Hi again,
i have another qestion concearning the connection between my experiment and the Data viewer for Eye Tracking experiments.
Because i am using the following trials to display my stimuli:
<trial bild1_hi>
/stimulustimes = [1=Productwithoutlabel1,highlabel1]
/trialduration = 25000
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ branch = [surveypage.Kaufintention]
<trial fixation1low>
/stimulustimes = [1= text.fixation]
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ validresponse = (fixation)
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ branch = [trial.manip1_lo]
<trial bild2_hi>
/stimulustimes = [1=Productwithoutlabel2,highlabel2]
/trialduration = 25000
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ screencapture = true
/ branch = [surveypage.Kaufintention]
<trial bild2_lo>
/stimulustimes = [1=Productwithoutlabel2,lowlabel2]
/trialduration = 25000
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ screencapture = true
/ branch = [surveypage.Kaufintention]
I am not able to see the exact product that was displayed during the experiment in the Data Viewer, but a black screen that displays the trial(but not the picture i used as a stimuli in that trial) with the gaze data(gaze data is visible). I would like to see the picture of the product with the gaze data in the data viewer so that i don't have to search for the right stimuli all the time (as the order of the stimuli/products is randomized)
I tried to use a trial for every product+ high label(6 trials for 6 products) and everyproduct+low label(6trials for 6 products), but it is not evenly distributed if i try it like this. As 3 products with high labels and 3 products with low labels should be displayed, still all 6 products need to be displayed.
My attempt looked like this:
<block exp>
/trials = [1-6=noreplace(fixation1high,fixation1low),(fixation2high,fixation2low),(fixation3high,fixation3low),(fixation4high,fixation4low),(fixation5high,fixation5low),(fixation6high,fixation6low)]
/preinstructions = (Zwischentext)
/ postinstructions = (end)
Thanks for you help again!
/ plugin = "srresearch"
/ calibrationmode = "HV13"
/ aoidurationthreshold = 2000
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)
/ screencolor = (255, 255, 255)
/ nextkey = (" ")
/ prevkey = ("p")
/ nextlabel = "Weiter(Leertaste)"
/ prevlabel = "Vorherige Seite(p)"
/lastlabel = "Weiter(Leertaste)"
<page welcome>
<page vorgehensweise>
<page Zwischentext>
<page end>
------ Stimuli------------
<item tesprodukt>
/1 = "testbild.jpg"
<item testvid1>
/1 = "TestVideoExp.gif"
<item Productwithoutlabel>
/1 = "Bar ohne label.jpg"
/2 = "Marmelade ohne label.jpg"
/3 = "Müsli ohne label.jpg"
/4 = "Smoothie ohne label.jpg"
/5 = "Yoghurt ohne label.jpg"
/6 = "Dressing ohne label.jpg"
<item labelhigh>
/1 = "Bar high label transparent.png"
/2 = "Marmelade high label transparent.png"
/3 = "Müsli high label transparent.png"
/4 = "Smoothie high label transparent.png"
/5 = "Yoghurt high label transparent.png"
/6 = "Dressing high label transparent.png"
<item labellow>
/7 = "Bar low label transparent.png"
/8 = "Marmelade low label transparent.png"
/9 = "Müsli low label transparent.png"
/10 = "Smoothie low label transparent.png"
/11 = "Yoghurt low label transparent.png"
/12 = "Dressing low label transparent.png"
<item manip1>
/1 = "Cereal Bar.gif"
/2 = "Marmelade.gif"
/3 = "Müsli.gif"
/4 = "Smoothie.gif"
/5 = "Yoghurt.gif"
/6 = "Dressing.gif"
<item manip2>
/1 = "Cereal Bar Kontrollgruppe.gif"
/2 = "Marmelade Kontrollgruppe.gif"
/3 = "Müsli Kontrollgruppe.gif"
/4 = "Smoothie Kontrollgruppe.gif"
/5 = "Yoghurt Kontrollgruppe.gif"
/6 = "Dressing Kontrollgruppe.gif"
---------------Produkte ohne label--------------------
<picture Productwithoutlabel1>
