we adapted a script and programmed a GNGT. We defined a testblock, the pictorial stimuli and the trials (see elements of the scripts below). Originally, we wanted the stimuli to be presented for 250ms, thus, blankscreen was set to 250ms. However, in a new study, the stimuli should be presented for a max. of 1000ms (or until a response is made for no targets) and then an intertrial interval of 1000ms should follow.
However, if blankscreen (written in bold) is set to 1000, the stimuli are presented longer, but if the spacebar is pressed, the next pictures appears on the screen immediately. What do I have to do in order to insert an ITI of 1s after the correct response was executed?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help!
<trial notarget>
/ ontrialbegin = [if(values.expcondition == 1) {values.stimulus=list.nt1_stimuli.nextvalue;values.trialcount += 1; values.count_nogo += 1; values.targettype = 2}
else if(values.expcondition == 2) {values.stimulus=list.nt2_stimuli.nextvalue;values.trialcount += 1; values.count_nogo += 1; values.targettype = 2}]
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen; 1=stimuli;
250=blankscreen; 1150=blankscreen]
/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)
/ correctresponse = (57)
/ beginresponsetime = 1
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ response = timeout(1000)
/ ontrialend = [if (trial.notarget.correct) values.correctcount += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if (trial.notarget.correct) {values.correct_go += 1; values.sumrt += trial.notarget.latency}]
/ ontrialend = [if (trial.notarget.error) values.omissionerrors += 1]
/ recorddata = true
<block testblock>
/ trials = [1=start; 2-321=noreplace(notarget, notarget, notarget, notarget, notarget, notarget, target,target)]
/ preinstructions = (Experiment)
/ onblockbegin = [values.targettype = 0; values.correctresp = 0; values.trialcount = 0; values.correctcount = 0; values.count_go = 0; values.correct_go = 0; values.count_nogo = 0; values.correct_nogo = 0; values.commissionerror = 0; values.sumrt = 0; values.omissionerrors = 0]
/ recorddata = true
<picture stimuli >
/ items = stimuli
/ select = values.stimulus
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ size = (30%,30%)
/erase = false