I have a similar issue. We are running a web experiment and those who finished a valid GNAT get redirected to a url (I use the Finish page/redirect to an external web site for that). However, those who did not have valid scores for the GNAT get redirected to another url.
We created a trial and a block for the latter case:
<trial failed>
/ ontrialend= [if ( values.failed == 1 ) defaults.finishpage = "
https://tgm.mobi/status/scr?id=${e://Field/id}/"; script.abort();]
/ skip = [
if ( values.failed == 0 )
<block failed>
/trials = [1 = failed]
/skip = [expressions.AA_dprime > 0 && expressions.AB_dprime > 0]
Then, the experiment goes like this:
/ blocks = [
1 = trainingStart;
2-4 = random (attributeA_responsetimeout1, attributeB_responsetimeout1, TargetA_responsetimeout1);
5 = testStart;
6-7 = random(TargetAattributeA_responsetimeout2, TargetAattributeB_responsetimeout2);
8 = speedup;
9-10 = random(TargetAattributeA_responsetimeout3, TargetAattributeB_responsetimeout3);
11 = failed;
12 = end
/ preinstructions = (begin1, begin2, begin3)
If I test the experiment and I do not get a valid GNAT, I get the right "failed" message, but unfortunately, I am redirected to the page as if I had a valid GNAT.
Could you help me on this?