
Nick Riches
Nick Riches
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Posts: 19, Visits: 69

I'm really confused about how to use 'lists'. I've tried to create a Minimal Worked Example below. I thought the aim of the 'list' element was to create a general-purpose class for storing any type of item. However, I can't seem to refer to the wordList in the wordText element. Can anyone help with this?



<list wordList>
/ items = ("dog", "cat")
/ select = sequence

<list responseList>
/ items = ("Y", "N")
/ selectionmode = list.wordlist.currentindex

<text wordText>
/ items = list.wordList.item
/ select = sequence

<trial wordTrial>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = wordText]
/ response = list.responseList.item

<block wordBlock>
/ trials = [1-2 = wordTrial]

<expt exptBlock>
/ blocks = [1 = wordBlock]

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Nick Riches - Tuesday, February 27, 2018

I'm really confused about how to use 'lists'. I've tried to create a Minimal Worked Example below. I thought the aim of the 'list' element was to create a general-purpose class for storing any type of item. However, I can't seem to refer to the wordList in the wordText element. Can anyone help with this?



<list wordList>
/ items = ("dog", "cat")
/ select = sequence

<list responseList>
/ items = ("Y", "N")
/ selectionmode = list.wordlist.currentindex

<text wordText>
/ items = list.wordList.item
/ select = sequence

<trial wordTrial>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = wordText]
/ response = list.responseList.item

<block wordBlock>
/ trials = [1-2 = wordTrial]

<expt exptBlock>
/ blocks = [1 = wordBlock]

No, <list>s aren't for storing items per se, but rather a general purpose construct to store numerical values, or other objects -- like <text>, <trial> or <block> elements -- for selection. What you are looking for  in your example is the <item> element, i.e. you'll want to do

<text wordText>
/ items = worditems
/ select = sequence

<item worditems>
/ 1 = "yes"
/ 2 = "no"

Apart from that

<text wordText>
/ items = list.wordList.item
/ select = sequence

is wrong and would not return anything anyway.

Nick Riches
Nick Riches
Esteemed Member (2K reputation)Esteemed Member (2K reputation)Esteemed Member (2K reputation)Esteemed Member (2K reputation)Esteemed Member (2K reputation)Esteemed Member (2K reputation)Esteemed Member (2K reputation)Esteemed Member (2K reputation)Esteemed Member (2K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 19, Visits: 69
Dave - Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Nick Riches - Tuesday, February 27, 2018

I'm really confused about how to use 'lists'. I've tried to create a Minimal Worked Example below. I thought the aim of the 'list' element was to create a general-purpose class for storing any type of item. However, I can't seem to refer to the wordList in the wordText element. Can anyone help with this?



<list wordList>
/ items = ("dog", "cat")
/ select = sequence

<list responseList>
/ items = ("Y", "N")
/ selectionmode = list.wordlist.currentindex

<text wordText>
/ items = list.wordList.item
/ select = sequence

<trial wordTrial>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = wordText]
/ response = list.responseList.item

<block wordBlock>
/ trials = [1-2 = wordTrial]

<expt exptBlock>
/ blocks = [1 = wordBlock]

No, <list>s aren't for storing items per se, but rather a general purpose construct to store numerical values, or other objects -- like <text>, <trial> or <block> elements -- for selection. What you are looking for  in your example is the <item> element, i.e. you'll want to do

<text wordText>
/ items = worditems
/ select = sequence

<item worditems>
/ 1 = "yes"
/ 2 = "no"

Apart from that

<text wordText>
/ items = list.wordList.item
/ select = sequence

is wrong and would not return anything anyway.

Thanks. I'm kind of getting there...


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