Can I remove the response bar at the bottom of my touchscreen task?

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I'm running an experiment on Inquisit Web that requires exclusively touchscreen responses (no keyboard responses). It runs beautifully on touchscreen computers, but when run on a tablet, I'm getting that annoying response bar along the bottom of the screen. My understanding from previous posts is that this occurs when no keyboard is detected, but is there any way at all of preventing this from occurring on a tablet? 

I would really appreciate some help with this. Thank you! 

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clarkm - Thursday, August 2, 2018
I'm running an experiment on Inquisit Web that requires exclusively touchscreen responses (no keyboard responses). It runs beautifully on touchscreen computers, but when run on a tablet, I'm getting that annoying response bar along the bottom of the screen. My understanding from previous posts is that this occurs when no keyboard is detected, but is there any way at all of preventing this from occurring on a tablet? 

I would really appreciate some help with this. Thank you! 


If you don't have anything in the script that expects keyboard input -- i.e. everything is set to expect input from either a mouse or a touchscreen (/inputdevice = mouse or /inputdevice = touchscreen respectively) --, you should not see the bar on a tablet. Is this the case for the script you're using?

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Hi Dave,

The input device for each trial that requires a response (some trails simply time out on their own and do no require a response) is set as mouse. Same happens when they are set to touchscreen. 

I've attached the script here. This is my first attempt at Inquisit so I apologise if my script is not particularly elegant :) 


merged_script.iqx (543 views, 35.00 KB)
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clarkm - Friday, August 3, 2018
Hi Dave,

The input device for each trial that requires a response (some trails simply time out on their own and do no require a response) is set as mouse. Same happens when they are set to touchscreen. 

I've attached the script here. This is my first attempt at Inquisit so I apologise if my script is not particularly elegant :) 


When no /inputdevice is specified in a <trial> (as is the case with some of the ones that time out / require no response), then Inquisit assumes /inputdevice = keyboard as the default. This is probably the reason why you're seeing the bar.

So instead of defining

<trial prime_conditioncontrol1R>
/ stimulustimes = [0 = eraser, fixation; 1000 = eraser, prime_conditioncontrol1R; 3000 = eraser]
/ontrialbegin = [list.stimscontrol1R.nextvalue]
/ontrialbegin = [values.relatedness = 1]
/ontrialbegin = [values.condition = "condition1"]
/ontrialbegin = [ = ""]
/ontrialend = [ = picture.prime_conditioncontrol1R.currentitem]
/responseinterrupt = trial
/timeout = 0
/branch = [trial.target_conditioncontrol1R]
/posttrialpause = values.currentisi
/recorddata = false


define it as

<trial prime_conditioncontrol1R>
/ stimulustimes = [0 = eraser, fixation; 1000 = eraser, prime_conditioncontrol1R; 3000 = eraser]
/ontrialbegin = [list.stimscontrol1R.nextvalue]
/ontrialbegin = [values.relatedness = 1]
/ontrialbegin = [values.condition = "condition1"]
/ontrialbegin = [ = ""]
/ontrialend = [ = picture.prime_conditioncontrol1R.currentitem]
/responseinterrupt = trial
/timeout = 0
/branch = [trial.target_conditioncontrol1R]
/posttrialpause = values.currentisi
/recorddata = false
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ validresponse = (noresponse)


and/or set /inputdevice = mouse in the script's <defaults> element

/ inputdevice = mouse
/canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/minimumversion = ""
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ screencolor = (0,0,0)
/txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = white

That should hopefully get rid of the bar on all devices that do not have a physical keyboard attached.


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