/ items = ("Bar ohne label.jpg","Marmelade ohne label.jpg","Müsli ohne label.jpg","Smoothie ohne label.jpg","Yoghurt ohne label.jpg","Dressing ohne label.jpg")
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ select = video.manip1.currentindex
<picture Productwithoutlabel2>
/ items = ("Bar ohne label.jpg","Marmelade ohne label.jpg","Müsli ohne label.jpg","Smoothie ohne label.jpg","Yoghurt ohne label.jpg","Dressing ohne label.jpg")
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ select = video.manip2.currentindex
--------------------------Labels high calorie---------------------------------
<picture highlabel1>
/ items = ("Bar high label transparent.png","Marmelade high label transparent.png","Müsli high label transparent.png","Smoothie high label transparent.png","Yoghurt high label transparent.png","Dressing high label transparent.png")
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ select = video.manip1.currentindex
<picture highlabel2>
/ items = ("Bar high label transparent.png","Marmelade high label transparent.png","Müsli high label transparent.png","Smoothie high label transparent.png","Yoghurt high label transparent.png","Dressing high label transparent.png")
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ select = video.manip2.currentindex
--------------------------labels low calorie-------------------------
<picture lowlabel1>
/ items = ("Bar low label transparent.png","Marmelade low label transparent.png","Müsli low label transparent.png","Smoothie low label transparent.png","Yoghurt low label transparent.png","Dressing low label transparent.png")
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ select = video.manip1.currentindex
<picture lowlabel2>
/ items = ("Bar low label transparent.png","Marmelade low label transparent.png","Müsli low label transparent.png","Smoothie low label transparent.png","Yoghurt low label transparent.png","Dressing low label transparent.png")
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ select = video.manip2.currentindex
--------- Manipulation---
<picture testbild1>
/ items = ("testbild.jpg")
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ select = video.testvid1.currentindex
<picture testbild2>
/ items = ("testbild.jpg")
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ select = video.testvid1.currentindex
<video testvid1>
/ items = ("TestVideoExp.gif")
/ playthrough = true
/ position = (50, 50)
/ size = (100%, 100%)
<video testvid2>
/ items = ("TestVideoKontroll.gif")
/ playthrough = true
/ position = (50, 50)
/ size = (100%, 100%)
<video manip1>
/ items = ("Cereal Bar.gif","Marmelade.gif","Müsli.gif","Smoothie.gif","Yoghurt.gif","Dressing.gif")
/ playthrough = true
/ position = (50, 50)
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ select = noreplace
<video manip2>
/ items = ("Cereal Bar Kontrollgruppe.gif","Marmelade Kontrollgruppe.gif","Müsli Kontrollgruppe.gif","Smoothie Kontrollgruppe.gif","Yoghurt Kontrollgruppe.gif","Dressing Kontrollgruppe.gif" )
/ playthrough = true
/ position = (50, 50)
/ size = (100%, 100%)
-----Fixation Cross--------
<item fixation>
/1 = "+"
<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 15%)
/ txcolor = black
/ size = (12%, 40%)
/ txbgcolor = white
----Question open end-----
<text Manipulationcheck>
/ items = ("Bitte beschreiben Sie, was Sie innerhalb des zuvor gezeigten Videos gesehen haben.")
/ position = (50%, 30%)
<openended Manipulationcheck>
/ stimulusframes=[1=Manipulationcheck]
/ position = (50, 80)
/ linelength = 90
/ numlines = 15
/required = true
-------------------Question Kaufintention---------------------------------
<radiobuttons Kaufintention>
/caption = "Wie wahrscheinlich wäre es, dass Sie das Produkt kaufen würden?"
