Questions regarding images/pictures

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psychostudy - Monday, December 4, 2017
Thanks a lot, the option with the gif works perfectly!
Just a small remark: When the question is set on required (for radiobuttons in this case), and one attempts to continue without giving an answer, the picture (and any text added with /stimulustimes) disappear. Is this supposed to happen?

Yes, that is the expected behavior for stimuli displayed via /stimulustimes or -frames in <surveypage>s. There is, unfortunately, no way to change or avoid this either (<surveypages> work a bit differently than <trial> elements under the hood).

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sorry to revive this old thread, but I have another question:
As said before, the participants will play a game, then come to the survey page where they will have to answer questions about a picture that appears on the site. This process repeats for a few times. Now this picture should be randomized, and implementing it wasn't a  problem, as I did it as follows:
<item x>
/ 1= picture 1
/ 2= picture 2
/ 3= picture 3

<picture surveypic>
/ items = x
/position = (x,y)
and then implementing it on the surveypage via /stimulusframes. So far so good, though my question, is it possible to record in the dataset which of the pictures was chosen each time the participants had to fill out the survey?

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psychostudy - Friday, December 22, 2017
sorry to revive this old thread, but I have another question:
As said before, the participants will play a game, then come to the survey page where they will have to answer questions about a picture that appears on the site. This process repeats for a few times. Now this picture should be randomized, and implementing it wasn't a  problem, as I did it as follows:
<item x>
/ 1= picture 1
/ 2= picture 2
/ 3= picture 3

<picture surveypic>
/ items = x
/position = (x,y)
and then implementing it on the surveypage via /stimulusframes. So far so good, though my question, is it possible to record in the dataset which of the pictures was chosen each time the participants had to fill out the survey?

Yes. You need to run your <surveypage>(s) in a <block>, not a <survey>. The item will be recorded in the standard data columns (stimulusnumber and stimulusitem), just like when using a regular <trial>:

<surveypage mypage>
/ stimulusframes = [1=mystimulus]
/ questions = [1=myquestion]

<text mystimulus>
/ items = myitems

<item myitems>
/ 1 = "a.jpg"
/ 2 = "b.jpg"
/ 3 = "c.jpg"

<radiobuttons myquestion>
/ options = ("option 1", "option 2")
/ position = (40%, 80%)

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-3 = mypage]


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