Group: Forum Members
Posts: 29,
Visits: 175
Hi! We're getting a blank space on the bottom of trials on the iPad (suspiciously in a similar position and size to where a "Next" bar in an instruction block would appear). Nothing is missing, the images are just appearing higher on the screen.
<trial moral_crayon1> / stimulusframes = [1=moral_con_crayon,moral_incon_crayon,mask1] /validresponse=(mask1) / responsetrial = (mask1,moral_crayon2) /inputdevice=mouse </trial>
<trial moral_crayon2> / stimulusframes = [1=moral_con_crayon,moral_incon_crayon,mask2] / validresponse = (mask2) / responsetrial = (mask2,moral_resp_crayon) / inputdevice = mouse </trial>
<trial moral_resp_crayon> /stimulusframes= [1=moral_con_crayon,moral_incon_crayon] / validresponse = (moral_con_crayon,moral_incon_crayon) / inputdevice = mouse / correctresponse = (moral_con_crayon) </trial>
<block moral_crayon> / onblockbegin = [ values.1h = list.random_hposition1.nextvalue; values.2h = list.random_hposition1.nextvalue; ] / trials = [1=trial.moral_crayon1] </block>
<shape mask1> / shape = rectangle /color = #808080CC / size = (750,4500) / vposition = 100% / hposition = 85% </shape>
<shape mask2> / shape = rectangle /color= #808080CC / size = (750,4500) / vposition = 100% / hposition = 15% </shape>