/ options = (" 1 ~nsehr unwahrscheinlich", " 2 ", " 3 ", " 4 ", " 5 ", " 6 ", " 7 ~nsehr wahrscheinlich")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7")
/required = true
/orientation = horizontalequal
<surveypage Kaufintention>
/ questions = [1 = Kaufintention]
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ branch = [
-----trial Exp------------------
<trial fixation1>
/stimulustimes = [1= text.fixation]
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ validresponse = (fixation)
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ branch = [trial.bild1_hi]
<trial fixation2>
/stimulustimes = [1= text.fixation]
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ validresponse = (fixation)
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ branch = [trial.bild1_lo]
<trial fixation3>
/stimulustimes = [1= text.fixation]
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ validresponse = (fixation)
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ branch = [trial.bild2_hi]
<trial fixation4>
/stimulustimes = [1= text.fixation]
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ validresponse = (fixation)
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ branch = [trial.bild2_lo]
<trial fixation1high>
/stimulustimes = [1= text.fixation]
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ validresponse = (fixation)
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ branch = [trial.manip1_hi]
<trial fixation1low>
/stimulustimes = [1= text.fixation]
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ validresponse = (fixation)
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ branch = [trial.manip1_lo]
<trial fixation2high>
/stimulustimes = [1= text.fixation]
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ validresponse = (fixation)
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ branch = [trial.manip2_hi]
<trial fixation2low>
/stimulustimes = [1= text.fixation]
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ validresponse = (fixation)
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ branch = [trial.manip2_lo]
-----trial Exp------------------
<trial manip1_hi>
/stimulustimes = [1=manip1]
/ timeout = manip1
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ branch = [trial.fixation1 ]
<trial manip1_lo>
/stimulustimes = [1=manip1]
/ timeout = manip1
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ branch = [trial.fixation2]
<trial bild1_hi>
/stimulustimes = [1=Productwithoutlabel1,highlabel1]
/trialduration = 25000
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ screencapture = true
/ branch = [surveypage.Kaufintention]
<trial bild1_lo>
/stimulustimes = [1=Productwithoutlabel1,lowlabel1]
/trialduration = 25000
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ screencapture = true
/ branch = [surveypage.Kaufintention]
<trial manip2_hi>
/stimulustimes = [1=manip2]
/ timeout = manip2
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ branch = [trial.fixation3 ]
<trial manip2_lo>
/stimulustimes = [1=manip2]
/ timeout = manip2
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ branch = [trial.fixation4;]
<trial bild2_hi>
/stimulustimes = [1=Productwithoutlabel2,highlabel2]
/trialduration = 25000
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ screencapture = true
/ branch = [surveypage.Kaufintention]
<trial bild2_lo>
/stimulustimes = [1=Productwithoutlabel2,lowlabel2]
/trialduration = 25000
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ screencapture = true
/ branch = [surveypage.Kaufintention]
--------------------Introduction task--------------------------
<trial fixationgroup1>
/stimulustimes = [1= text.fixation]
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ validresponse = (fixation)
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ branch = [trial.testvid1]
<trial testvid1>
/stimulustimes = [1=testvid1]
/ timeout = testvid1
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ branch = [trial.trialfixation1 ]
<trial trialfixation1>
/stimulustimes = [1= text.fixation]
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ validresponse = (fixation)
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ branch = [trial.testexp]
<trial testexp>
/stimulustimes = [1=picture.testbild1]
/trialduration = 25000
/ inputdevice = eyetracker
/ datastreams = eyetracker
/ branch = [surveypage.Kaufintention;]
<block testexp>
/trials = [1=fixationgroup1]
/preinstructions = (welcome, vorgehensweise)
<block testkon>
/trials = [1=fixationgroup2]
/preinstructions = (welcome,vorgehensweise)
<block exp>
/trials = [1-6=noreplace(fixation1high,fixation1low)]
/preinstructions = (Zwischentext)
/ postinstructions = (end)
<block con>
/trials = [1-6=noreplace(manip2_hi,manip2_lo)]
/preinstructions = (Zwischentext)
/ postinstructions = (end)
/blocks = [1=testexp; 2=exp]
/subjects = (1 of 2)
/blocks = [1=testexp; 2=con]
/subjects = (2 of 2)