contact the company at
1508 E Prospect Street, Seattle, WA, 98112, Tel. 1-888-976-7770."

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