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+x+x+xHi Dave, Thank you for the help! It turned out to be an issue with administrative privileges. So we have tested the port and signals are being sent to AcqKnowledge but we have run into one more speed bump and were wondering if you could assist us? Inquisit it signalling AcqKnowledge each time the one of the stimuli are chosen to free the bird. We were looking for Inquisit to send a signal at the start of each trial - is there a way to remedy this? Best > We were looking for Inquisit to send a signal at the start of each trial That's essentially what the script does as far as I can see. Here <block level1> /onblockbegin = [trial.freebird1.insertstimulusframe(port.targetsignal1,1)]... /trials = [1 = freebird1] ... </block> you are inserting a port signal into <trial freebird1>'s 1st stimulus presentation frame; i.e. this is essentially as if you were stating <trial freebird1> ... /stimulusframes = [1 = cage, box1, box2, box3, box4, box5, box6, box7, box8, box9, box10, dot, scorelabel, scorebox, score, targetsignal1] /validresponse = (box1, box2, box3, box4, box5, box6, box7, box8, box9, box10) ... </trial> directly. (You're also doing the same thing in the <block>s / <trial>s for the other levels.) The signal is raised at the start of the trial, there is no waiting or delay until any response occurs. (If you wanted to send signals upon response, you would use /responsemessage attributes in the <trial>). You're not sending any signals in the success and failure trials, though. Perhaps that is what you mean / want to do? Thinking about this some more, perhaps I'm misunderstanding what you consider to be a "trial": In Inquisit terms, each time the participant is presented with the choice screen (click the box with the green dot to free the bird) is a trial. I.e., each block or "level" in the task encompasses many individual trials, as many as the participant can complete within the allotted time for each level. Maybe what you want to do is only send a signal _once_ at the start of each "level" or block? If so, you can do that in a number of ways. #1: With <block level1> /onblockbegin = [trial.freebird1.insertstimulusframe(port.targetsignal1,1)]... /trials = [1 = freebird1] ... </block> already in place, adding <trial freebird1> / ontrialend = [ trial.freebird1.resetstimulusframes(); ]... </trial> to <trial freebird1> would result in only the 1st instance of the trial within <block level1> sending a signal. The reset basically reverts the injection of the port stimulus at the end of the 1st instance of <trial freebird1>. The remaining instances would not send any signal. #2: Alternatively, you could forego any stimulus insertions and resets, and simply set up a dedicated <trial> element that does nothing but send the port signal, and run a single instance of that trial at the very start of the respective block. I.e. <block level1> /onblockbegin = [values.level = "1"] /onblockbegin = [values.countcorrect = 0; values.counttrials = 0] /onblockbegin = [values.dotlatency = parameters.startdotlatency] /trials = [ 1 = level1signal; 2 = freebird1] /timeout = parameters.level1_timeout /onblockend = [values.meandotlatency = expressions.mean_dotlatency; values.challengelatency = values.meandotlatency/2] /onblockend = [values.level1correct = values.countcorrect] </block> with <trial level1signal> / stimulusframes = [1= targetsignal1] / validresponse = (0) / trialduration = 50 / recorddata = false </trial> Hi Dave, Thank you for parsing out my language, realized I was referring to trial in the manner we speak in our lab as opposed to what Inquisit is running. You have helped us greatly and we are now ready to start collecting data. Thank you!!