HTML Intro page not working

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I'm setting up new IATS using existing ones I downloaded off the Inquisit website. When I open the original (unchanged) scripts, they seem to be okay, but once I begin editing the script, the intro page suffers and instead of images (even though they are the original ones) change. I have tried keeping the original and editing the HTM intro page. The survey itself displays the images regardless of the intro page. 

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EliStarr - Wednesday, November 14, 2018

I'm setting up new IATS using existing ones I downloaded off the Inquisit website. When I open the original (unchanged) scripts, they seem to be okay, but once I begin editing the script, the intro page suffers and instead of images (even though they are the original ones) change. I have tried keeping the original and editing the HTM intro page. The survey itself displays the images regardless of the intro page. 

If you edit the HTML file itself, you need to make sure that its source code remains intact, editing it with any kind of "rich text" editor (e.g. Word) is likely to break it. To avoid this, make sure to edit the HTML using a simple text editor only, such as Notepad under Windows or TextEdit under OSX. When using TextEdit, make sure to set it to display the source, not the rendered HTML, for editing purposes ( ).

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Dave - Wednesday, November 14, 2018
EliStarr - Wednesday, November 14, 2018

I'm setting up new IATS using existing ones I downloaded off the Inquisit website. When I open the original (unchanged) scripts, they seem to be okay, but once I begin editing the script, the intro page suffers and instead of images (even though they are the original ones) change. I have tried keeping the original and editing the HTM intro page. The survey itself displays the images regardless of the intro page. 

If you edit the HTML file itself, you need to make sure that its source code remains intact, editing it with any kind of "rich text" editor (e.g. Word) is likely to break it. To avoid this, make sure to edit the HTML using a simple text editor only, such as Notepad under Windows or TextEdit under OSX. When using TextEdit, make sure to set it to display the source, not the rendered HTML, for editing purposes ( ).

Hey! Thanks for a quick answer but I am using notepad to edit, and the only edits I was making was deleting some of the extra "items". Even before I edited the intro page it stopped loading properly. 

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Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
EliStarr - Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Dave - Wednesday, November 14, 2018
EliStarr - Wednesday, November 14, 2018

I'm setting up new IATS using existing ones I downloaded off the Inquisit website. When I open the original (unchanged) scripts, they seem to be okay, but once I begin editing the script, the intro page suffers and instead of images (even though they are the original ones) change. I have tried keeping the original and editing the HTM intro page. The survey itself displays the images regardless of the intro page. 

If you edit the HTML file itself, you need to make sure that its source code remains intact, editing it with any kind of "rich text" editor (e.g. Word) is likely to break it. To avoid this, make sure to edit the HTML using a simple text editor only, such as Notepad under Windows or TextEdit under OSX. When using TextEdit, make sure to set it to display the source, not the rendered HTML, for editing purposes ( ).

Hey! Thanks for a quick answer but I am using notepad to edit, and the only edits I was making was deleting some of the extra "items". Even before I edited the intro page it stopped loading properly. 

Thanks for the clarification. Hmm, could you put the whole set of files (the edited script, images, the HTML file, etc.) in a ZIP and attach it to this thread? To attach files to a post, click +Insert -> Add FIle...

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 3, Visits: 15
Dave - Wednesday, November 14, 2018
EliStarr - Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Dave - Wednesday, November 14, 2018
EliStarr - Wednesday, November 14, 2018

I'm setting up new IATS using existing ones I downloaded off the Inquisit website. When I open the original (unchanged) scripts, they seem to be okay, but once I begin editing the script, the intro page suffers and instead of images (even though they are the original ones) change. I have tried keeping the original and editing the HTM intro page. The survey itself displays the images regardless of the intro page. 

If you edit the HTML file itself, you need to make sure that its source code remains intact, editing it with any kind of "rich text" editor (e.g. Word) is likely to break it. To avoid this, make sure to edit the HTML using a simple text editor only, such as Notepad under Windows or TextEdit under OSX. When using TextEdit, make sure to set it to display the source, not the rendered HTML, for editing purposes ( ).

Hey! Thanks for a quick answer but I am using notepad to edit, and the only edits I was making was deleting some of the extra "items". Even before I edited the intro page it stopped loading properly. 

Thanks for the clarification. Hmm, could you put the whole set of files (the edited script, images, the HTML file, etc.) in a ZIP and attach it to this thread? To attach files to a post, click +Insert -> Add FIle...


So I finally figured it out. I was running all the IATs from a shared network drive rather than from the hard drive. Once I started running the programs directly from computer the problem fixed itself. There was no issue with the scripts, but this might be good to note for those using network drives. I was still able to save results to the shared drive which was more important in the long run. 

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